Chapter 17: We need to talk!

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Ethan, Sat Jan 24th 2015

Cuddling with my boy after a rough and intense sex session is extremely nice, but we need to address the problem from earlier. When he came back from his meeting with Zach, I must admit I was a bit nervous. I was also afraid he hadn't respected the rules since he reeked of cigarette, but a quick count of his pack showed me he hadn't messed up. I was also relieved when he told me he hadn't changed his mind on the test week. I still have to convince him to sign a contract at the end of the week though.

I had decided to play a bit with him, and keep him on edge all afternoon. When he talked back at his apartment, it was a perfect occasion to use the plug I had brought with me and keep on teasing him. He has been so naturally respectful since the beginning of his training, I couldn't let this first slip pass. At the same time, I wasn't going to spank him for a little sarcasm. He was much more responsive than I thought he would be, however, and we clearly went past his limits.

Except he didn't safeword. I could see he was having too much of a hard time from the way tears kept sparkling in his eyes, or when he had so much difficulty to walk. I didn't act on it and pushed him until the end to see if he would eventually use his escape words, but no he didn't. He finally relaxed a bit in the playroom, otherwise I wouldn't have fucked him like I did. I know it's a common flaw in new Submissives, to go way over their limits to try and please their Dominants, but I need to trust him to use those little words when it's necessary.

"We need to talk, Anthony," I say eventually. It has to be a serious discussion without the Dom/Sub relationship. That's why I'm using his first name, to make him feel like he can talk freely. I told him we would have one of these conversations every day anyway. This is supposed to help him relax, but it has the exact opposite effect. "Why are you tensing up like this?"

"Nothing!" he mumbles.

"This is the last time I'm reminding you about the rule concerning honesty!" I threaten. He sighs.

"Are you going to break up with me?" he asks in a small voice after a moment. This again? How many times will I have to tell him that I want him!

"No, because you are beautiful, smart and the most wonderful Sub I've ever had." There! That should comfort him for a bit. "Now dress up and come to the living room with me, we need to have our daily talk. The one I mentioned during dinner last night!"

I really have to call Aiden for his mom's number. She is a very good therapist, and completely open to BDSM. Aiden is very lucky to have parents who never judged him for being gay, then being into the lifestyle. They completely accept him as he is. If only I could say the same about my old man...

Anyway, I hope she can help my boy's trust issues and self-loath. He also needs some professional help to heal from his traumas. I'm not sure it's normal he still has trouble sleeping or nightmares after all this time. It seems like I can help with those particular issues right now, but I'm not naive enough to believe they have just disappeared for good. He agreed to it when I told him the rules, so if at the end of this week, he wants to go for the long run, I must have an appointment ready for him.

My boy walks hesitantly in the living room and takes a seat on the couch, next to me. each of us is sitting on one end of the sofa, facing each other.

"Anthony," I begin, "as I told you yesterday, we need to have regular discussions like this one, where we can both freely express our feelings about what happened in the past few days. It is especially important for you, as you may feel like you can't speak your mind sometimes, if we are in the middle of a scene for instance. The rule about honesty is crucial during those talks. You will never be punished for anything you say, as long as you express it in a respectful manner. I will adjust the manner I exert my dominance on you from what you tell me during these conversations, so if you are not completely truthful, I may end up hurting you physically, or worse, emotionally. Is all of this clear?"

"Yes, Ethan. I understand," he replies, very seriously. Ethan, not Master. I must say I much prefer the latter, but he understood pretty well that we are going to discuss those matters on equal footing.

"Now I will guide the talk by retracing what we did today," I explain, "asking you how you felt during each of those experiences. Then you will tell me if there is anything you would like to add. Okay?"


"We will begin with this morning. You practically jumped at me, which I appreciated a lot by the way, and I trained you with deep-throating. Did it bother you?"

"No, it was pretty hot," he answers, his face reddening a bit. "I thought the gagging would be very unpleasant, but it was just slightly uncomfortable in the end. Feeling you in control like this was completely worth it though," he adds now completely blushing. "And I'm sorry if I wasn't very good, but I liked the experience a lot overall."

"Don't judge yourself like this," I scold him. "I was the one receiving the blowjob and I don't have any complaint to voice! As for the gagging, just know that I went really hard on you, since I was trying to find your limit. A lot of Subs would have safeworded with what I did, so there is no shame in admitting it if it was too much for you."

"No, it wasn't too much," he responds. "I liked it." I really want to believe him but since he went way past his limits to please me before, I have my doubts. Ultimately, the budge in his pants finishes to convince me.

"Since you say you liked it, and I absolutely loved it, I will ask this a lot more of you," I warn him. So many, many times, I think to myself, my cock swelling a bit. "Is that clear?"

"I don't have a problem with that," he replies. Oh God, could he be any more perfect for me?

"After this, we trained in the different positions and kneeling," I continue. "You were extremely good at this. Just so you know, it can take weeks for some guys to reach the level of elegance you showed today." He blushes at the praise. I have to keep drilling into his cute head that he is a wonderful person. "Did you have any problem with any of that?" I ask

"None. I find that the kneeling positions are actually quite relaxing." That's a good thing.

"Then you had your meeting with Zach. I trust he didn't do anything to upset you." I would have given a lot to be a tiny fly and listen to everything they said, but my boy has a right to his privacy.

"No, on the contrary!" he replies.

"Do you like Zach?"

"Yes, he seems like a nice guy." It's good if he befriends him. That will give him someone to talk to about some parts of the lifestyle he doesn't want to tackle with me.

"Then came the moment I began to tease you. You didn't like that very much, did you?" Let's approach the subject lightly.

"I didn't mind it too much, at first," he answers shyly. "Then, when we were at my place, it became a bit painful. I'm sorry I upset you, I didn't want to."

"As I said back then, the plug part wasn't supposed to be too much of a punishment, just more teasing. Except it had way more effect on you that I thought it would have... didn't it?"

"It was a bit of a torture," he admits.

"It was just too much for you. And what are you supposed to do when something is too much for you?" I ask with a reproachful look.

"I'm supposed to use my safewords," he says weakly.

"Anthony, I'm deeply sorry I went past your limits," I reply. "Perhaps it's because you are new to this lifestyle, perhaps it's because you are more sensitive to edging than others. You have to understand however, that it's not only you who is in training right now, in this relationship. I'm learning as well. What you like, what you don't like, your body reactions, what is too much for you. And especially since I don't know you very much yet, I have to trust that you will use your safewords if it's necessary. Do you understand me?"

"Yes... I'm sorry..." and he begins to break into tears.

"There, there," I say as I hug him. "I didn't tell you this to make you cry. I did because you have to be aware that you must not take this lifestyle lightly. You could get seriously hurt if you don't safeword when I go over your limits. That's why, for instance, we will never play a scene if we have drunk more than one glass of alcohol, because it impairs our judgement."

He calms down after a bit of soothing.

"Now" I continue, "can you tell me why you didn't safeword?"

"I was scared."

"Of what?" I ask the question even if I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

"I was scared you would find me too weak, and go look for another submissive," he replies. There we go. We really need to do something to address that low self-esteem! Sadly this is not an issue where a simple spanking will work.

"Anthony look at me," I command, and he disentangles from our embrace to do so. "I don't want to look for another submissive. That week trial I suggested? It's for me to convince you to sign a long-term contract with me, is that clear? From the day I met you, I have not been back to the Blue Hedonism and I don't intend to go back without you. To be perfectly honest, there was one Sub that was always nagging the back of my mind, but he disappeared from there eight days ago. Now there is only you. Of course you are not perfect, but no one is. You are perfect enough for me though, and I don't want you to go over your limits because you feel you have to do it for me ever again. Is that completely clear?"

"Yes," he whispers. He looks completely flabbergasted by what I just told him. To make my point, I kiss him passionately, taking control of his mouth. "I'm sorry, again," he says weakly when we break the kiss.

"Then always use your safewords when you have too," I answer. "I would prefer if you use them too much than not enough."

"Okay!" he tells me. "Just so you know, since you have been completely honest with me", he adds, "I am falling for you. Pretty fast and pretty deep. So please tell me if it's not serious." This confession makes my heart skip a beat. I'm so lucky, he has feelings for me!

"It is serious Anthony, trust me! It is." The discussion is left there since we are too busy making out after that. I grab him in my arms and he circles his legs around me like a monkey when I stand. I carry him in like this in my bedroom where I gently lay him down on the bed. Our clothes quickly fly off and we continue to kiss passionately, rubbing our shafts against each other.

I rub a condom over my member before I slowly make love to him, losing myself in those golden hazel eyes clouded with lust. It is the first time I have complete vanilla sex with someone since I joined the lifestyle and I must say it's quite nice to feel his hands scratch my shoulders. I gently thrust into him, my hand stroking his cock at the same pace while our eyes are locked.

"Please, Master!" he pleads at some point.

"You don't need my permission to cum this time, Pet!" I reply, and it doesn't take him long to erupt on my hand and his chest, moaning loudly. His tight hole clenches around me each time a spurt of white cream shoots from his member, driving me over the edge, and I fill the condom with my release, grunting like a wild animal.

The rest of the evening flies by quickly. We order some pizzas for late dinner, then cuddle for a bit in front of the TV before going to bed.

* * *

The next morning, I wake up at 7am feeling great and relaxed. I let my boy sleep until 8am before awakening him. He had his late morning yesterday so today, we will go to the gym. After an hour of exercising I let him have his first cigarette. Then we shower together, which is also the occasion for another training at deep-throating. This time though, I don't let him have his release. Since he seems to be a bit weak on edging, I intend to make him practice on that.

"You will get your reward later, Pet" I whisper in his ear, hugging him tightly against me, "but I want to keep you on edge a little." That makes him whimper. "Like yesterday, I will tease you but this time, you will tell me if it becomes too much, okay?"

"Yes, Master!" he replies. "I've learned my lesson."

"Good boy! Let's put it this way: the moment you ask for it, you will get a nice blowjob," I add seductively. "The longer you wait, the more fantastic I'll make it for you." My last words make him moan and shiver against me. "But if you go over your limits again, you won't get anything!"

I kiss his shoulders lightly, before we go dry ourselves. I let him dress with the boxer briefs, chino pants and tight tee-shirt of my choosing. We tidy a bit the bedroom, then it's time to work! He installs himself on the table in the living room, and starts to grade papers. I don't want to work alone in my office, so I sit on the other side of the table with my laptop. Of course, this is also because it will allow me to play with him.

I spend the next hour with my foot massaging his inner thighs and his cock through his pants. It's very funny so see him squirm on the chair, his breath becoming heavier. Sometimes that makes him screw what he is writing a bit. If his students knew in what circumstances their papers were graded, I laugh inwardly! There could even be my little brother's homework in that pile! When I think he has had enough, I go fetch three pairs of handcuffs in my playroom.

"Strip Pet, and sit back down!" It doesn't take long for him to obey that order. I attach each of his feet to one of the chair legs, then I use the last pair of shackles to tie his hands, behind the back of the chair. He is now panting heavily, his proud erection leaking precum.

"You are beautiful Pet!" I say as I kiss his collarbones. "You have been so good this morning, I believe it's time for you reward." My hands begin to play with his nipples and I keep on kissing his shoulders, his neck, his cheeks. Of course my cute boy begins to moan loudly. After a bit of this, I walk to the other side of the table, only breaking eye contact when I go under it, on all fours. I take place between his legs and look at him, my hands caressing his thighs. His eyes are dark with lust.

Contrary to other Dominants, I have absolutely no problem kneeling before my Sub. Even in that position, I have complete control over him right now, and from the way he is panting, he just loves to see me do that. I did say I would make the whole experience memorable for him!

"Remember that you have to ask for permission before coming, Pet," I remind him. "Since my mouth may be too busy to reply, if I pinch your left thigh, it means that you can cum. If I pinch your right one, it means you have to wait for a bit. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Such a good boy!" I whisper, before taking his smooth balls in my mouth, making him squeal with delight. After a bit of sucking, I slowly lick the length of his shaft and softly kiss the tip. He has already begun to beg me, but I plan on taking things slowly. I swirl my tongue around his mushroom head, tasting all the sweet precum he leaked this morning. Then, I begin to swallow his cock, very slowly, until it's entirely in my mouth, my nose brushing his shaved pubis. I stay like this for a few seconds, softly humming, before going up, at the same slow pace. Then down again. I make some sounds each time he is fully inside me, as I know the sensations on your member can be very pleasant.

"Please Master! Move faster!" he shrieks after a few minutes. That makes me chuckle, does he really believe he gets to decide what I do? I make him wait a bit more before speeding up my bobbing. He has become a moaning mess, and soon begins to plead for his release. I pinch his right thigh, as he must learn to control his urges. This continues for a few minutes, his begging increasing in intensity, before I feel his ball tighten and my boy is yelling that he can't hold it anymore. That's the moment I pinch his left thigh and I am almost instantly rewarded with long spurts of cum. I don't swallow everything, and share the bit I kept in my mouth with my Pet in a very hot kiss. Then, I release him of his restraints.

"Thank you, Master, that was fantastic!" he says, still trying to catch his breath.

"You deserved it, Pet!" I reply.

"Do you need me to take care of you?" he proposes.

"No Pet, this moment was all about you. You can dress up." My hard-on will disappear in a few minutes, and I will have plenty of time to play with him this afternoon or tonight.

We prepare lunch together, I steal a few kisses here and there. After we have eaten I remind him to call his best friend and he does so while he smokes his second cigarette – without the teasing this time. Then he asks for my permission to work on his research with some music and I let him, as long as he uses his headphones. I spend the next two hours working, peeking at him out of the corner of my eye. He is completely focused on his notebooks, all serious. Sometimes, when he writes, he sticks the tip of his tongue between his lips. That's just too adorable!

He is too absorbed in whatever he is doing to notice me stand and walk behind him. I don't understand a word of what he is writing – when there are words – but I can see how he organizes his work. One of the notebook is for listing his ideas. He keeps it like a diary, with the date on the side of each idea. He sometimes flicks through it and I see some of the entries are five or six years old. His other notebook is just for drafting and exploring his theories. He jumps when I put my hand on his shoulder and removes his headphones.

"I'm sorry Master, I was absorbed in my thoughts!" he says.

"Don't apologize, Pet. Did you work well?" I will have to take his word for it, since I have no idea of what he is doing. Still, there were a few entries dated today in his notebook.

"It was a very productive session, Master, thanks for asking."

"Do you need a minute to finish what you were doing?" I ask.

"No, I'm good Master."

"Good, then we will go for a quick shopping session," I tell him. I can't wait to buy him more stylish clothes. Not that he has poor taste, but he could do a bit better! Since it's Glenn's day off, we just take a cab; walking would have been nice under a different weather, but it's just too damn cold today. My Pet's eyes pop out their head when he sees the prices in the first shop, and I have to threaten to spank him several times for him to stop complaining.

"I feel uncomfortable with you buying me so many things, Master," he says in the elevator when we are back in my building. I'm only carrying six different bags, frankly it's not that much!

"You better get used to it, Pet!" I warn him. "You are beautiful, so you deserve the best things. Besides, since we already covered the part where I am the one choosing how you dress, it's only natural that I contribute to your wardrobe!"

"Still, you could have chosen cheaper things and let me contribute," he grumbles, adding a Master as an afterthought.

"Since you are complaining so much about clothes," I reply as we enter the apartment, "you will spend the rest of the day naked, Pet. And you better change that tone if you don't want to get that spanking I keep promising you!"

"Yes, Master," he replies more meekly, already stripping.

We spend the rest of the afternoon with his submissive training. After going over the different positions and kneeling, which he does perfectly now, we go to the playroom and I show him how all the different binding devices work. Of course after spending all this time tying him up in various positions naked, I can't stop myself from ending it fucking him, his arms tied to one of the chains that hangs from the ceiling, his legs on my shoulders.

After this steamy episode, we are both too lazy to cook, so I order some Thai food in that we eat having our discussion of the day. We didn't do anything too intense so I'm not surprised he doesn't have much to say. Then we spend the evening cuddled in front of the TV.

Published on May 27th 2017

Hope you loved the little bit of fluff in the middle. Of course there will be more, they are kinky but they still have a heart ;-).

Next chapter is the thing that a lot of you meanies waited for a long time!

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