Chapter 47: A new Master

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Warning: This chapter contains mention of non-consensual sex.

I don't like to put author's note at the beginning of a chapter, but this one requires it. All is said in the warning up here, though I don't describe the scene because I'm a sadistic jerk, but to show how Anthony finds the inner strength to bear with it. In the end it's not as bad as it could be.

That being said, if you'd rather skip this chapter, or if at any point you are too uncomfortable reading, I ompletely understand and I have put a small summary at the end so that you can go on with the story. You can choose to read it first and see if you feel like reading the whole thing after.

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Anthony, Thu Jun 25th 2015

I am slowly waking up from a heavy sleep and am surprised to be standing. How could I have been sleeping and standing? The mere idea is ridiculous... As the fog that was covering my mind begins to dissipate, I notice that I am completely naked. My arms are in a V position, both of them attached by shackles I feel around my wrists, and my ankles are tied to the floor with some kind of some fetters. I am fully stretched so I can't move anything other than my head, the muscles in my shoulders are very sore from being kept in this position.

Did I just pass out in the middle of a scene? Why didn't my Master free me then? He should be performing aftercare on me, massaging my aching muscles, not letting me hanging like this.

Then the memories of what happened begin to resurface. Oh God! I was abducted! And by my former rapist. Thinking about this makes my breath shortens. I begin to pant as the familiar pain forms in my chest. I would be shaking if my restraints didn't prevent me from moving. Please no! I can't have a panic attack right now.

"I see you are waking up, good!" I hear the familiar voice of my captor tell me in French. "Open up! Let me see those beautiful golden hazel eyes of yours!"

No! I don't want to see him so I keep my eyes shut. This has to be a horrible nightmare and I am going to wake up! I feel a few tears run on my cheeks while I'm hyperventilating. Then I hear a small whipping sound before I feel an intense pain run across my back. It hurts so much I can't escape the loud scream that comes out of my mouth.

"I'm disappointed, I had heard you were trained to be more obedient than this!" he smirks. God the throbbing sting in my back is dreadful. Sobs have replaced my pants and the few tears have become an unstoppable river. I finally open my eyes, allowing me to see the face of my nightmares in front of me, with a belt in his hand. I don't even have the strength to scream once again. I thought the worst of my life was behind me but hell has truly returned.

I have no illusion on what he plans to do with me and this is the moment I notice that I don't have my collar around my neck anymore. My Master won't even be able to find me! This monster will be able to abuse my poor body as many times as he wants! My anxiety levels rise even more, as I feel a huge wave of despair hit me at the same moment. Please God... someone... just end my life already! I don't want to endure the horrors I foresee in my immediate future.

"That's better!" my captor says. He is looking at me with a predatory smile that makes me tremble uncontrollably, which seems to please him deeply. "You don't have to be afraid of me," he says, caressing my cheek. A nauseating feeling hits me as he touches me. "As long as you behave and obey, I won't hurt you!" he adds, walking behind me. Flashbacks of the last time he was splitting me in half with his cock come to mind. I remember the pain I felt and a small whimper escapes my lips. I don't want to experience this ever again!

"You don't know how I have missed this body!" he whispers in my ear, letting his hands wander on my ass and creep between my buttocks. Again I feel like a spasm in my stomach and I barely manage not to vomit. "I may have taken a lot of boys in that nightclub, but you were definitely the best I had! Pity I had to share you with the other two dummies, but they wouldn't have helped me otherwise. Now I have you all for myself!" He kisses my neck softly while one of his finger slowly enters my hole.

"Please no!" I beg.

"Oh you can beg all you want little slut," he replies, making me flinch, "but you will have to drill into your mind that you are mine now. I will fuck you as many times as I want and you will suck my dick whenever I ask you to." A cold shiver runs across my back, while more sobs escape me, my worst fears being confirmed to me. "When you are a nice obedient whore, you will see I can be quite affectionate! I don't enjoy seeing you in pain, but I will punish you as many times as I have to if you disobey."

"Now that's an interesting device you have here!" he continues, his hand caressing my imprisoned member. It is very hard to refrain from shrieking at him to remove his dirty palms. I can feel his whole body against my back, his erection pressed against my ass, his breath on my neck and I begin to hyperventilate again. "I will remove it once I have forgiven you, and I will let you come once in a while... if you beg nicely. For now I'm still mad at you for being such a bad boy! I had told you clearly not to go to the police!"

"Two years and a half in prison were not very pleasant, believe me!" he keeps on, rubbing his body against my back, oblivious to my panting. "I found a few twinks to fuck, some of them were even willing! Of course none were as cute as you are. You have quite an amount of cock-sucking to do to make me forgive you. I'm truly sorry I had to ruin your life with this photo but you will see I am a man of my word and I had told you I would use it if you went to the police."

His silky voice makes me want to vomit. I am surprised I haven't been fully hit by the panic attack that is slowly building inside me yet. From the way my anxiety is rising and rising, it's going to be horrible but for now, I'm just petrified with fear

"Now I saw you took some precautions since last time," he adds in his silky voice. "No contacts in your phone? How disappointing! There was still a number with quite a few texts. I see you call him Master! Well you have a new Master now, so you will address me with that title. He was replying with Pet, but that's too nice for you. You are just a slut, a whore, a cocksucker, so that's what I am going to call you. Do you think he is going to love the pictures I am going to send him with my dick in your mouth?"

"Noooooooooo!" I scream. Please not this! This will devastate him! I hadn't even taken time to consider how my Master was feeling! By now he must have found my collar with the tracking device inside it. He must be so worried! I'm so sorry I didn't fight them better, Master, I think to myself.

"The proper reply was: No, Master!" my captor says angrily. "I think it's time to teach you your place!"

Whack! Again, an intense pain goes through my back as I let out a huge scream. God that stings! I am not a masochist and I can't deal with this!

Whack! This time he hits a bit lower but it feels as bad as the first one.

Whack! He takes a bit of time before delivering each blow. The first two places he hit are now feeling like fire. I can't take much more of this!

Whack! This is the first time he smacks my butt making a new part of my body ache. I am a screaming and sobbing mess.

Whack! "Please stop!" I beg, shrieking. I am surprised he ceases this torture but this is more than welcome. By now, my whole back is throbbing with pain like I never experienced before. My relief is short-lived though.

"You should have said: Please stop, Master," he tells me looking at me with a dark stare. "I'll give you one more chance!"

I can't call him that. Whatever the pain I'm feeling, I belong to my Master, not him. Even if it's in French and I could pretend it's a different word, addressing him by this title would mean I am submitting to him and I won't! He can use my body all he wants but he won't have that! I won't betray my true Master like this! I keep my mouth shut and grind my teeth, trying to look as confident as I can with my tears in my eyes.

"As you wish, slut! Just know I won't stop before you acknowledge me as your Master."

Whack! I can survive this. I just have to ignore the enormous suffering in my back. I won't say the words!

Whack! Oh God! This time the blow lands at some spot he previously hit and the pain that erupts is horrible!

Whack! This torture is just atrocious. I would gladly have him rape me instead!

Whack! Aren't people supposed to pass out from pain at some point?

Whack! I have lost count on how many times he struck by now.

Whack! All I know is that my whole backside is on fire and each blow makes me feel a new level of pain.

Whack! I am screaming incoherent words while I sob. Soon the ones I don't want to utter will go out on their own.

Whack! Again, I wish I would just die right now so that none of this could happen to me.

Whack! The agony is too much for my brain, it is beginning to be more and more difficult to form thoughts.

Whack! That's until a familiar voice echoes in my head. The only voice that could ever manage to calm me in this situation.

Say it! Say "Please stop, Master!" I distinctly hear my Master order in a whisper. My reaction is instantaneous as something clicks in my brain. "Please stop, Master!" I yell.

"There! It wasn't that hard, was it?" my captor replies.

Even with the tears blurring my eyes I can see he is smiling victoriously as he comes to stand in front of me. What just happened? I am one hundred percent confident I heard my Master's voice when it's clear he is not here.

Good boy! the voice purrs contentedly. There! I heard it again! And the familiar warmth blooms in my heart as the words register in my mind. What is happening to me? I almost relax a bit.

You are in a horrible situation but you are doing so well, Pet! the voice keeps on in a warm tone, praising me. You don't know how proud of you I am! Listening to this makes me break into sobs of relief. There is no doubt now. I am hearing voices in my head. I have broken and become mad!

Shush Pet, I'm here to help! the voice says with annoyance. Oh God! It is even responding to my thoughts, I'm definitely crazy! But I can't deny how hearing that specific voice soothes me right now.

"Don't cry so much! I told you you would get hurt if you didn't obey. Just be a good little whore and behave!" That voice on the other hand doesn't help me to relax at all, quite the opposite and my body tenses again. "Now I can't wait much more!" he says once again rubbing himself on my back, making me hiss in pain every time the fabric of his clothes touches the places he hit me. "Do you feel how hard I am?" he asks in a husky voice.

I'm disgusted I can indeed feel his erection. What did I think? That my hell would be over just like that? I hear the shuffle of his clothes as he undresses which would make me shake like a leaf if I could move. Did I really think it would be better to be raped than whipped earlier?

"Relax!" my captor says. "I'm going to be gentle if you behave! Ask me nicely and I will even prep you."

Do it! Don't forget to call him Master! Again the commanding tone of this voice has me reply automatically, "Please prep me, Master!"

"That's a good little slut!" he replies. "Open your mouth and suck my fingers!" he orders.

Obey! I comply, thinking how right he is. I am such a whore for yielding so easily. How could I forget my rightful Master so easily? I deserve everything he is going to do to me and some more! Don't say that! You are just doing what you need to survive! You're such a good boy! It's amazing the power this voice holds over me. Even if I know it's just a part of my brain producing it, I instantly relax – at least as much as it is possible with a naked rapist behind your back.

"Such a good whore!" he says while I apply myself at sucking his digits. The name stings but I try to focus on the voice I hear in my head instead. Then he removes his fingers from my mouth and inserts them slowly in my ass. I'm surprised he really prepares me gently, like he said. It doesn't prevent me from clenching my butthole at this unwanted intrusion.

This is going to be the hardest part, Pet! I want you to relax now! How in hell could I do that?

"You're so tight for a slut! You are going to feel so good around my dick in a few minutes!" This causes me to tighten the ring of muscles further from fear, to the point his two fingers already hurt me.

Don't listen to him! Focus on me! the voice orders angrily. Close your eyes and pretend you are somewhere else! He is nowhere near my size, if you relax a bit, you will only feel a slight discomfort! To my utmost surprise, I feel my asshole loosen a bit, and I even have to refrain a moan when he begins to stretch me.

"You're such a needy whore! I can tell you want more than my fingers, you need my dick inside you! Say it! Say you need my cock to fill your little hole!"

Say it, Pet! I know you don't mean it.

"I need you inside me, Master!" I reply in a rather monotone voice.

"See?" he replies. "It's not so difficult to behave! You like it so much already!" I hate every minute of it. Fortunately I now have an imaginary companion using the voice of my true Master in my head which makes the whole ordeal almost bearable.

"So tight! Shit! I had forgotten how good you felt!" he exclaims when he enters me slowly. He begins to thrust in and out of me and like the voice said earlier, it's not particularly pleasant, but at least it doesn't hurt. The sting felt when his body rubs against one of his previous blows is actually more painful than his pushes inside me.

"Moan for me you dirty slut! I can see you like this!" he groans after a while. Are there going to be any boundaries to the humiliation I am experiencing?

You can do it Pet! You are doing so well! the voice praises me with a warm tone. Don't forget that everything is fake! Encouraged by my true Master, I begin to moan. Very shyly at the beginning, then a bit more loudly, like a porn actor. Inside, I feel horrible. I just hope the whole thing will be over soon. You are doing everything perfectly, Pet! Keep going, I know how difficult it is!

Fortunately, it doesn't take my captor very long before he reaches his release, groaning like a bear. I'm actually thankful for the cock cage on my limp member. At least he didn't remark how unaroused I was during the whole thing. As he tucks himself back in his pants, congratulating me on how a good little whore I was, reality of what just happened settles in and an enormous wave of guilt crashes over me.

I just let another man than my Master fuck me without any resistance! I even moaned for him! Even if it was fake I feel so ashamed for letting him do this to me. I feel so dirty to have had him inside me!

You did what you had to do to survive, Pet! I don't blame you in any way! the voice growls. It makes me feel a bit better, but doesn't completely erase the guilt and remorse I experience. I manage to restrain my tears while my captor unties my hands before attaching them again together in my back, with a pair of shackles. Then he unfastens my feet from the ground but leaves the fetters.

"Walk forward," he says, staying behind me and pushing me. I have to take small steps because of the restraints at my ankles, but I comply. I let him do much worse to me in any case. As if I hadn't been humiliated enough tonight, we cross one of the black suit guys who were there in the park in one corridor, who sees me naked like this. "Use the toilets and don't do anything stupid!" he barks when we reach the bathroom.

He doesn't even leave me alone in the room, but I really need to use the toilets so I try to forget he is even there. Wiping myself clean with toilet papers while my hands are restrained behind my back is very challenging but I manage to do it anyway. I am quite proud at how I manage to open the tap to drink a bit of water, then we are gone in another corridor that leads to a small room with a twin bed attached to the wall.

"Lie down on your front!" my captor orders and after I have obeyed, he clasps the chain of my ankles to another one linked to the frame of the bed. Finally he leaves me alone and closes the door behind me. It looks like it was the only signal my mind was waiting for before breaking down once again. Why did this have to happen to me again? I cry for the longest time alone in this dark room, with my guilt eating me. Everything that just happened replays in my head and I'm deeply ashamed I submitted to him like this.

"Tigers don't cry, Tiger!" I don't know why I suddenly think about this remark Zach made one day, but it reminds me I am not a harmless kitten.

In truth I should have escaped their kidnapping attempt if it were not for the fact I was petrified by Bad Guy – as I decide I will call him in my head from now on. I can't do much restrained like this but if I play my cards right he may grow comfortable around me and end up untying me. I can easily overpower him if my limbs are unbounded, then the black suit guards. I can't just wait for my Master to rescue me. He doesn't know where I am without my collar, and even if I'm sure he will do all he can to find me, I'll probably have to count on myself to get out.

I wince when I realize all I will have to do to gain Bad Guy's trust. There will definitely be blowjobs, and more fucking. Tonight wasn't too horrible with the voice in my head helping. The whipping was atrocious, but if I behave, I shouldn't get another one. I can do this, I say to myself. I'll just think about something else while I suck him and try to pretend I enjoy myself each time he takes me.

This will be the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but somehow I will manage. Then I will go to my Master and beg him to forgive me for everything I did with Bad Guy. I hope he will still accept me, even if I have been spoiled by this bastard's seed again. I will bear with any punishment he thinks of to earn his pardon.

I just hope the voice in my head will continue to help me each time I will need it.

Don't worry I will be there, Pet! Now sleep! I never thought I would doze off after all that happened, even if I was mentally drained, but I can't fight with this voice and it doesn't take me long to drift into a dreamless sleep.

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Anthony wakes up tied up with his former rapist (who he calls Bad Guy in his head) taunting him. He has read the few texts left on his phone and decides he wants Anthony to call him Master and obey his orders from now on. Anthony refuses, so Bad Guy begins to whip him with his belt. Anthony holds on until he eventually hears his Master's voice in his head, ordering him to play along.

The whipping stops when Anthony calls Bad Guy Master, then Ethan's voice helps Anthony to relax while Bad Guy rapes him, so that it's not as painful as it could be. Afterward, Anthony is escorted to a bathroom then a small room, where he is tied to a bed. Guilt and shame assail him but once again, Ethan's voice helps him to calm down. He resolves to pretend to submit to Bad Guy until the latter makes the mistake of lowering his guard then falls asleep.

Published on August 9th 2017

So like I said at the beginning, the whole point of describing the scene in depth is to show how much Anthony has healed and finds the inner strength to deal with his whole ordeal.

Much better than Ethan in the last chapter - or the next, for that matter. On Friday we will see how he copes with his boy's disapperance and the investigation will start to move forward.

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