Chapter 34: An unsuccessful strike

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Ethan, Fri Mar 6th 2015

My sweet angel is exhausted. After the week he had, though, it's not very surprising. Tuesday night was one of the most intense thing I have ever experienced, and I've done some hot and crazy stuff in my life. I am so smitten with that boy that only superlatives seem to be able to describe the things we do together in any case. That threesome however, was really something!

The fact I had not warned my boy in advance and just told him to wait in his usual position was a little test of mine. I wanted to see if he would completely panic when he heard that I was accompanied by a stranger or trust me enough to contain himself. The scene he had asked for was so intense it required that kind of confidence in me. The little minx made it harder on himself since he decided to wait for me naked instead of in his underwear, but I was extremely proud to see he barely flinched.

Then the first part was rough, almost animalistic and I am pretty sure nobody abused his holes like this before. I saw him tense at the beginning, but he quickly recovered, locking eyes with me and my initial concern that it was too much for him was quickly dispelled by the look of pure ecstasy he was bearing.

I could have punched Tanner at the beginning of the second part. It was his request of course, for me, the important piece was over and I would have stopped things there. My sadist friend didn't have the same view however, and for him, a submissive almost over the edge like this was a perfect prey for his mental torture. And that's exactly what he did to my little angel! In the end, relinquishing control over my Pet to Tanner was way harder than sharing him, and I don't think I will ever do that again.

I must admit that on an abstract level, what he did was beautiful. He played with my Sub's need to release and teased him in a masterful way. The little sadistic part in me clearly enjoyed how he begged, how his voice was more and more panicked and how he was slowly breaking apart. But the rest of my mind was furious at the sight of someone putting my boy through this. I almost used the safeword we had agreed upon at one point! I had only consented to his little game on the condition he would stop if it was too much for me.

That's the moment Tanner went to the last part, thankfully. Since we had chosen not to end the scene after the initial act, I figured we might as well tick another item on the list of things Anthony wanted to try. The deep pounding he got, then the teasing were plenty enough to prepare him to have our two shafts up his ass. Even if he was way over his limit on edging, he still had a blissful face and he told me the next day how much he enjoyed it. When we all reached our climax together, I must admit I had never seen my boy come so strongly – or pass out just after it for that matter.

Tanner helped me to clean the playroom while I washed my Sub and put him in our bed. We parted with no hard feelings despite the tense moment I had felt earlier. I know he is a sadist and I had previously agreed to what he eventually did so it wouldn't be fair from me to resent him.

Of course Anthony couldn't walk properly the day after, but he had this stupid smile plastered over his face for the whole day, the kind of smile a teenager who just lost his virginity would wear. That told me all I needed to know on whether or not he enjoyed the experience. I let his cute little butt recover the evenings that followed, only appreciating the sweetness of his mouth.

"Have you become a kinky pervert addicted to multiple partner sex?" Aiden asked the next day when he called.

"Look who is talking!" I replied chuckling.

"Fair point! So how did it go?" he questioned more seriously.

"It went great, really!" I answered before giving him a brief summary of what happened. "I didn't know how intense Tanner can be however," I concluded.

"Well, I warned you! That's what you get for inviting a true sadist to play with your Sub!" he responded.

"He seemed the most logical choice. Besides you have done something with him in the past!" I countered.

"Only when I wanted to punish Zach though!" my friend laughed. "Are you ready to share your boy again?" he added after. He doesn't have to ask with who. Someone really wants to have a taste, or his Baby must be driving him crazy. Probably both at the same time!

"Not quite yet! Let's keep the multiple partner thing down for a bit, I want to enjoy my Pet for myself for a bit of time, now!"

"Always so serious!" he grumbled. "You know that sharing doesn't prevent you from enjoying your boy alone!"

"Well that's your opinion, and I have mine! I didn't say never, just leave me a bit of time," I replied. "I am never giving up control over Anthony to another Dom ever again, though!"

"That must have been hard for you!" he commented. We ended up talking about this for a bit, but he was right of course. I am mostly in this lifestyle for the constant power I can have over my Submissives.

I know this is sick in a way, and that I am just reproducing what my father did to me, but I am so much better. I am strict and I punish, like he did, but I don't try to transform Anthony into something he is not. Unlike him, I am fair, I don't give in to anger, each punishment is carefully controlled. I don't abuse my boy, I help him to reach his full potential. And I am so fucking proud of him! Seeing how he was just two months ago and what he has become under my guidance only convinces me more that I have chosen the right path.

The rest of the week went in a blur. I was a bit swamped with work and fortunately, my boy had a lot to do on his own as well. I plan to catch up this weekend and spend a lot of time with him, preferably in the playroom. On Friday, I had just finished to prepare and was joining Aiden before going into the club when he told me the Dom and the Sub who were supposed to do the show that evening canceled. It was a spur of the moment, but I found it was the perfect opportunity for the first public scene with Anthony. I couldn't really do more to prepare him for that what we did the week before with our friends on the couches of the club.

He was a bit hesitant but accepted in the end. I kept it very simple, only doing things I knew he was completely comfortable with. I must admit I had missed a bit those performances, so I was overjoyed he consented to do it. He could not have made me prouder, since as usual he behaved perfectly!

Of course the whole thing exhausted him, which is why I am helping him to dress in my playroom before joining Glenn outside. Aiden brought me my boy's stuff when he checked on both of us a bit earlier. He congratulated him, but I'm not sure Anthony completely understood, considering the state he is in. Thankfully the ride home is quick and we are soon enjoying a good night of sleep.

* * *

The next morning flies by quickly: I let my boy sleep until 10am to get his rest after such an exhausting night while I work for a bit, then we work out for an hour at the gym before showering and dressing.

"I have a meeting with Luke this afternoon, Pet," I begin while we eat our lunch. My baby brother is doing much better than two months ago. I don't complain about his stupid behavior at that time, though, otherwise I would never have met the beautiful man seated in front of me. We continue to see each other from time to time, unbeknownst to my dad. "I was thinking it was time to tell him about our relationship."

"I would rather not, Master," he replies to me. For some reason, Anthony has vehemently opposed that until now and has given me the same answer each time I broached the subject.

"It feels weird lying to him each time he asks me if I have a boyfriend, you know."

"Then don't, Master!" he answers a bit heatedly.

"I already told you, Pet. If I tell him I am in a relationship, he will want to see you. That would defeat the point of not telling him, don't you think?"

"And as I already told you, Master," he bites back, "I would like to wait for the end of the school year, when he is not my student, before you tell him anything about us." I don't really like the turn this conversation is taking, or the tone he is employing. So far, this is the only topic on which we completely disagree and haven't been able to compromise.

"This is not his last year at the French high school, and you might very well have him again as a student next year," I reply calmly. "I don't know why you are being so difficult about this!"

"I don't want my students to know I'm gay and in a relationship with the older brother of one of them, so give me a fucking break!" he screams angrily.

I don't answer this last sentence and just stare at my Sub with cold eyes. It doesn't take him long to realize what he just did, and he pales.

"I'm so sorry, Master," he stutters, "I didn't mean to speak to you like this."

"And yet you did, Pet," I reply icily. "Follow me," I continue, leading him to one of the couches. "Lay over my lap!" I order after I have taken a seat. "You will be spanked fifteen times for this, Pet. Do I need to explain to you why you are being punished?"

"No Master," he answers with a snivel. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, please forgive me!"

"Pull down your boxer briefs! You know what to say."

The sight of his cute little ass almost makes me harden, but I focus on something else. It would defeat the purpose of the punishment if he felt my erection.

"One! I will not yell at my Master!" my boy pants after the first blow. I don't really restrain my strength this time, since he pissed me off with his bratty attitude, changing buttocks at each smack. After the last spank, his butt has taken a delightful shade of red.

"Stay here, Pet," I say while I go fetch the soothing cream in the playroom. When I come back and put a generous amount on his ass, I see that he is almost in tears. "I am very proud of you for taking your punishment like this, Pet", I begin gently. "You should know better than to speak to me like this, though. We will let the matter rest for now, but next time we discuss the subject, I would like you to have real arguments exposed in a cool tone and not a screaming brat, is that understood?"

"Yes, Master," he replies in a small voice. "Am I forgiven?"

"Yes, Pet, I forgive you. Go work in your office now."

"Thank you, Master," he says, obviously relieved.

While I clear the table, I try to reason why he wants me to hide our relationship to my little brother. Of course I don't want to explain all the aspect of our couple, but being able to introduce Anthony as my boyfriend to my baby bro would be nice. He is the only family I still have, apart from my father. Thinking about this, I realize I don't know the first thing about my boy's family. Is he ashamed of introducing me? Could it be what this is about?

After the table is cleaned, I join my cute Sub in his office to see if I can get some answers out of him. Of course I am too distracted by the sight of his beautiful body in a blue pair of boxer briefs, standing in front of his blackboard, to speak for a few minutes.

"What about your family, Pet?" I eventually ask him when he turns around and sees me staring.

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Don't you want to introduce me to them? You almost never talk about them."

"Well, they are all in France, you know," he replies.

"We could always visit," I propose.

"I guess we could go sometime this summer, if you can take some vacation," he answers. He doesn't seem very eager to visit them.

"Don't you want to see them earlier? You have a holiday coming in April, haven't you?" I ask him.

"Yes, but it's only in one month, tickets are going to be expensive." Yeah... As if you are going to pay for that!

"Let me worry about the tickets. Would you be open to the idea of spending a few days in your family and introduce me to them?"

"Yes Master, as long as it's only as my boyfriend."

"Do you really think I would like to expose our kinky relationship to your parents?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"No, of course not, Master!"

"Good I'll see if I can free a week when you're on vacation then! In the meantime, you should perhaps tell them you have a boyfriend!"

"I guess I could, Master," he blushes. So I was right, he didn't even tell them! I know he is not very close to them, but still! "Can I call them now, Master?"

"Yes, go ahead, Pet."

As he begins to speak in French on the phone, I can't help but wonder what is going on in his head. He refuses that I introduce him to the only family I have, and he doesn't speak about me to his own one. That stings a bit! Does he think our relationship isn't a real one? What about our feelings? It is time to go meet Luke so I drop it for now, but this conversation is clearly not over.

The evening at the club doesn't do much to soften my mood. First, Zach spent the dinner reminding me that his birthday is next Saturday and telling me all about the wonderful idea he had for his gift. Which of course is a foursome with his Daddy, Anthony and me in case you were wondering. Even the promise of a spanking doesn't quiet him and I was forced to listen to his ranting during the whole dinner.

Then, Aiden had the great idea to invite Paul and his Sub to sit with us. Which, if I'm being honest, is kind of a nice gesture for Anthony. But the guy doesn't seem to like me very much, and this is reciprocal. They join us just after our boys arrive and kneel by our side, Kyle crawling behind his Master. Even with my control-freakiness, I find this a bit too degrading, so it has never been a kink of mine. But as long as his Sub doesn't have a problem with it, Paul can do what the hell he wants! Especially when it's far from where I am.

"Great scene yesterday," Paul says, more for his friend's benefit than for mine I guess.

"Thank you! It was a bit of a last minute decision, but I'm glad it worked out that way," I reply, before lifting my Sub's chin with one hand and gesturing him he can answer the question as well if he wants.

"Thank you, Master Paul," he says meekly. "I hope Kyle has recovered," he adds more mischievously. There must be some private joke between them on this since I don't fully understand what his friend's Sub has to do with this.

"Oh he didn't get anything he couldn't handle, didn't you Pet?" he answers smugly.

"No, Master," the shy little thing replies. I think that's one of the first times I hear his melodious voice.

"I'm really impressed by how far you have come in the last two months, Anthony," Paul continues with his very thick French accent.

"It's all thanks to my Master!" Such a good boy! I think to myself as I begin to pet his hair, with a very self-satisfied smile.

"I guess he must have done one or two things right," the jerk comments, looking at me with cold eyes.

I don't bother to reply and just roll my eyes. It seems everybody has decided to be a pain in my back today! Fortunately, I'm saved from this awkward conversation by the beginning of the show, a very hot scene involving bondage that William performs with Keith. It is not the most impressive I have seen my friend play with one of his Subs, but I understand they just began a three-month contract and going into the most impressive positions requires training that Keith doesn't have yet.

Yes, in rope bondage, the Sub has a lot of training to do with his Dom. If he isn't relaxed enough or used to the way the ropes restrain his bodies, creating some tensions in his muscles, a bondage scene can end up going very wrong. Still, even the simple way William ties Keith is very artful, like always in Shibari bondage, and the way he fucks his Sub senseless is extremely hot to watch. I make a point of leaving immediately at the end, and go straight to my playroom with my boy, channeling all my frustrations of the day into a rough fuck.

* * *

We spend the clearest of next day working, each of us in our own office, so I am particularly glad to cuddle with my boy on the couch after dinner. What begins with innocent hugs soon turns into a heated make-out session.

"Can I ask you a question, Master?" my boy says after a very passionate kiss. He is straddling me, his hands joined behind my neck.

"Yes Pet?"

"What did you usually do when you had threesomes with Zach and Master Aiden?" he asks with a very seductive voice. It seems this Baby Boy won't let me catch a break!

"Why do you want to know that now, Pet?" I reply huskily.

"I just thought it would be a nice conversation before we go to the playroom," he whispers back before pecking my neck.

"It wouldn't be a devious stratagem you and your friend have devised to make me agree to a certain foursome, by any chance?"

"No, Master," he replies to me, blushing.

"Are you lying to me, Pet?" I ask threateningly.

"Why don't you want to talk about it, Master?" Yes. Better to change the subject than lie to me a second time naughty boy!

"Because I don't want to, Pet," I answer firmly. "Now can we enjoy some time together?"

"I don't think I'm in the mood anymore," he replies shyly, before going away in the bathroom, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

What just happened? I would never have believed to hear those words come out of the mouth of my boy. And I don't see what could provoke such a reaction in what I have just done. Unless... Oh no he wouldn't dare! I know that Zach's favorite way of obtaining what he wants is to deny sex to his Daddy, and since my friend is completely addicted to the crazy blonde – and head over heels for the boy – it usually works pretty well.

What my boy doesn't fully grasp however, is that he is the one that is the most addicted to sex in our couple. The mere memory of the last serious punishment he got should be enough for him to understand that. He will yield way before me I say to myself, smirking. I go to the bathroom door and try to listen to what is going on there.

"You better not be jerking off, Pet!" I warn him.

"No I'm not," he replies angrily. "I told you I'm not in the mood," another lie he will have to make amend for later. Well if he wants to play that game, there can be two of us! I am going to count his little misdemeanors and give him the detailed bill when it is time to pay!

The evening goes quietly after this. I pretend not to notice the huge bulge in my Sub's boxer briefs. If I wasn't in a teasing mood, I would teach him a few ways to get rid of that not-in-the-mood hard-on without climaxing. Sadly for him, I have decided to enjoy myself watching him squirm and see how long he manages to go on like this. I just hope it won't mess up with his sleep.

I am surprised to see him last until Thursday night. Each evening has been practically the same. He blushes and says he is not in the mood each time I try to engage in any kind of sexual activity, sporting a huge erection to disprove his words all night long. I don't think he has broken the rules during the day and got his release by touching himself, since he is more and more agitated as the week goes.

On Thursday night, though, he doesn't hear me arrive home since he is on the phone in his office.

"It isn't working I'm telling you!" I hear him say to what must be his co-conspirator. Deeply amused I go discreetly near the door to listen to the rest of the conversation.

"No I can't hold another night! I have barely slept the nights before, I'm just so horny!" Now that catches my attention. I had no problem with him playing his little game as long as it only consisted in innocent lies, but if it has messed up with his health, it's another story! And on top of that he hid it from me! Someone is in trouble, it seems.

"I'm not sure this is the right way to make him yield." You're right it definitely isn't.

"I've got to go, he should come home soon!" my little brat says before hanging up. Then of course he goes out of his office, only to find me waiting on the doorstep, eyes radiating with anger. In any other circumstances, it would have been fun to see him break down like he does when he sees me, but this game isn't funny anymore.

"Playroom. Now." I growl. He almost yelps in return, and scurries there.

I have to calm down a bit before joining him – a punishment should never be decided or given in this kind of mood – and I think a little time on his own pondering on his mistakes will do him good. So I go in my office to give a quick call to Aiden.

"Is your crazy Sub with you?" I ask when he picks up.

"No," he sighs. "What did he do again?"

"He convinced Anthony to try his usual method to make me yield. That didn't work very well for Anthony," I reply.

"I swear he has been such a pain this week about that stupid foursome for his birthday. And you know how he can be, when he sets his mind on something."

"I think I have the perfect idea on how to punish him," I say as an idea pops in my mind, and I begin to explain the perfect punishment I have just thought of. Aiden is laughing his ass off when I have finished, swearing Zach won't know what hit him.

I am sufficiently calm to deal with my own Sub when the call has ended. I remove my shirt before going in, and find my boy naked, his hard shaft leaking on the floor, trying to stop his sobs. I strive to remember he did this to himself when a huge wave of sympathy hits me.

"I think you have lied enough to me, Pet," I begin sternly. "Twenty six times, if my calculation is correct." That makes him flinch. "Now explain everything."

"I'm so sorry, Master," he begins, crying. "Zach told me how he usually made his Master yield to his requests by refusing to have sex with him; both of us thought it would be a good idea to try to make you cave in and agree on having a foursome with them." Well it seems I was right on all accounts! "I just didn't realize it would be so difficult. And I'm sorry I lied to you!"

"What about your sleep?" I ask.

"I have had trouble sleeping since Sunday night, I know I should have told you, but then I would have had to confess everything and I was scared. I'm so sorry." He begins to cry uncontrollably

"Shhh. Pet! It's going to be okay," I say, petting his hair. "I won't punish you too much, because you have punished yourself pretty hardly already. And not tonight."

"When Master?"

"Since you mostly conspired this with Zach, you and him will be properly punished on Saturday," I reply. "We will go to Aiden's loft then. You are, of course, forbidden to say a word of this to your friend. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"You are forbidden to send him a text or call to warn him!" I command. "I have told Aiden to tell him you are being punished for talking back to me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Now... You seem to have a problem down there, or are you not in the mood this time again?"

"I'm in the mood, Master. I'm sorry I lied before."

"Well! If you want me to take care of it, you better apply yourself to show me how sorry you are with that beautiful mouth of yours! Open, Pet!"

My boy clearly makes his best effort to please me and after I came down his throat, it takes only two strokes to make him come, screaming in pleasure. We still have a whole evening of fun after this, my cute angel being on his best behavior to try and make me forget his mistakes.

Published on July 5th 2017

I wonder what Ethan and Aiden have in store for Zach and Anthony! Well it will have to wait for next chapter :D. This chapter was kind of silly, but I hope you liked it nonetheless!

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