Chapter 15 Polyplax POV

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Polyplax wasn't expecting to be having an alliance with the LeafWings. Then again, he didn't have a choice.

From what he knew, he was being dragged over to their village. He couldn't see anything due to a blindfold on him. He was glad they didn't knock him unconscious, he's been through that enough to know that it does not feel good. He tried convincing them to take it off, but it didn't end well.

He could hear dragons scurrying around, and he could almost feel all of them were looking at him. Finally he heard a surprised yelp of joy. "H-honeycomb?!"

"Canopy!" 'Honeycomb' said happily.

He could tell 'Canopy' looked nervous. "What's a HiveWing doing here?"

"Dad, he's here because we think he's like Cricket, a non-follower." He heard Hibiscus explain.

I'm no traitor, am I? I mean, I did attack Wasp...

"Canopy, he's done all these terrible things to us." Honeycomb aruptedly blurted.

"WHAT?" Canopy roared.

"But--he also saved you, mom." Hibiscus jumped in.

"Yes that enough for what other things he's done?"

"W-well he was being ordered by Wasp!" She said, defending him.

"That means he's still loyal to HER!"

"That was in the past! Gosh dangit, you're all idiots!" Hibiscus snapped. From what he heard, she stormed off into the jungle.

"Wait!" Polyplax yelled. He shook his head and the blindfold came off.

"HE'S GOING TO REPORT US TO QUEEN WASP!!! CATCH HIM!!!" A LeafWing said. He ignored the LeafWing and ran after Hibiscus. "HE'S ATTACKING MY DAUGHTER!!" Canopy roared.

Great. Now I'm a fugitive in all three tribes.

He tore the vines that were pinning his wings and grabbed a branch, using his momentum to launch himself away from the scene. Once he couldn't find anyone, he looked around for Hibiscus. He saw a flash of red and knew immediately it was her. "Hibiscus!" He called.

He saw her ears prick up. "Up here!" He called again.

"Hey Polyplax." there was no doubt she was sad. The way her head was tilted, the way her wings drooped, and most of all that gave it away, her frown.

"Fear not!" Polyplax said, trying to lift her mood. "It is I, your handsome knight in shining armor."

Hibiscus chuckled. It was hard to catch, but a small tint of pink flushed her face.

"I just want you to know this." Polyplax started, his eyes staring into her's. "All of those dragons are dummies, with a few exceptions, but're perfect." He mumbled the last part, inaudible to her ears.

"Huh? I didn't hear the last part."

"Nothing. Just continuing how dumb some dragons are."

"Yeah." Hibiscus agreed.

"So...I'm a fugitive in all the tribes."

"Not to the SilkWings."

Polyplax laughed at this. "Don't you know the SilkWings are slaves to the HiveWings? They do whatever we say." He noticed the look on Hibiscus's face and stopped laughing.

There was a silence for about 15 seconds until Hibiscus broke it. "You looked like a HiveWing, though you have SilkWing wings." She tilted her head.

"Oh, I got an infection from a SilkWing."

Hibiscus gave him a skeptical look but continued on. "And that LeafWing part?" She pointed to the skin between his spikes.

"No idea."




"You never really told me what you are. "

Hibiscus hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm a hybrid. Between all the tribes. You know, Leaf, Silk, and Hive."

Polyplax nodded. "Makes sense."

An angry voice called out. "HIBISCUS! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" Canopy roared furiously.

"I'd better go so they don't think you're a murderer." She chortled. "See ya."

Polyplax silently waved to her. He turned around to get further away from the angry hoard of LeafWings. He walked until he was out of earshot. Then he lay down and closed his eyes.

He was awoken by a rustling noise. He looked around rapidly and examined every hiding place he saw. Claws trapped his shoulders and whipped him around.

"There you are." Honeycomb hissed, though it wasn't her voice. Her eyes were pearl white.

"You're coming with me."

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