Chapter 16: A new friend

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Anthony, Sat Jan 24th 2015

I'm very uncomfortable in the elevator. I don't like to meet new people in general, and this Zach seems a bit too intense for me. He is still holding my arm. I don't like new people touching me. I had to control my instinctive reaction and not throw him on the floor with an aikido technique when he grabbed me. That's how much I don't like it. On top of that, he is staring at me. I don't like new people staring at me.

Maybe agreeing to this meeting was a bad idea. I know what I want and we were doing perfectly fine with my Sexy Master today. I loved every minute of his training, all his praises made me feel so good, it's beyond words. Or reason. At the top of my most-wanted-things list, there used to be no more nightmares in number one, solving my math problem in number two, and getting laid in number three. Now there is pleasing my Master and getting a compliment at the very top. Getting laid may or may not have been moved a bit up the list as well, as long as it's with him of course. Like I thought, my feelings for him are rapidly growing, only intensified by the Dom/Sub aspect of our relationship.

But I'm getting off track. Meeting another submissive seemed like a good idea at first, but now I don't really see the point. Especially with shallow blondie guy right there. I mean, seriously! He may be older than my students, but he seems to have the same degree of maturity. How are we even going to have an adult conversation?

"I can almost hear your train of thoughts you know," he says as we exit the lift. He pauses and looks at me with intense blue eyes. Now that I'm properly looking, they definitely don't look so superficial. On the contrary, they look older, like they have already seen too much in very little time. "I don't judge you for hiding behind this frigid bitch appearance, so I would appreciate if you don't judge me for hiding behind my craziness and exuberance." And with that he walks out the door of the building, leaving me dumbfounded.

"You coming or what?" he asks. Never judge a book by his cover, I say to myself, as I walk toward him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look frigidly bitchy," I say outside. "I'm just not comfortable meeting new people."

"Tell me something I didn't already guess!" he smiles.

"In that case you will have to tell me what you guessed," I tease.

"Let me see," he begins, speaking very quickly. "Something terrible happened to you. I don't what yet, but there was a very humiliating part. You are very self-conscious about what others think about you. That's why you hide behind this disguise of Mr. I'm-perfect-but -something-crawled-up-my-ass-and-died. You always do what others expect you to do. We already covered the part where you don't like to meet new people. Oh, and you are completely smitten with Ethan."

Is this guy for real? To say I thought he was just a shallow fairy. Or perhaps Ethan told him things about me. Yeah that must be it. There is no way someone could see that much after meeting another person for five minutes. Gosh! How much did Ethan tell him?

"I see that Ethan has spoken a lot about me," I say bitterly.

"Not that much," he replies, still very quickly. He is like a ball of electricity, incapable of speaking slowly. Or staying still, for that matter. "He just described your first date to Daddy and me." Wait, my Sexy Master shared our first day with him and his dad? I'm confused.

"Daddy?" I ask

"My Master, if you prefer. But to me, he is Daddy." Okay, that makes more sense. Or not. I don't really understand this Daddy thing, but perhaps he is older. Though I remember Ethan saying he was his best friend. Most of all, how did he manage to intuit so much in so little time?

"I'm perceptive, that's all!" he says.

"Wait. Did I say that last part aloud?"

"No, but you didn't have to. Your thoughts were practically written on your forehead," he replies. I didn't even realize he walked us to a nice cafe. We enter, order then sit down in a corner.

"So! Now that we have established that I'm not just some stupid pretty face, do you have any question for me?" he asks.

"Not really. It's just... I'm afraid of giving him all the control he wants," I begin.

"Are we talking about sex, or about the rest?"

"Not about sex. I've definitely no problem giving up control during that time." Oh god, did I really just say this? He is practically a stranger to me and I'm already sharing my sex life with him.

"For the rest," he replies seriously, "all I can tell you is that Ethan is a very demanding Master, but he is always fair. He won't prevent you from doing the things you enjoy as long as you're being a good boy, but he will use them against you when you are punished. You can always talk to him, as long as you do it respectfully, he listens to reason." So basically I have nothing to worry about as long as I'm not punished? I can live with that.

"And," he adds mischievously, "if you really want something he doesn't want to give you, a nice blowjob always does miracles. As you may have seen, he is quite fond of them!" That should have made me blush, but I just giggle with him for some reason. I guess I'm warming up to this crazy man.

"Then I'm a bit scared about punishments," I add shyly.

"Don't worry too much. You will fuck up at some point, especially with a Dom as strict as Ethan. Punishments aren't supposed to be pleasant, but keep in mind they are here to make you a better Sub. Plus, from what I've seen of you, when you end up disappointing your master, you will welcome your punition, trust me." The mere thought of letting him down makes me shudder, true.

"When are you coming to the Blue Hedonism?" he asks suddenly.

"I don't really know," I answer. "He hasn't mentioned it yet." That's not completely honest though. "I'm not really comfortable in nightclubs," I feel compelled to add.

"Oh, you poor thing!" he replies, grabbing my hands.

I don't understand why, but when I see him looking at me with sad blue eyes, I can just tell that he guessed, that's why I find myself blurting out everything that happened to me two years and a half ago. God that's the second time in less than a week! He tells me a bit about the horrible things in his past as well and it almost looks like I add it fairly easy compared to him. Soon we are hugging each other, crying.

"I'm sorry I judged you like this at first," I eventually say.

"Don't be, I know I can look crazy sometimes," he replies a bit more cheerfully. "I have a present for you," he adds giving me a small gift-wrapped box. "Don't open it now, but keep it with you. On Monday or Tuesday, you are going to feel very uncomfortable and you will love me for this."

"This is very mysterious!" I reply, wondering what it could be.

"Just trust me! And don't you dare opening it before you need it!"

"How will I know I need it if you don't tell me what it is?" I ask.

"Oh you will know, don't worry!"

We continue to talk for a bit and he gives me a lot of good advice concerning the role of a submissive. We exchange numbers, and he tells me to call or text him if I have any question on the lifestyle. I even dare telling him about my insecurities, and how I'm sure that Ethan will tire of me eventually.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Anthony!" he replies. "I'm pretty sure he is head over heels about you." I don't really agree so I quickly change the subject and ask him questions about himself. Apparently, he lives with Aiden, his Master, or should I say Daddy, in a loft next to the club. He is a graphic designer, and works as a freelance, mostly in advertising.

"I really think we are going to be very good friends!" he tells me eventually. I'm inclined to agree with him. "What are your thoughts on foursomes?" he then adds. Okay, he is definitely crazy! I think to myself, spilling my coffee.

* * *

We hug each other for a long time when we go out of the cafe. He makes me swear again I will call him if I have doubts or questions and we say our goodbyes. I walk back to Ethan's apartment, lighting cigarette number two. It was really nice to meet Zach and it only stiffened my resolve. I really want to do this. I just hope I can be good enough so that my Master doesn't leave me in a week. He must have told the receptionist to let me through, since the guy lets me pass without calling in. The door of the flat isn't locked so I enter just after ringing.

"I'm back!" I say loudly, removing my coat. My Master is standing in the living room, watching me with a grim face, his eyes clouded with anger.

"I thought I told you to text me when you were on your way back!" Shit! I forgot!

"I'm sorry, Master," I say lowering my eyes.

"And you reek of tobacco. Did you just have a smoke, Pet?" he asks.

"Yes, Master," I reply meekly. "I had my second cigarette of the day on my way back here."

"Go wash your teeth then," he says as he takes my coat to put it in the closet, and I go to the bathroom to do just that. Luckily for me, he seems to have calmed down while I was there, as he is in a much better mood when I come back to the living room.

"I'm really sorry I forgot to text you, Master!" I say as I walk toward the couch he is sitting in.

"It's your first transgression, so I'll let it slip just this time. Don't forget again though!"

"Yes, Master!"

"I take it you had time to think it over and you are still willing to be my Submissive for at least the next week?" he asks.

"Yes, Master." A week... and longer than that I hope.

"Was Zach nice?"

"Yes... He is a colorful and interesting person!" I reply.

"You don't say!" my Master chuckles. "Now let's see if you remember the positions from this morning," he tells me. We go over the four basic positions he taught me. I end up kneeling between his thighs in display. He gently pushes my head on one of his inner thighs and pets my hair. This is really nice, I think to myself, I have rarely felt so relaxed. Of course that's the moment my phone starts to ring. I fetch it and recognize Paul's number, he must want to know how my date went.

"May I answer, Master?" I ask. "It's my best friend calling." I thought it would bother me to request his permission for simple things like this, but I realize I don't mind. The fact that Zach told me he never denies simple demands without good reason probably helps.

"You may," he replies, pulling me into his lap. Shit! I had thought he would let me answer the call in another room.

"Hi Paul!" I manage to sound steady, while my Master begins to run one of his hands up and down my right thigh.

"Someone is in a cheery mood!" he answers. We speak in French, as it's always the case with Paul. "What could have happened last night to put you in such good dispositions?"

"Yes, what could have happened I wonder..." my Master whispers in my other ear in English. Crap I had forgotten he is fluent in French! His hand goes up my thigh and begins to rub my cock through my pants, while his other hand starts to unbutton said pants.

"Last night was nice!" I say, trying not to moan.

"Come on, share some details. Did you do the deed?" Paul replies.

"Just nice? That's disappointing!" my Master whispers at the same time. He has completely opened my pants and pulled down my underwear and he starts to gently stroke my shaft. "I guess I will have to try harder!"

"Yes," I pant, "it was wonderful."

"Did it bring up any bad memories?" Paul asks.

In the meantime, my Master started to nib on my neck and my collarbone, still pumping my cock.

"No. I mean a bit at first, but he was... ngh... very gentle," I reply. God! I swear this man is going to be the death of me.

"Are you okay? You seem out of breath!"

"Just walking fast... I'm a bit late... meeting him. Can I call you back?"

"Talk to you later then!" he says, "but I want to know more!" And I end up the call, finally able to let my moans come out. I'm quickly disappointed though, since my Master just tucks my package back in my underwear and closes my pants.

"We have to go to your flat to get all you are going to need this week," he says, pulling me out of his lap and standing as if nothing just happened. Seriously? Is he going to leave me with a boner like that? After teasing me?

"Is there a problem, Pet?" he asks, smirking. At least he is enjoying himself!

"No, Master," I reply a bit coldly. This is just a simple hard-on, it will leave in a few minutes. Or so I thought, but that was counting without him. He finds all the occasions to brush against me, caress my thigh, grope my buttocks, effectively driving me crazy. When we arrive at my place, I can't stand it anymore.

"Please, Master... stop!" I pant, as he is rubbing his hands on my crotch once again.

"Are you having some problems down there, Pet?" he asks with his deep husky voice.

"No! I just love sporting a massive boner caused by someone who doesn't even want to take care of it!" I reply sarcastically. Fuck, did I really say that? From the way his eyes darken, I guess it wasn't a very smart move.

"Watch your tone, Pet!" he replies dryly. Oh no! I pissed him off. "Go to the table, bend over, and grab the other side."

Oh God! Is he going to punish me? I do as I'm told of course, then he unbuttons my pant and pulls them down with my underwear. He caresses my buttocks with one of his cold hands and slightly kneads them. I didn't think I could get any harder, but I do and it becomes really painful.

"What did you do wrong?" he asks softly after a few minute.

"I didn't address you properly, Master," I reply sheepishly, "and didn't talk to you in a respectful manner."

"Quite correct! I won't spank you for something as little as this Pet," he explains, "especially since it is your first time, but you have to remember the second rule a bit better. That's why, I will tease you some more." I feel him part my buttocks before he inserts one then two lubed fingers in my hole and stretches it a bit. Jeez does he always have lube on hand? It feels so good! When he removes them something cold presses against my entrance.

"I will leave this plug inside your ass until I think you have learned your lesson," he tells me. "Trust me when I say it won't help your little problem down there." I'm panting when he inserts the device, which is a bit bigger than the one he used yesterday. Once he is done, I feel completely full. He pulls up my briefs and my pants, and he closes them just like that. I'm too busy being horny to be really embarrassed, but I'm still blushing.

"Come here on my lap," he says with a smug smile, sitting on the couch. With each step I take toward him, I feel the plug brush against my prostate, which makes my cock twitch painfully in my pants. It's only the beginning though. Once I am on his lap, he keeps moving his thigh just to make the device inside me shift. All of this would probably be pleasurable if my little soldier was getting the attention he is asking for.

Seemingly indifferent to my discomfort, my Master just talks about what I should bring to his place. How can I even concentrate on that? I try to answer him as best as I can, but my arousal is way too distracting! My leaking cock is the only thing in my mind. At some point he tells me to gather all I need to work at his place, so I take my bag, my laptop and the notebooks with my research. I think he said he was going to get my clothes or something like that but I didn't really pay attention.

I am standing, since it seems it's the best position to avoid feeling the toy brushing too much against my sweet spot and take big breaths. I try to focus on anything else than my raging hard-on, with little success. He eventually comes out of my room with a suit cover and a gym bag.

"Please, Master..." I beg.

"We will take care of your problem when we're back at my place, Pet," he says. That brings tears to my eyes and he looks at me with a bit of concern. "You remember your safewords, don't you?" he adds.

"Yes, Master." There is always that option of course. But I don't plan on using them if I don't absolutely need it. I feel it would be some kind of defeat, a proof I can't take what he is throwing at me, that I am not good enough for him. So of course he would replace me with a better Submissive in that case.

The walk back to his apartment is pure torture. I can't concentrate on anything else than the plug in my ass and my painful boner. Each step is more difficult than the previous one and I have trouble stopping the tears that form in my eyes. I just need to come so badly, it's driving me crazy! I think I have reached my limit a while ago, and I should have said something, but I'm too afraid I will disappoint him with my lack of stamina.

Just reach the end of the block, I say to myself, and then you will safeword. When we get there, with difficulty on my side, I manage to convince myself to do yet another block. Fortunately, he doesn't live too far away from my place and after a few more of these, we really reach his street. I don't know how I succeed in dragging myself to his flat, but we finally make it inside the elevator.

"Go wait for me in the playroom Pet. Kneeling and naked," he says as soon as we enter his apartment.

I almost run there, undress as quickly as I can and kneel in the position he likes. At least my leaking erection is less painful now that it isn't constricted in my pants. I'm still sweating and breathing heavily, though, and I have never seen the tip of my member this kind of purple before. I don't have to wait long for my Master. I keep my eyes lowered as I hear him enter the playroom. Please! Let me come!

"Are you sure you are well, Pet?" he asks.

"Yes Master," I reply as confidently as I can, but my voice betrays me and it comes out as a squeal. I managed to go to this point, I can resist a bit more. I have to show him I can do this.

"Then go on the bed, on your hands and knees." I quickly do as I'm told. I see he is completely naked as well when I stand up, which doesn't make my member feel any less painful. He doesn't lose any time and I hear him climb on the bed behind me and wrap a condom over his shaft. He removes the plug and just slams into me.

"God!" Despite the plug having prepared me, I still feel a bit of pain. But I don't really care since I need my release as soon as possible. I'm already begging my Master to let me cum, while he madly pounds into me, grunting with each thrust, one of his hands pulling my hair. The pain doesn't completely disappear, but the waves of pleasure that hit me each time he smashes into my prostate make me forget it.

"Please Master, I need to come!"

"One more minute, Pet" he replies.

After all this teasing, I don't know how I manage to resist from climaxing, even if he isn't touching my shaft. I'm begging incoherently, between scream and moans. When he finally strokes my cock and orders "Come for me!" I release seven powerful shots of cum, the first one even reaching for the headboard, while I'm almost knocked out by the force of my orgasm. Pure bliss shakes my body with huge waves of pleasure. God this almost makes the torture before worth it!

"Thank you Master!" I whisper when I've caught my breath.

"You're welcome, Pet," he chuckles and we cuddle here for a bit. "We need to talk, Anthony!" he says after a while.

Oh God no that's it! He saw how weak I was and he is going to break up with me!

Published on May 24th 2017

Of course he is not *rolls eyes*. But what does Ethan want to talk about? Well you'll know in two days ;-).

You saw a bit more of Zach in this chapter, and if you didn't join his fanclub already, I hope he managed to convince you to do so this time (fair warning, there is a long queue at the membership desk :D). His story with Aiden is going to be the second book of this series. I am currently writing its first draft; I have done 12 chapters as of now, and just finished the sad part mentioned in this chapter...

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