Three Months

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Another two months had passed, and it had been hard on the Alpha.
He had screamed, cried, lashed out violently. And all through it Airini had been there to see him at his worst, they had talked about everything. Him about his family, pack and mate. She about being mateless, there was nothing they didn't discuss.
It was monday morning and they were both stood outside.
Airini had decided it was time for their wolves to meet.

"How does our wolves meeting help?" Alpha Zane asked.
Airini smiled, "You have grieved for the last two months. Your wolf needs to as well, we will let them take over and leave them to it."
Zane seemed dubious, his wolf howled to join his mate.
"My wolf does not want you, she will not engage with you. She merely wants to help you. Surely you understand that both you and your human are still needed as Alpha."
Zane could feel his wolf calming, almost agreeing with the she wolf.
Airini shifted first, Zane watched as the wolf lay down, her white fur with black tipped ears.
Shaking his head he too shifted his dark brown wolf taller than the she wolf, though he noticed she was slightly taller than a normal she wolf and couldn't help wonder if she would have been mated to an Alpha, since Luna's tend to be taller like the Alpha.
Shaking his head, he allowed his wolf to take over.
Airini's wolf knew when the Alpha gave control to his wolf and spared him a quick glance.
Slowly she stood up and moved closer to the Alpha wolf but not up to him. She lowered her head at him and slightly turned her neck, showing submission.
The confusion of the Alpha hit her hard and she sighed, at least he didn't try to kill her. She decides on her course of action and turned walking towards the lake half a mile away, not once looking back.
The Alpha watched as the she wolf walked away from him, curious he decided to follow her.
When they reached the lake both wolves stopped for a drink, the Alpha wolf slightly annoyed that this she wolf was still ignoring him.
As he watched her explore the area an idea came to mind and without warning he sprinted towards her and pushed her hard so she fell into the lake.
Airini's wolf knew everything that the Alpha was doing, even when he sprinted towards her, but she didn't expect to be pushed into the lake.
Climbing out she looked at the Alpha who seemed rather pleased with himself. The she wolf walked over to him and stared at the Alpha. Then without warning shook the water from her fur, wetting the Alpha at the same time.
The Alpha stood there shocked for a second before glaring at the she wolf. But a quick assessment of his body language assured the she wolf of his playfulness.
The Alpha leaped towards the she wolf, and with a yelp she took off.

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