Chapter 33: Going public

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Anthony, Fri Mar 6th 2015

The last few days have been a bit weird. Since last Tuesday, I have been physically weak - it was quite difficult to walk on the day after the scene! - my legs seemed like jelly and my poor ass was very sore. Mentally however I have been feeling completely relaxed. I was unable to go to my aikido practice on Wednesday night, but when I worked on my research, it felt like my brain was on fire, quick to think and boiling with new ideas. I also quickly solved a problem Paul had submitted to me earlier this week, like he sometimes does, so I called him to describe my answer to him.

"You really are the best," he told me after my explanations. "This will be of great use for my work, thanks a lot for your help!"

"Working for Google made you slow," I teased back, "You could have found the solution by yourself back in the days."

"Not everyone spends two to four hours a day doing advanced research!" he replied. "How is it going by the way?"

"Great! I have a bunch of new promising leads. Now that I can focus properly again, I'm sure I'll have a lot of productive sessions in the next days."

"I can't believe he managed to make you quit smoking!" Paul answered. It's true that he has always known me as a heavy smoker. He was already very surprised when I had cut back to three a day at the end of last year!

"Is that a compliment for my Master I'm hearing there?" For some reason they don't quite see eye to eye.

"Perhaps he managed to do one or two things right," my friend grumbled.

"A lot more than one or two things. Do you realize it has been almost two months since I last had a nightmare?"

"Since you weren't telling me you were still having them before..." he said broodingly.

"Don't sulk! I already apologized for hiding all of this from you! I'm being honest now," I responded.

"How are things going with him, then? I hope he is not too hard on you in his playroom."

"I may or may not have trouble walking today since you asked," I answered him.

"Ugh, I'll have to kick his ass next time I see him at the club, then," he replied angrily

"No you won't! Besides he is not the only one to blame."

"What? Anthony Dumont, what did you let him do to you this time?" he asked furiously.

"Now stop with that tone already!" I replied fiercely. "He did what I asked - no, begged! - him to do for the past weeks and shared me with another Dom." Let's perhaps not mention it was Tanner, I don't want to upset him more. "Is it so difficult to understand that I would want to replace bad memories of that night with nicer ones?"

"What is hard is trying to picture you as a Submissive when you talk to me like that," he answered chuckling. "And no it's not hard to understand on an abstract level. But it's difficult to picture you doing those things."

"You're not my Master! And you know you'll see me doing those things, as you say, at one point or another." The idea of a public scene has been nagging in my mind since the time we had sex with Zach and his Daddy on the couch. I realized that the fact that other people could watch didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

"Don't remind me! Poor Kyle is going to have to deal with a very angry me the first time it happens."

"And I'm sure he will love every second of it," I teased. Kyle is a little shy thing - he doesn't dare going to the Subs' room to prep for instance - but that doesn't mean he isn't kinky as hell! I managed to make him talk a bit last time we went out with Paul and Jonathan, when those two were busy together and weren't listening. He is happy to have the boyfriend part of their relationship during the week, but when they go to the club, he loves to be manhandled in the playroom!

"That may be true!" Paul laughed and we kept on talking a bit more lightly before ending the call.

The rest of that evening and the next one were pretty much uneventful. We haven't visited the playroom, my Master wanting to let my body rest for obvious reasons. Of course there still were a few blowjobs, since we are both addicted to them, but nothing more than that. Now that I am feeling better, I hope we will resume our usual kinky scenes tonight at the club. Thinking that I will have to see Master Tanner again, I blush a bit. This will definitely be a bit weird!

My Master had some last minute work to finish, so he sent Glenn to pick me up and will arrive later at the club, but he wanted me to enjoy some time with my friend there. When I arrive though, it is a very sulky Zach that greets me.

"Can you explain why I had to learn that you had a threesome with Ethan and Tanner while kneeling by Daddy's feet yesterday at the club?" he asks me in an angry tone. Of course Master Tanner had to spill the beans!

"I wanted to tell you in person, I didn't think..."

"That, is obvious!" he interrupts. "Jeez! You should have called! You should have told me all the juicy details as soon as it was finished! You should have videotaped it so we could watch together!" he shrieks, speaking as fast as he can.

"Calm down Zach!" I try.

"How can I calm down? How could you hide this from me? You know I live for threesomes! Oh I can't believe my baby Tiger has finally become a man!" He keeps on rambling while I roll my eyes.

"You know, if you don't let me speak, I won't be able to tell you all about it," I manage to say at some point.

"Okay I'll shut up now, but don't spare any details."

And I tell him how my Master arrived with some company on Tuesday night, how they took turn with my mouth, then both my holes, how Master Tanner almost tortured me and how they finished by penetrating me at the same time. The whole thing was so hot the mere memory is enough to get me painfully hard.

"You got all that on your first threesome?" he exclaims when I finish my story. "Gosh, Tiger! When you do something, you don't go halfway!"

"I wasn't really the one deciding, you know!"

"Oh but you were in the end!" he replies. "They threw everything at you, Tiger, but you would have safeworded if it had been too much."

"True. I almost did at some point but I guess we were just at my limit, not far over it."

"Tanner can be quite... intense, that's right," he says absentmindedly. "Daddy once let him punish me when I had really fucked up. Believe me, it was scary!"

"Oh I totally believe that!" I reply.

"Now after a good threesome like this, you have to try a foursome! This is so much better! And I happen to know a Sub and a Dom who would be delighted to participate."

"Let me guess! The Dom owns a nightclub and the Sub is a crazy blond guy whose name begins with the letter Z and ends with ach."

"You must have been a medium in another life!" he replies with a big smile. We continue to discuss all the details of Tuesday evening and try to device the best plan to make my Master agree to that foursome. Very soon it is time to join our Doms for dinner. I see that once again, Keith will be joining us. More embarrassing though, is the smug smile Master Tanner throws at me.

"Does sitting still hurt?" he asks with a very self-satisfied tone that makes me blush deeply.

"What did I miss?" Master William asks.

"Tanner had some fun with us last Tuesday... and apparently doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut," my Master growls.

"I was just checking on your Sub" Master Tanner replies innocently. "He was asleep last time I saw him after all," he adds. I wish I could prevent my face from reddening further since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't tease me like this if it hadn't such an effect.

"I am very well, thank you, Master Tanner," I manage to reply.

Fortunately they don't dwell too much on the subject, and I am able to enjoy the rest of the dinner without wanting to be swallowed by the earth beneath me. Then it's time to go prepare.

"I have signed a three months contract with Master William," Keith says excitedly when we are on our way to the Subs' Room.

"Congratulations!" we exclaim with Zach at the same time.

"Thank you! We had a few hot scenes in the last weeks and he invited me to dinner yesterday to propose me the contract," he explains.

"He is a great Dom," Zach says. "Fun and very considerate!" From what he told me, Master William is one of his favorite threesome partner. Now that I think about it, I am kind of glad my Master chose Master Tanner because the scene was way more intense than it would have been with Master William.

"And less strict than someone we know," Keith winks at me. In the last month, I have come to like him a lot. He is very kind and funny! "Although it seems someone else managed to loosen up him a little. I would never have believed he would do a threesome with his Submissive and another Dom!" Did I mention he can be a bit of a tease as well?

"Not you as well!" I growl and he laughs. Of course I have to give him all the details of what happened, Zach being very happy to listen again to the story.

There are a lot of people in the Subs' room, but Zach manages to get the last free shower stall. As I go and join him, a blushing Keith asks if he can join us since everywhere else is full. I have gotten over my modesty as far as other submissives are concerned, so I tell him to come in and we help each other shave our balls and our butts. If someone had told me I would be doing that two months ago!

We are dressing in our shorts and getting each other oiled when there is a knock at the door followed by Master Aiden coming in, bare-chested in his leather pants.

"Good evening, boys!" he greets warmly and he gets a chorus of "Good evening Master Aiden!" in return. "Zach, Anthony, a minute please," he adds beckoning us.

Did something happen? I hope we are not in trouble, although I don't see what I could have done wrong. When we go out of the Subs' room, I see my Master is waiting for us near the door. He is already changed as well, bare-chested, as sexy as a Greek God and looks at me with a warm smile. At least I know I am not getting punished.

"The Dom and Sub who were supposed to perform the main scene tonight cancelled at the last minute, apparently the Sub is not feeling very well and had some kind of food-poisoning," Master Aiden begins. "Ethan proposed to take their place if you are okay with it Anthony." What? Us? Doing a scene? Tonight? Are they crazy?

"This is a bit sudden," I finally reply when I manage to speak again.

"Which means you won't dwell on it and overthink it, Pet," my Master says. "I think you are ready for this, but I won't push you if you're not sure."

"You won't notice all the people if you focus on what's happening between you and your Master, Tiger," Zach adds. "You'll see it's actually great."

"Don't feel pressured in this Anthony," Master Aiden tempers. "If you don't want to do a public scene, I will fill the spot with my crazy Baby."

"It's been a long time, Daddy" my friend almost purrs. At least someone is eager!

Can I do this? I ask myself as everyone looks at me expectantly. Try to think about it rationally, people go here to see those kinds of scenes, so I wouldn't really be doing something humiliating. But again, if I panic at the beginning and have to safeword, it will be a bit very shameful for me... and even worse, my Master. In fact, if I fuck up in any way, this will look bad on him!

While I ponder this, a third argument comes in my mind. My Master says I'm ready for this, and I trust him completely. This is clearly something that he wants or he wouldn't have proposed to fill the empty spot tonight, and he recently gave me something I really wanted, something that was hard for him to do. It wouldn't be fair of me not to do the same for him.

"I will try," I say confidently.

"Are you sure?" Master Aiden asks, his eyes boring into mine.

"Yes, I think I can handle this."

"I'm so proud of you for agreeing to this, Pet," my Master tells me warmly. "We will go into my playroom to take a moment to prepare."

"Good luck, Tiger!" Zach adds as I follow my Master on the other side of the club, to the corridor with the playrooms. When he enters his, I automatically go in the middle and kneel.

"Good boy!" my Master purrs. "I know that tonight is a big deal for you and I am sure you will make me very proud. I won't give you all the details of the scene I have in mind, just know I won't try anything we haven't done together before. We will mostly play with the swing, since it's the accessory we have used the most and I know you are comfortable with it." It's true that, since it's my Master's favorite toy, we have played a lot with that. The mere thought of him pounding into me while tied to the device is enough to make me hard.

"I will blindfold you at the beginning," he continues walking toward the bed, "that way you will be able to forget easily we are on the stage if you focus on me and the sensations. I will remove it after a while, but only if you are okay with it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you for being so understanding."

"You are most welcome, Pet. Now come here," he replies, puling me into his lap. "I want you to focus only on me for a moment, before we go."

With that being said, he puts his forehead against mine and we stare at each other for the longest time. It is impossible to panic with his green eyes boring into mine. On the contrary, I feel completely relaxed. I trust him completely. This should be easy, after all I only have to follow his guidance. It actually hits me that he should be the one panicking, not me. He has the huge responsibility to lead the show! Grasping this, I swear to myself I will do everything I can to make his job easier. I will submit to him as perfectly as I can. For now I begin to slowly massage his shoulders, trying to release some tension in his strong muscles.

"What is that about?" my Master asks with a smile.

"I just realized that you must be very tensed, Master, between the upcoming scene and your worries about me."

"I will be fine, Pet," he replies. "But I appreciate your concern!" He cups my face with his hands before initiating a very long and deep kiss. His tongue softly plays with mine and I have completely lost track of time when we hear a knock at the door.

"It's time, Ethan," Master Aiden says behind the door.

"I love you, Pet," my Master says, breaking the kiss.

"I love you too, Master," I reply, losing myself in his eyes.

"Remember, Pet! Focus only on me!" he says standing and putting me down.

"Yes Master!" and I begin to repeat in my head that this is just a scene with him and that I am safe.

I follow his steps, eyes lowered on the floor, while we take the few corridors that lead us to the main room. My heart begins to beat very fast when I take my first step to climb on the stage, almost blinded by the lights of the projectors. It begins to fully hit me that everyone is going to see me have sex, but I manage to focus on my Master's powerful legs that move in front of me. When he stops, I automatically kneel by his side, breathing heavily.

"Good boy!" he says to me before putting a black piece of cloth over my eyes and tying it behind my head. "Remember, Pet! It's just you and me!" he whispers. Not being able to see anymore, it's easier to picture myself in the playroom with him. The kneeling position also helps me to calm down, and I remind myself I have to help him by being the best submissive I can. I keep on taking deep breaths while I hear him shuffling by my side. At some point, I hear the clinking of chains which makes me think that my Master must be adjusting the swing.

"Are you ready, Pet?" he asks after a bit.

"Yes, Master!" I reply confidently. And I really am. I know that we are not really alone in our playroom, because I can hear the background noise made by the people watching, but these thoughts are on an abstract level. In my mind, reality only includes my Master and me, doing hot stuff together.

"I am going to lift you then," he replies before carrying me to the hammock of the sling. It has been put in a horizontal position, without the pillow that usually holds the head, so I am lying down, my head completely falling back. I have a few ideas as to why he chose this setup. He guides my hands to the shackles before tying them and I grab the chains that hold them. All the while, he explains to me in a soft voice what he is doing and comforts me on how well I am reacting.

He lets his hands wander on my chest, pinching my nipples a few times - which makes me moan softly - before grabbing the sides of my shorts and pulling them down, freeing my hard member. I don't know how he manages to make the tiny piece of cloth go over my Dr. Martens, but he does. After this, he puts my feet in the stirrups and attaches the metal bracelets connected to them to my ankles. Then he pulls a bit on the chains holding them and I feel one of his finger probe at the entrance of my now exposed asshole.

He plays a bit with it, inserting two or three fingers in me, telling me I am such a good boy, before I feel something larger enter me. Not his cock sadly, but a large dildo. When it is fully inside me, he puts a small metal bar in my right hand.

"Shake it to slow down and drop it to stop, Pet," he instructs me.

"Yes, Master!"

Then I hear some footsteps and the noise of a zipper before my Master orders me to open my mouth. He slowly enters my wet channel, allowing me to taste his sweet precum, but doesn't stop before his balls hit my nose. Oh God! This is so sexy! I breathe though my nose and relax, trying my best not to gag as he begins to thrust hardly to the back of my throat, with moderate success. I don't really care since I know how much it turns him on - and he must not be the only Dom like that in the room.

He keeps deep-throating me for a while, his nuts slapping against my face. I try to let my tongue wander on the whole length of his shaft each time he pushes in, but other than that, he is the one in control. And I just love it. When he exits my mouth and lets me breathe normally again, he adjusts the chains holding the swing to lift it and incline it a bit more, then fixes back the little pillow to hold my head.

"You are doing so well, Pet," he says lowly. "Can I remove the blindfold now?"

"Yes Master!" I am so lost in what we are doing that I don't really care.

"Such a good boy!" he responds. When he unties the cloth covering my eyes, I am once again almost blinded by the lights of the projectors but I don't focus on anything else than my Master's green eyes, full of love and lust. He begins to play with the toy in my ass, and I can't help but moan loudly. He rubs the device against my prostate, our eyes locked, his other hand stroking my shaft a few times, before removing it entirely and slamming into me in one go.

By that time, I don't control the sounds I make anymore. I know he loves the swing because it allows him to fuck me deep at exactly the right angle, the momentum of the device only adding to the strength with which he is taking me. I don't really care about all of these details as long as he pounds into me hard and fast, and this is exactly what I get, for what feels like a sweet long time. He is looking like a sex God, all sweaty, his muscles tensed from the effort he is exerting on me, groaning like a wild animal. When one of his hands starts to stroke my member, I begin to feel my orgasm building in my balls.

"Please Master!" I almost shriek between my cries.

"Another minute, Pet!" he grunts back. I try my best to contain the flow that is slowly boiling at the base of my shaft, while each of his thrusts hits my sweet spot and sends a huge wave of pleasure in my body. Finally he orders me to come, and I spill my release all over my chest, screaming my orgasm, while he unloads in my ass, grunting like a bear.

Quickly after this, he gets the swing down, unties my ankles, then my hands and lets me slip on the ground. Thankfully he is holding me, since I am too weak to stand on my own, and he helps me to walk back to his playroom where he gently puts me on the bed. After cleaning my chest, he lays me down on my front and begins to massage my neck, which is indeed quite sore from the beginning of the scene - then my wrists, my arms, my ankles and my legs. This feels so good I almost fall asleep.

It's only when Aiden knocks on the door to check on me that I realize it had completely slipped my mind that we were doing a public scene at the end. I was just focused on my Master, and in a way that completely enhanced the sensations I usually feel. I can't wait to do that again!

Wait, what was that? Oh God! My Master has now turned me into an exhibitionist!

Published on July 3rd 2017

Hope you enjoyed their first public scene! In the next chapter, Ethan is back and we will see what he thought of this and the threesome in the last chapter. Oh and Zach and Anthony might begin to seriously bug him! ^^

Happy 4th of July in advance for those who celebrate this holiday!

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