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"You worry too much." I hear Knox say from opposite me.

I look up at him, detaching my teeth from my finger. He is drinking a cup of coffee while leaning on the kitchen counter, relaxed. The complete opposite of me right now.

I have been waiting beside my phone for three days now for the call from Stone Inc. if there will be any at all. The lady who had interviewed me had told me that I should receive a call within three days if I am hired so if after today I don't get any call I'm fucked.

I mentally roll my eyes at Knox, not wanting to do it obviously because no matter what, he is still my husband and I do not want to disrespect him like that but he just pisses me the fuck off sometimes.

He knows how much we need this job. How much I need it.

"Anyway, I have to get going." He tells me looking at the leather watch on his wrist. He pours the remnant of his coffee down the drain before dropping the dirty cup in the sink. "I'll see you later, babe." He says leaning down to kiss me, his stubble grazing my cheek lightly, before walking away.

At the click of the door, I take a deep breathe before taking a long look around our small, dainty apartment.

Knox and I have been married for almost a year now. At first it was great and we were both happy, but then five months later, Knox lost his job as a construction engineer. He became a bit depressed and pretty much sulked around the house all day not wanting to do anything. For the first month, I was understanding towards him, but then, eventually, it became frustrating having to go to work and then come home to clean up his mess. And then there was the problem of paying the bills.

Thankfully, two months ago, Knox finally got back to himself and got another job at a relatively smaller construction company downtown. It had less pay but at least it was something. Well, that was until my company was shut down last month due to bankruptcy and I became out of a job too. Now, we are barely getting by, which is why I desperately need this job. Plus, I'm going crazy having to stay at home all day with nothing to do but clean, do laundry, and watch tv.

I have been applying for different jobs around town and till now no one has called back which has been so discouraging but I couldn't allow myself feel down about it. A week ago, I saw the ad for the job of a personal assistant at Stone Inc. a multibillion dollar company in Seattle and I quickly perked up at the opportunity although I was fairly sure that the probability of me getting the job was next to none, I tried anyway. The job wasn't specific but at this point, I didn't care. Anything was better than nothing.

After some minutes of staring at my phone once more, willing it to ring -which it didn't, I decide to get up and begin my day. I quickly clean up the plates Knox and I used for breakfast before going to take a long shower.

Once out, I blow dry my hair and get dressed. I hear the ring of my phone which is on charge, and I rush to it desperately hoping it is from Stone Inc. only to see it's a call from my best friend, Megan.

I groan before picking up. "Hey, Meg." I greet, sitting on the bed.

"What's up, girl!" Her ever chirpy tone is heard over the phone. "We still meeting up at Bakers Treat?"

Oh shit. I had totally forgotten.

"Um, of course. What time?" I ask her biting my bottom lip.

"How about, say, in an hour?"

"Alright. I'll be there. Bye."

"Bye boo." She says before we hang up.

For the next half hour I entertain myself with movies and going through the job column in newspapers. After today passes, I will need to apply for more jobs after all.

Then, I go dress in a black pair of high waist jeans and simple cheetah print crop top, pairing the look with simple gold sandals. I leave my blonde shoulder length hair in its natural waves and apply minimal make up before leaving the house.

Bakers Treat is a bustling dessert shop in Seattle metropolitan area. It was always packed full at noon so I absolutely dreaded being there then, which is why Megan and I always made sure to come there in the morning time when there are less people. It's a plus that another one of our friends, Hailey worked there.

As soon as I walk in, I immediately spot Meg with her wild Afro mane which complimented her smooth mocha skin making her distinguishable in a large crowd, sitted at our usual spot in the back. I see her with Hailey who is pouring her a cup of coffee, Megan's lifeline.

"Hey guys." I say, alerting them of my presence.

"Hey Nicki!" They greet back and we share brief hugs.

"Took you long enough." Meg says jokingly.

"Shut up." I tell her with a laugh while Hailey leaves to get our usual.

"You look a mess." Meg says casually while eyeing my form.

Megan and I have been friends since high school back in Boston. We had both agreed to move to the capital to further our education where we attended University of Washington. Megan studied Journalism while I studied business. She now owns her own blog which is doing pretty good, while freelancing and writing articles for magazines.

It was in university where we met Hailey, who had turned out to be our room mate. We all immediately clicked and have been friends since. It was also where I met Knox.

I look down at my outfit which looks perfectly fine to me before looking back up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Internally, I mean. And those eye bags," she fakes a shudder. "I would think that with you home all day, you'd at least be getting some sleep." She says, I could see the worry in her deep brown eyes. "Did you get the job?"

"I don't know." I sigh. "They said if I did I would be called within three days and this is the third day, nothing."

She puts her hand atop mine, squeezing softly. "Don't worry. Even if you don't get it, another one will come by. Job opportunities are like men." She tells me with a smart look on her face.

I chuckle at the comparison. "No, they are not."

She gives a whatever look before waving her hand dismissively. "Maybe not, but you catch my drift."

Hailey comes then dropping a plate of raspberry-lemon cream cake for Megan and an apple pie for me, before she plops into the seat next to me.

"God," Hailey groans. "I'm this close to quitting, I swear. Damien is an absolute dick."

Megan let's out a laugh before wiggling her brows. "Don't you mean, you want his dick?"

Hailey glares at her indicting a loud laugh that has a few people looking in our direction. Everyone knew that Damien, the manager of Bakers Treat absolutely had the hots for Hailey, well, everyone but the lady in question. Rather, she absolutely hates his guts and he doesn't exactly make up for it by acting mean to her ever since she had innocently turned him down some time ago. It seemed she had bruised his ego, but in light of his recent behavior, Hailey didn't regret her decision one bit.

"Well, whenever you do quit, feel free to leave a recommendation for me." I tell her, digging into my drool worth apple pie. If I ever did work here, I would find a way to get the 'secret' recipe for my favorite dessert.

"Still no call back?" Hailey asks with a frown.

I shake my head at her.

"Well, at least you don't have to foot the bill all alone. That would have been worse." Megan says, trying to make me feel better but not succeeding at all.

"But Knox's pay doesn't really do much, at least compared to his last job." I say lowly.

At the mention of Knox, as usual, Hailey rolls her eyes so deeply, I briefly fear they will pop out of their sockets. "I honestly wonder what you ever saw in the guy." She says for the thousandth time this year alone.

Both my friends had never understood what I saw in Knox even after all this time, they thought he was plain, boring and as exciting as watching paint dry and they had both been very vocal about their dislike for him, Hailey more so. Quite frankly, Knox too hated their guts so the feeling was entirely mutual.

I never really understood why, but I did sometimes see some truth in the things they said about him although I never wanted to admit it to myself. Back when we were dating, Knox was more fun, spontaneous and exciting. Granted, we were younger and in college back then living our best lives. And then we got married and everything changed. Sometimes, I feel like we were just flat mates which makes no sense at all.

However, I still felt the need to defend his honor. "He's not as bad as you guys think, besides, I love him so can we please not get into this conversation again."

"Fine by me." Meg says raising her hands in surrender before returning to the half eaten dessert before her, while Hailey just keeps quiet with a small frown on her face.

Thankfully, for the rest of the brunch we steer clear of touchy subjects and just have light conversation. That is, until Damien orders Hailey to return to her job unless she wouldn't have one after today and Meg leaves saying she had to see the editor of a magazine downtown, so we all go our separate ways.

I return home, and right there at the door, I receive a call from an unknown number, the call I had been waiting for for three freaking days informing me that I got the job. Thank god it was working hours otherwise the neighbors would have suspected I was mentally ill.

Please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter. I really really appreciate the support and it makes writing a lot more fun knowing that people actually like what I'm writing lol. X

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