Chapter 15: More training

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Ethan, Sat Jan 24th 2015

I'm looking at my sweet boy, sleeping soundly, his brown hair all over the pillow, his face completely relaxed. Tonight was amazing! Once again, he amazed me by how naturally he submits to me. He remembered all the rules I exposed to him to the letter as well as the kneeling position I had taught him last Tuesday. More than the fact that he can replicate it, it is the way his muscles relax when he kneels that tells me he is more of a submissive than he thinks. Or the way he offered himself to me afterward!

I expected that being in my playroom would trigger some bad memories for him. What I didn't expect, though, was how he managed to face his fears! I had planned to have sex with him in my bedroom after we confronted his dark memories in the room, I hadn't thought he would want to use the very instrument that almost caused him to experience a panic attack! I almost harden again when I remember the sight of him all shaved and tied to the bench. I never had such a beautiful Sub before!

I take one last peek at his gorgeous face before going back to the living room. I have a few adjustments to make in my flat now that he is living there, and I didn't have time to go back here before our dinner yesterday. I gather all my wine and liquor bottles in the same cabinet that I lock. Then I check the number of beers in the fridge for future reference. Perhaps it would be best to remove all kind of temptation, but I will trust him at first and change my strategy if he shows me I shouldn't.

As he left his coat in the living room, it's easy to retrieve his pack of cigarettes, and I make a mental note of the number left in it as I intend to closely monitor his consumption. He is bound to try to break the rules I set, this always happen at the beginning of a relationship with a new Sub, however eager he is. Of course, he will be punished when he does, and hopefully, it won't take too many mistakes before he learns to fully respect my direction. Also, I don't know how much of an addict he is. I have seen how devious they can be when you begin to control the subject of their dependence.

It seems to have been easy with Luke as far as I can tell, but it can get pretty ugly sometimes. I remember very well how long Keith had to struggle with his own drug addiction. That is the only time I forbade him to see some of his friends ever again. I know, controlling much, but what would you have me do when they only encouraged him to go back into his bad habits and sell this shit for their own profits? This part of the discussion yesterday seems to have scared Anthony but I don't think any of his friends are drug dealers so he should be safe on that point.

To be fair, I only really use the full control Submissives have agreed to give me when I have to punish them. Otherwise I often let them do what they want, as long as they ask for permission, barely suggesting changes if I feel there is a better way to organize their days. Okay if I'm perfectly honest, I often try to get a blowjob out of them before agreeing, but I could simply order it like other Doms do. In any case, I just need to feel I have the control, that sends shivers down my spine.

Like yesterday when he offered me to choose his clothes for him. I would have had a hard time letting go of deciding how my Sub dresses, but I would have done it, had he requested it. He might still ask that I stop in the future. But controlling the physical appearance of my Pets is something I have always deeply enjoyed. Perhaps this has to do with the fact I just love fashion so much. In any case I can't wait to buy him a whole new wardrobe! I also hope he will agree on a new haircut, I think he would look way better with his hair a bit shorter and a more modern style.

I go back to my bedroom and climb into the bed. As soon as I lay down, my boy snuggles against me with a happy sigh. I kiss his forehead and put my arm around him. I am very lucky he agreed to be my Sub, I think to myself, while I slowly doze off.

* * *

I wake up at 8am the next morning, in the same position. I usually need less sleep, but I guess Thursday night tired me a bit. My little angel is still curled against my side, his head resting on my chest. I slowly disentangle myself and manage not to awake him as I get up. He told me he usually has trouble sleeping, so I can let him have a late morning. I put on some sweatpants, go in the kitchen to fix me some coffee, then sit down in my home office to work for a while.

I will also work this afternoon when Anthony goes to meet with Zach – I called the little devil yesterday and he was more than happy to make some time for him today. The rest of the time will be used training my new Sub. And perhaps playing a bit with him tonight, if he is not too sore from yesterday. We also have to go pick up his clothes to his apartment at some point and if there is some time left, we will definitely make a stop at one shop or another for clothes.

It is almost 10am when I see my sleepy boy wandering in the corridor, only wearing the pair of light blue boxer briefs I had chosen for him yesterday. He is so beautiful! Maybe I should add a rule to make him wear only underwear in the apartment. No, that would be a bit too much, perhaps. I will just insist on the fact I find it very hot and perhaps he will pick up on that habit.

"Did you sleep well, Pet?" I ask, clearly startling him, since he jumps a little. I stand up and approach him.

"Very well, thank you, Master!" he replies. As always when he calls me like this, my cock twitches. Down little guy, down! Let's have breakfast before having sex. Besides, he must be a little sore from last night. That doesn't prevent me from lifting his chin with one hand, the other one gently caressing his left buttock, and kissing him good morning.

"You are beautiful, Pet! Very sexy in just your underwear... I love it!" I whisper in his ear.

"Thanks, Master!" he answers, blushing.

"Is everything okay down there?" I ask him, gently pinching his ass.

"I feel great Master!"

"Good!" I whisper in his ear. "That way we will be able to play more tonight."

"Only tonight?" he whimpers. I was trying to refrain myself you little minx!

"Let's have breakfast first, Pet."

"I wouldn't mind having you as my breakfast, Master," he replies seductively with mischievous eyes. My breath suddenly accelerates as I feel a huge wave of lust hit me. I'm definitely done playing nice!

"Kneel Pet!" I command. He gets on his knees with his hand behing his back in a fluid motion. We will still have to practice on this later today, but he is quite graceful already. His posture is almost perfect, and I only had to show him twice. He looks at ease, perfectly relaxed and is wearing a small smile that shows me that what is happening is exactly what he wants.

"Look at me, Pet!" and his golden hazel eyes lock with mine. "Don't break eye contact!" I lower my sweatpants and underwear, then take my shaft with one hand. I begin to trace the outline of his lips with my mushroom head. "You can use your tongue to play with it!" He does just that: his wet muscle begins to swirl around the tip of my cock in a very sexy way, sending tingles of pleasure in my body.

"Open wide, Pet!" I order when I've had enough of his teasing. I slowly enter his mouth, with both my hands behind his head. I don't stop until I hear him gagging and I go just a bit further, then wait a few seconds until I let go of his head and get out. "Catch your breath!" I command as he coughs for a bit.

"Sorry Master!" he says meekly.

"Don't apologize, Pet. I'm going to train you a bit with deep-throating now," I warn him. "This will probably make you gag a lot, but the sound turns me on, so don't try to refrain it. You should stay as relaxed as you can. You know what to do if it becomes too much, don't you?"

"Yes, Master, I will shake my hands in my back," he replies eagerly.

"I am very serious, Pet! This time, I want to see where your limits are so I trust you to do this as soon as you don't find it arousing anymore, is that clear?"

"Yes, Master! I'm ready." I can only see determination in his eyes, so I enter his mouth again. I don't stop when he gags this time, going slowly the whole way down his throat. I watch not only for his hands for the gesture we agreed on, but also if he tenses in any way or if his own member deflates. I am very pleased to see none of this! I keep his head against my pubis a few seconds before pulling almost out. Even then there is only lust in his eyes. Then I thrust in his channel again. I go like this four more times before I let him catch his breath.

"You're doing perfect, Pet," I reassure him while he coughs loudly.

"I can take more, Master," he replies when he has caught his breath. That is good to know, but I still keep on training him at my pace, only increasing the intensity of my deep-throating bit by bit. New Subs sometimes try too hard to please their Master, and they go over their limits without safewording. As I don't want that to happen, I watch for other signs of his potential discomfort.

Except there truly are none as far as I can see. As I end up pounding roughly in his throat while he gags loudly, his erection has only swelled more, and there is a small pool of precum in front of him. Most Subs have their own limits at gagging once or twice, but it looks like he really doesn't mind the rough face-fuck. We are going to do just great together, Pet! Of course this is so exciting that I quickly release at the back of his throat with a very loud groan.

"You have been a very good boy!" I congratulate him. That makes him beam like a six-year old in a candy store. I will never tire on praising him when he deserves it, only this will make him stop his tendencies to self-loath. "Did you feel any major discomfort?"

"It was hot, Master!" he replies. Oh boy! If you keep asking for more, you may be surprised by what you get!

"Keep on like this and you will get a very nice reward tonight, Pet! For now, I believe you deserve a blowjob," I say as I gently push him to my bedroom and throw him on the bed.

After said blowjob that made my cute boy squeal we dress back, me into my sweatpants and him in his boxer briefs, before we go eat the real breakfast. Then I take him on a tour of the apartment. He already saw the living room, the kitchen, my bedroom with its walk-in closet, the balcony and the playroom. So there is only the two guest rooms and my home office to show him.

"Master, can I have a cigarette on the balcony?" he asks then.

"You can, Pet. But you will brush your teeth after that." I don't plan on changing his smoking habits just yet. Perhaps removing one in the day as a punishment sometimes, but nothing too much. When he is done, we shower together – that will take care of the smell. I love to wash his dark blonde hair and his slender body. Of course, that wakes up someone down there. I didn't think I would do anything about it but he asked if he could take care of it! Who am I to refuse such a good boy what he wants?

"This morning, I will train you with the positions you have to know, Pet," I explain as I dry him. "You will only put on your boxer briefs and go wait for me in the living room, kneeling."

I take my time to dry and dress myself. As I walk into the living room five minutes later, I am very pleased to see that he is waiting in the right position on the cushion I had left. This time he doesn't look up when he hears me coming. I turn around him then stand just before him and wait. After ten minutes, he still hasn't looked up, which is very good.

"This was a test, Pet! And you passed it brilliantly." I praise. He still doesn't look up. Someone is avoiding all my traps it seems!

"Such a good boy! You can look up now!" As he does, I see that he is smiling brightly. Training him will be very easy if he continues to behave like this. "As you understood it very well, Pet, you are not supposed to look up until I tell you so. You are also not supposed to talk unless I asked you a question. This is only when we are completely in Master/Sub mode of course. In the playroom or at the club for instance. In the day to day life, you can look at me in the eyes and speak as much as you want, as long as it is in a respectful way. Is this clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy! Now your position was almost perfect, let me just correct a few things," I say before I help him adjust his position.

"Now stand up. For the Standing Display position, your hands should still be laced behind your back, which you are to keep straight, your eyes should be lowered. Like this yes. When I tell you to kneel, you should go from this position to Kneeling Display in one fluid motion, is that clear?"

"Yes Master."

"Then try it, kneel!" Of course it's not perfect on the first try, but after half an hour of trials, he is doing it very gracefully.

"Now there are two other positions that go together. Standing and kneeling attention. For Standing attention, your feet should be together and your arms along your body, hand on the side of your thighs. Your head should be lowered... You're doing it perfectly, Pet, you're very good at this!"

"When I say kneel when you are in this position," I continue, "you should go to Kneeling attention. For this one, your knees should be closer together than in Kneeling Display and you should put your hands on your thighs, palms up. Let's see if you've understood, kneel!" Again I'm amazed at how quick he is to learn all of this.

"Very good, Pet," I praise him. "I'm only teaching you these two positions because they are the ones Dominants commonly ask their Subs to adopt, but I very much prefer the Display positions. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy!" I whisper in his ear. "Now go dress yourself with the clothes I picked yesterday and we will prepare lunch!" We will go for something light, since the food yesterday at the restaurant was delicious but quite heavy. I begin to chop vegetables to prepare a big salad, and Anthony helps me when he comes back. He seems to know his way in a kitchen!

"After lunch," I say as we dress the table, "we will go back to the playroom, and I will explain to you the use of all the different instruments."

That makes him blush a little. We spend lunch speaking about the work he has to do this weekend. Apparently, it doesn't take him long to prepare his classes so he just has to grade a few student papers. He says it will only take him a couple of hours, so I tell him he will do that tomorrow. When we have cleaned the table, we go back to the playroom.

"Is there anything that bothers you here, Pet?" I ask, not wanting to repeat yesterday's incident.

"No Master, I'm all good now," he replies.

"Good boy! We will begin with the most obvious. The cross at the back is a Saint Andrew Cross. As you can see, there are restraints on each end. I can either tie you with your back or your front to it. You already experienced how the bench is used yesterday. The bed also has restraints in each corners. You can guess the use of the swing and all the chains and shackles you see hanging there." I point the various pieces of furniture I am describing as I go. "There are also o-rings embedded in the ground to help tying you up, so always look where you walk when under the grid!"

"The floggers you can see on this rack are for sensational play," I continue. "They will cause a sting but no real sharp pain. The paddles however are commonly used for punishment, as a blow with them is more harmful. I think you know what the handcuffs, ropes and crops do. These one are spreader bars. They can be used to attach you wrists or your ankles on each end, or, in the case of this model, your ankles at both extremities and your wrists in the middle. The bar is telescopic, to allow me to put you exactly in the position I want." I whisper the last part in his ear. He is very red in the face, teasing him is just too much fun.

Then I go open the drawers and he blushes even more at the sight of all the toys.

"Let's begin with what you already experienced: those are anal plugs. As you can see, there are different sizes. For your information I used this one on you yesterday," I explain, pointing at one of the smallest plugs. "Then these are vibrators, I think you know their use?"

"Yes, Master," he whispers shyly.

"Here are the cock rings. They are put at the base of your member, and tighten it, slowing or preventing you from getting an orgasm. They will also help you keep your hard-on but I don't think I need to worry about that," I chuckle and he blushes again.

"Those are cock cages," I explain pointing at the chastity devices. "They are used to completely enclose your penis and prevent you from getting an erection. Trust me, you don't want to have one on when I'm teasing you." That makes him pale a bit. "Now do you have any question about any device found in this room?"

"No, Master," he replies.

"Be aware that I can use any of them on you, either for pleasure or for punishment. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good! Did anything you saw upset or scare you in any way?" I ask.

"Not really, Master," he answers, "I'm not looking forward to have you use some of them on me, but I guess that's the point of a punishment."

"Exactly!" I chuckle. "Now let's go wait outside for Zach, he is the long time submissive of my best friend Aiden. He should arrive shortly, you will go to a coffee place together so that you can ask him any question you have. Take all the time you need before coming back, but when you do, I want you to have a definitive answer on this week trial, is that okay?"

"Yes Master. I'm confident I won't change my mind," he answers, following me into the living room.

"Take your time to think about it anyway. When you are out, I expect you to respect the rules, is that clear? You can have your second cigarette when you are outside with him by the way."

"Thank you Master."

"Good boy!" I sit down on the couch and pull him down in my lap. We just kiss and cuddle while we wait for Zach to arrive. I also love this part of the relationship with my Sub. Sadly we are soon interrupted by a phone call from the receptionist, and the crazy blonde soon enters the flat.

"Hi Master Ethan!" he says respectfully, for once. I guess Zach decided to be serious today.

"Anthony, this is Zach. I told you about him. Zach, this is Anthony."

Anthony moves to shake his hand, but Zach just hugs him.

"This is so nice to meet you," he says. "We are going to have so much fun together, you'll see!"

"Nice to meet you too," my boy replies, more formally. I see he has retreated in his shell again, but I'm confident Zach will be able to tear down his walls.

"Just go do your thing boys!" I say. "Anthony, please text me when you are on your way back, and remember the rules!"

"Yes Master!" he replies while Zach lets out a "Bye Master Ethan!"

They quickly leave the flat, Zach pulling Anthony by the arm, and I'm left alone with my thoughts. He said he was confident he wouldn't change his mind, so I have no reason to be nervous. Still, I'm afraid something will end up scaring him away. I distract myself from this impression by working a bit, but I have trouble to properly concentrate, desperately waiting for a text from my boy.

Published on May 22nd 2017

Anthony comes back and they live hapilly ever after, end of story! Just kidding! We are exactly at the quarter of the story, so there is still a lot of stuff that is going to happen :D

In the next chapter, we will see a bit more of Zach!

Lastly, I wanted to send a very big thank you to my wonderful proofreader who reviewed this chapter on her hospital bed so that you could have your update tonight (trust me you don't want to read the parts she hasn't edited). Big hugs and kisses and get better! :-*

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