Chapter 14 Hibiscus POV

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Hibiscus flicked her wrists again, making the odd HiveWing go deeper into the flytrap. She kept continuing until only his head stuck out. Then she stepped out of the shadows, where she was lurking, and scowled up at him.

"Why are you here?" Her voice cut through the silence.

"You little- give me one good reason to tell you."

"Because you got yourself in this. If you didn't follow us, you wouldn't be in a flytrap." She smirked. Sitting back, she examined her claws.

There was a pause. "I'd rather die than listen to you talk."

"'re giving me deja vu."


"And I can easily kill you right now."

"You can try. I flicked you off like a beetle."

"I was driven by anger, whaddya expect?" Hibiscus snapped.

There was a long pause. "Surely you wouldn't want to ruin a good-looking dragon like this?" He gave a toothy grin.

Hibiscus had her back turned to the HiveWing, so when he said those words, she stiffened and a little bit of red was on her face.

"What in the name of Palanta do you mean?" She twisted her neck to look at the prisoner with a sideways look.

He huffed and explained. "I mean, I'm so handsome and beautiful, so why would you ruin a perfectly handsome dragon?"

Handsome and beautiful are an understatement. A blush crept on her cheeks as her stupid brain had this thought.

"Please, don't flatter yourself." Hibiscus said. "What's your name?"

"Pest-I mean, Polyplax."

"Well, Polyplax, I'm Hibiscus."

"Ah, so you're that dragon that the LeafWing and the SilkWing were talking about. Must be pretty special, huh?" He gave a goofy grin.

"Ok then. You wanna play that game?" Hibiscus walked up to him, a grin on her face. When she was close, she slapped him harshly. "FOCUS."

"That wasn't necessary. Besides, Wasp will find me and shatter your friends and snap your neck."

"She can try." Hibiscus said.

"And she will try. And she will win."

"I can kill you, ya know."

"Then what? The army will hear my screams and you and your friends would face an ugly death."

"Then ugly death it is." Hibiscus huffed, facing away from him again.

Suddenly the HiveWing let out an agonizing roar. Hibiscus whipped around and saw him burning the plant. Summoning more plants, she kept wrapping them around the dragon, no matter how many times he broke them. Tired of all the plants wrapping around him, Polyplax went limp, making the other dragon so surprised that she released the vines from him. He fell forward, landing on her. "Oof!" She grunted, landing on her back. Looking up, she saw that Polyplax's and her snout were almost touching.

Blushing furiously, she tried to knock him off, whacking him with her wings. "Sorry sweetheart, but I gotta roll." He got off, getting to his feet.

"Not so fast." Sundew came out and had vines wrap him up again, taking him to a pool of water, and dumped his talons underneath, so he won't be able to use his flamesilk.

"We need to interrogate you, harass you." Sundew said, then looked at Hibiscus, still red from the incident. "Not the other way around."

"You take care of him. I'm going over to find Blue and Cricket." Hibiscus said, her cheeks blush dying down.

"Don't leave me with her." Polyplax complained.

Great dragons...he's a goof...but I'll admit to myself, and no one else...he's kind of, maybe, barely...cute...

Hibiscus flushed, cursing at her cheeks. No emotion, no emotion, no emotion... She kept repeating with her eyes closed. We'll get information soon enough. 

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