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Today is my first day at Stone Inc. and to say I am nervous would be a huge understatement. As my heels click against the pavement, I can practically hear the quick, rhythmic pounding of my heart against my chest.

I had really wanted to make a good impression so I went all out in a red chiffon top with a ruffle at the edge of the sleeve and a black and white checkered skirt.

I felt sexy as well as professional, but all that almost went along with the mild wind the moment I finally stood before the intimidating Stone Inc. building which looked to be a thousand floors up into the sky but in reality it was only 53 floors. I remember that from the last time I was here.

This is it, Nicole. I breathe to myself deeply before raising my chin up, straightening my back and walking in.

As soon as I felt the cool Air Con come in contact with my skin, I was immediately grateful for my choice of clothing because I blended right in with the well dressed corporate workers hurrying up and down to their various destinations.

My last job had been in the accounting department at a relatively smaller company and that was the most significant job I have had in all my 23 years of living so being here, in this massive building surrounded by extreme professionals was utterly nerve racking to say the least.

I walk up to the front desk, spotting a dark haired lady sitted behind it with her head down. At the sound of my heels, she looks up at me before a polite smile slips onto her face.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" She asks.

"Hi." I practically stammer. "I'm Nicole Smith. I'm here for-" she cuts me off.

"Oh, hi!" She says excitedly with a bigger smile. "It's so nice to meet you. You can go right up to the 40th floor to Amanda's office, it's the last door to your left. The elevator is right that way." She informs me, pointing out the direction.

I'm immediately grateful. "Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome. I'm Brittney, by the way." She introduces herself with an outstretched hand which I receive, eager to make a friend in this place.

"It's nice to meet you, Brittney."

"Same here. Maybe we can go out for lunch sometime but for now you should probably head up. Amanda hates tardiness." She emphasizes.

I immediately leave her desk and practically run to the elevator which was just about to leave. I heave a grateful sigh once I'm successfully in it and it begins its steady ascent to other floors before finally, the 40th floor. I bite my lower lip as my nervousness sets in once again.

Not giving it anytime to grow, the elevator doors slide open and I walk out to a large office area with several cubicles. I go to the far left, per Brittney's instructions, where I see a door with the name Amanda Johnson engraved on a gold plate. I knock on the door, immediately receiving a response, before I walk in.

"Take a sit, Nicole." She tells me as soon as she spots me.

I take a sit on one of the white posh chairs opposite her desk, discreetly looking around her office. It's nice and themed in all white which is very classy. Much like its occupant.

I look back up at her to see her standing up from her seat to come stand before me. She's in a white female dress shirt inside paired with simple black slacks and blazer. A smile comes to her otherwise stoic face which surprises me briefly.

"Right on time, I like that." She commends with a nod before leaning against the desk with her arms folded. "And so will Mr Stone. He isn't in yet but he will be soon."

I'm shocked at that. "Mr Stone?"

I knew I was going to be an assistant but I didn't know it would be to the freaking CEO of the company, whom from what I have read is colder that freaking Iceland in winter. I'm not set up for this.

Welcome to the corporate world, Nicole.

"Yes. You will be his new personal assistant as he had just fired the 4th one in two weeks. The job is pretty easy; do as he says, stay out of his way when you are not needed, make sure everything is in order because he is obsessed with everything being a certain way, and that's pretty much it." She tells me casually, ending with a grin and clapping her palms together. This makes me gulp inaudibly.

Everything sounded so easy to do but then if it really was why would he be firing assistants like ducks.

No, you can't think like that, Nicole. You need this job.

And I did, especially after she listed off all the numerous benefits to me, which is why I found myself giving Amanda a small smile before finding myself on yet another elevator but this time to the 53rd floor where Ryder Stone's office was.

The 53rd floor was massive and from what I saw, mostly occupied by board rooms and executive offices. I went to the space where Amanda had described to me, that would serve as my office.

Honestly, I had been expecting some small, cramped area with a desk and a chair, and I'd have have been fine with that, but what I didn't expect was a full on office with floor space, a couch, a shelf and an amazing view of the city.

I couldn't help the grin that came to my face in that moment even if I tried. This is it.

This job is practically a dream come true.

Incredible pay. Check.

Great health benefits. Check.

Bomb ass office. Check.

The hours, I was told, will be flexible which wasn't exactly great or certain but right now I don't mind. Now, it's just left to evaluate my boss.

The minute he came to my mind, I heard the sound of the intercom linked to only his office ring.

With a grin, I pick it up. "Yes, sir."

"My office, now." He growls out immediately unsettling me.

I hightail it to his office to find him looking through a heap of files on his desk. "How many times have I told you to arrange these in alphabetical order for easier assessment, Mariah, or are you so dense that you don't a understand a thing I say?" He fumes before looking up at me with the same anger depicted through his voice, in his eyes.

I gulp loudly, wringing my fingers together as his cold blue eyes land on me and a confused look comes to his face. "Who are you?"

"I'm Nicole. Um, Mariah's replacement." I tell him, nervous from the look he was giving me.

I began to take in his striking features and I felt like my breath was taken away. Literally.

Wow, God really took his time with him, Was the first thing that came to my head.

He has short dark brown hair and the most striking blue eyes I have ever seen, which is partially hidden behind his full dark lashes. His face looked perfectly contoured and chiseled in all the the right places, his strong lower jaw littered by short, well kept facial hair. I was never much of a fan of beards, I only tolerated them because Knox kept some but on this man, they looked ridiculously sexy. His nose is straight and pointed and underneath it his lips lay, lush, pink and absolutely kissable.

I would have gone on and on, staring at him unabashedly, forgetting that I had a husband at home, if it wasn't for the deep scowl on his face making me stop.

"Are you done?" He asked, his lips curling up in a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

I felt my face flush in embarrassment before clearing my throat and tangling my fingers. "Yes, sir."

"Good." He nodded, his scowl returning. "Now, get these documents off my desk and go arrange them alphabetically. I don't want to see you again until that is done." He dismisses me before taking his gaze to the apple laptop on his desk.

I quickly rush to pick up the documents before scurrying out of the room. Amanda's words came to my head, "Stay out of his way when you are not needed."

With a huff I return to my office to begin rearranging.

Asshole boss. Double check.

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