Chapter 1

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Fear that roots you to the ground. Fear that possesses you and completely takes control. Fear that makes you unable to act.

So this is what it feels like to be truly afraid for someone.

I couldn't take my eyes off the gun leveled at me. The cold hard steel glinted in the light.

But it was his eyes and not the gun that made me shudder. Cold as ice and hard like steel, unforgiving, without any trace of mercy.

Something drove him to this extent. There was resolve and desperation in his eyes along with a trace of guilt and....fear?

When I looked in his eyes, I knew that someone was going to die.

For the first time, I understood just how terrifying this situation was and realized how this could go wrong in so many ways.

I tried to moisten my lips but it was dry like dust. The Glock in his hands never wavered. It stood firmly pointed towards me.

"Y...You don't want to do this!"

I tried to sound commanding but my voice came out weak and broken.

"Just cooperate with me... I don't want this either... please just do as I say and I won't have to kill you. "

Maybe it was the rushing in my ears, but his voice sounded cold and harsh and I was afraid... Very very afraid.

I looked at the barrel of the gun and glared angrily at him with whatever little courage I had. I held my head up in defiance looking at him straight in the eyes and tried my best to avoid looking at his hands that held the monstrosity.

"Fine.. We will play this your way. But you should know that there will be consequences to this. So what do you want from me exactly?" I spat with derision.

He suddenly jerked his head toward the side and winced. I could hear him breathing, hard and fast.

"Shut up!" he yelled suddenly and held the hand without the gun near his ear.

I could see the tremors course through his body and his hands were shaking slightly.

This felt dangerous. He was acting really strangely and I was afraid... Not just for my own safety but for his too.

Slowly, he forced his eyes to travel upwards, beyond the unwavering Glock. I met his gaze but didn't recognize him. It was a look I had never seen on his face, and I had the ability to read many different emotions when I look in a person's eyes.

"Follow me without alerting the others!" He ordered me with a sad but resolved expression .

"Or I'll kill you."

I flinched slightly at his words. Surprisingly, the words didn't bother me much. I kept my eyes forward, glued to his eyes and tried to avoid looking at the gun.

Rationally, I knew that I should be concerned.... Afraid even.

Something was definitely wrong and it would be my life in danger. But in front of him, I stood firmly like a mountain without moving an inch.

"Tell me.. just.. Please tell me... Why are you doing this? It's not like you. I.. I know you don't want to do this either... I can help you... whatever it is you have gotten yourself into.. So please talk to me... Tell me what made you go so far?" I said in a soothing and calm manner trying to placate him.

I didn't want him to do something that he would later regret. I knew he was already regretting this.

He bit his lips nervously and slowly lowered his gun. His eyes welled up with tears and he looked at me with such sadness that made my heart constrict.

"I.. I am sorry.. Sorry.. Sorry" he sobbed. My heart ached as he broke down in tears.

I moved closer to him. He suddenly flinched and tensed up. His hand twitched and started to move as if he wanted to shoot.

I tried to swallow, but between my dry mouth and his strange and unusual behaviour... I couldn't find the moisture for it.

"No! you need to back off. I want you to follow me... Please you have to do this or they will..."
He yelled suddenly and his weapon was firmly clutched in his hand pointed towards me.

I looked towards him blankly and put on an unreadable expression that I usually adopt when I play poker.

"Please.. Just follow me okay" he repeated trying to choke his sobs as tears streamed across his face without any sign of stopping.

So that's why I wasn't afraid of him.. It wasn't that I was afraid of him or of the figure of looming death... But I was afraid for him.

For a moment, I closed my eyes and then I looked at him.

I could see his face breaking in cold sweat and he was starting to shake as tremors coursed through his body. He needed to calm down, he needed to focus. It looked like he was going to have a panic attack.

In front of him, I stood still immovable and calm, I remained firm and strong as I watched him as he tried to push the panic down.

"All right then... I will do what you say.. Try to stay calm and breathe slowly with me."

He nodded and looked grateful as he tried to mimic my breathing. The gun was lowered and he seemed to calm down.

"T.. Thank you" he said smiling but his eyes were filled with deep sadness and grief.

... Now you must all be wondering just what exactly is going on and why is a hostage trying to calm down and help a gunman.

Just what the heck is going on here?

Let me start at the beginning... The very beginning of our story.

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