Getting Started

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Running out of the pack house Airini shifted quickly, "This is why i buy from the charity shop."  She thought to herself as the remnants of her clothes fell off.
She had been at Alpha Zanes pack for two weeks and was beginning to see what work needed doing.
Pushing herself deeper into the woods towards the growling, she knew exactly where she would find him.
Slowing down to a jog, she approached the small clearing carefully.
There she saw the large dark brown wolf throwing himself around, attacking everything except the small stone headstone in the middle of the clearing.
Shifting, she grabbed a dress that the pack had left lying around and grabbed some shorts. Sighing, she stepped forward gaining the Alphas attention.
Snarling he began to make his way to her.
"No."  The word was spoken softly, but he still heard it and stopped despite the continuous snarling.
"You are safe, no one is going to claim you. We are here to help. I have given you and your pack time, now we need to move on. Talk to me, tell me what you need." Throughout her speech she moved forward, closer to the angry wolf.

The snarling had stopped and he was now breathing heavily. Smiling Airini held up the shorts." Shall we begin?" She raised her eyes towards the sky as the snapping of bones started and remained there as she felt the shorts removed from her hand.
"How do we do this?"  The deep timber was full of anguish. Lowering her eyes she sat down facing the headstone and waited for him to join her.
"What colour was her eyes?"  She could feel his confusion.
"What kind of blue?"
"Dark blue, like the sky at night when the sun is setting, her hair was red like the setting sun, especially when the light hit it." Airini nodded. "What was she like?" She heard the Alpha sigh. "Beautiful, she was everything a Luna should be. Kind, loving, faithful. Yet she was also a fighter.
She would protect the pack fiercely."
"One memory." It was quiet for a moment. "The day we met. I had gone to Alpha Becks pack and a she wolf was flirting with me. I wasn't interested in her as she wasn't my mate. My wolf perked up at the smell of chocolate brownies. Before i could move, she came up to us and spoke to the she wolf. She asked if she was mateless, when she said no she turned around and told her 'Then go find your mate instead of acting like a loose whore with mine'"
Airini couldn't help it as she started laughing." My goodness, i bet the poor woman's face was a picture." Alpha Zane shrugged." I knew then, she was perfect." Airini nodded.
"It is time for me to work. Remember what i told you?" The only response was a nod.
"Then we will return to the pack house. There we will do the ceremony and we will begin. Once a week we will lock ourselves in a room and talk. When your wolf is ready we will run together. I can help the human, but my wolf can help yours. Do you still wish for me to stay?"
Alpha Zane thought hard about it.
His wolf wasn't pleased about giving over the Lunas control, yet he knew that if he didn't, he would be forced to claim another. Neither human or wolf was ready for that. And both knew that to join his mate, he needed an heir.
With his mind made up he stood up. "What do we do first?"

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