Chapter 2

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7 years ago

I walked towards work cheerfully. I loved this job. Being able to solve crimes and help others was really an exciting aspect of my job.

Oh wait... I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Special Agent Marcus A. Caruso, an extremely good looking agent who works for the FBI violent and unusual crimes division Also known as the special investigation department.

We get all sorts of unusual or violent cases, cold cases that other divisions dump on us or cases that no one wants to or has the time to solve.

It's usually the really annoying or hard cases that others find troublesome but since my team has really smart and rather eccentric people we have a really high crime solve rate.

Isn't that just great!

Sigh... How did I even end up in this division?

"yo bic mac... wassuuuup. How is it hanging dude? " Agent Eric, my teammate said cheerfully like we were at a party and not at work.

I sighed and looked at the dark skinned, charming wannabe rapper who ended up somehow working for the FBI.

"I told you not to call me big mac" I said annoyed.

"yo yo yo Marcus for an m, The A is a mystery I know not of and c for da Caruso. Gimme a M. Gimme a A. Gimme a C.... Yo yo yo You geeeet a big big mac." Eric rapped.

My eyes twitched in irritation and I took deep breaths to calm down so I don't accidently punch my friend in the face.... Accidentally of course.

Yup that's why he couldn't be a rapper. That was horrible and he totally off key.

"So what do you want?" I asked, still cringing from the big Mac song and trying to erase my memory to avoid the cringe.

"Ohhhh yeah man totally forgot...those four eyes spooks from cybers got total spooked ya no. Ohhh spooks get spooked.... That would totally sell". He said thoughtfully.

"Oh! So the technicians from the cyber division need help for a case . You know I am not good with the computer stuff." I was probably the only person here who understood half of anything that he tried to say.

He suddenly looked at me with a serious and sad expression. I wished I had a camera. I never saw him this serious. He was always fooling around like a clown.

"This one's real bad man... Like real real bad. We gotta help them spooks man." Eric said seriously.

Okay. This must be really bad then to make my friend this serious and so willing to do anything work related.

"No worries Eric. We will help them" I promised him.

"Oh yeah i almost forgot here this one's for you. I cordially invite you to attend my daughter's birthday party" I said handing him a birthday card.

"That's so rad man. Amy turning six this year ya? Ohhh I got a cool rap for her. I name it Party with the six. I gonna sing it at da party.. Woo hooo". He yelled excitedly.

"yup she is turning six tommorow. And... Uhh it's fine you don't have to sing but the thought means a lot to me." I grinned nervously hoping desperately that he understood that I didn't want him to sing.

"No need for all da formal crap duuuude. Chill I gotta sing. Fing a linga chicken chicken wing. Woo hoo see ya at da party bic mac. Don't forget to get me some big big macs.... Ohh! Oh yeah big mac getting da big big mac. I could sing that too at the party. Gonna get some gifts for the lady too." He ran off excited before I could stop him.

I cringed. No way am I going to let him sing and expose my poor little angel Amy to the horrors of his rap.

Hmmm I still have some time left. Maybe I should see what the spooks want....

I knew he was a bad influence. Now even I was starting to refer to the cyber division technicians as spooks.

I wonder what they wanted... It must be really bad to make Eric so serious and willing to work.

It doesn't matter what it is... I will definitely help.

There's no way we won't be able to solve it considering all the strange and eccentric people that were mercilessly dumped in the violent and unusual crimes division.

They may all be strange but working together we have a 99% crime solve rate.

What was that 1% that we couldn't solve you ask?

Well that's a story for Another day. Another time.

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