Once There Was An Oreo...~Chapter;24

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[Y/N's P.O.V]

    I was leaning up against a wall next to a baker's stand. I had gotten the baker and his wife to join our crew. I was eating the donut I had ordered when the trumpets blew. I looked up. Oh no, not this girl again. Winter was back in town. She was walking with guards, and all the villagers were staring. "Excuse me, loyal subject."She pointed to me,"Do you know where this famous Lilly is?"

    "Yes, your highness."I gritted my teeth,I hated calling this, this, BRAT royal. "I was about to go to her show myself, if you would like me to show you the way. "

    Winter smiled sweetly,"Thank you-what's your name Miss?"

    "Abbie, your highness."I bowed slightly this time.

    "Thank you, Abbie. Also, Princess Winter will do."

    "Of course Princess Winter."I inwardly groaned.


    "You did what?!?"Grace whisper-yelled.

    "Well, she's a Princess! I couldn't necessarily turn her down without going back to jail!"I whisper-yelled back and peered around the corner of our make-do stage. Winter was sitting up front and treating kids like angels while their mothers smiled warmly and gratefully to the Princess. Some of the kids didn't know their parents wanted to help us so the parents had to act. Seeing Winter made me sick though.

    "You two!"Malachi whisper-yelled to us,"Shut up!"

    Grace took a deep breath,"C'mon Jason. We have a song to preform for the princess."She said the last word with disgust. She strutted off onto the stage, Malachi following her. I sighed, Irenedammit I really hoped Winter wouldn't recognize Grace's voice. That would bring doom to us all. I slipped back into the crown and found Levin.

    "I hate our luck."He said.

    "Don't we all?"I replied as music started up.

(Itlatic-Grace,Bold-Malachi,Bold Itlatic-Both)

  "Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there
The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air
It's hard"

"Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running 'round
It's funny how things never change in this old town
So far
From the stars"

"And I want to tell you everything
The words I never" "got to say the first time around"

"And I remember everything
From when we" "were the children playing in this fairground"
"Wish I was there with you now"

"'Cause if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you"
"Drive highways and byways to be there with you"
"Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you


"I saw that you moved on with someone new
In the pub that we met he's got his arms around you"

"It's so hard
So hard"

"And I want to tell you everything
The words I never" "got to say the first time around"

"And I remember everything
From when we were the" "children playing in this fairground"

"Wish I was there with you now"

"'Cause if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you"
"Drive highways and byways to be there with you"
"Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you"

"You still make me nervous when you walk in the room"
"Them butterflies—they come alive when I'm next to you"
"Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you"

"Everything comes"

"Everything comes "

"Everything comes"

"Everything comes back to you"

    Grace and Malachi finished. Malachi grinned widely at Grace and she gave him a nervous smile.

    I glanced nervously to where Winter was sitting in the crowd. She didn't look like she suspected anything. Next thing I knew Grace was at my shoulder,"Puns! Abbie, Puns!"

    "Dammit, right."I walked up onto stage,"Uh, hello everyone! I'm Abbie. I know most of you are here for Lilly's amazing singing and dancing but, um, I'm here to make you laugh. " I took a quick breath,"Let me tell you something. Mountains are just funny-they're hill areas." 

    It took a few seconds for the crowd to get it but then I got a few laughs and a few groans. I smirked.

    "You wanna know what I tell math?"

    Levin yelled from the crowd,"What?"

    I grinned,"I'm not a therapist-solve your own problems!" Oh my Irene, people were actually laughing! "You wanna know why you can't run in a campground?"

    "Why?"I heard a few people in the crowd ask.

    "You can only ran. It's past tents!" I smirked,"Why do people say break a leg before you go on stage? Because every play has a cast!"

    Winter was laughing-SHE out of ALL people likes bad puns? Whatever-time to end my segment.

    "Once, there was an oreo..."I heard Grace groan backstage. "This Oreo was walking along the street in Oreoland when he saw a double stuff Oreo! You wanna know what he said? He said 'I wanna be juuuuuuussssssssst like that double stuff Oreo. So he went to work the next day and worked REALLY hard, and he became the double stuff Oreo. So the Oreo was walking along the street again when he saw a chocolate Oreo. You wanna know what he said?He said, 'I wanna be juuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssst like that chocolate Oreo.' So he went to work the next day and worked REALLY hard and he became the chocolate Oreo. So the Oreo was walking his Oreo dog when he saw a double stuff Chocolate Oreo. You wanna know what he said? He said, 'I wanna be juuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssst like that double stuff chocolate Oreo.' So he went to work the next day and worked REALLY hard and he became the double stuff chocolate Oreo. So the Oreo was walking to the grocery store when he saw a birthday cake Oreo. You wanna know what he said? He said, 'I wanna be juuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssssst like that birthday cake Oreo.' So he went to work the next day and worked REALLY hard and he became the birthday cake Oreo. So the Oreo was walking back from work when this time he saw a double stuff birthday cake Oreo WITH SPRINKLES! You wanna know what he said? He said, 'I wanna be juuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssssssst like that birthday cake Oreo with sprinkles.' So he went to work the next day and worked REALLY hard and he became the double stuff birthday cake Oreo with sprinkles.  Because of the Oreo's achievements he decided to throw a party for all of Oreoland. There was singing, dancing, food, and punch. The Oreo was dancing when he got thirsty."

    "Just Levin is for Y/N."I heard Grace whisper to Malachi, and almost starting cussing her out right then and there.

    I gritted my teeth,"So the Oreo went over to the punch table, and there was no punch line. THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY!"I bowed as people started laughing. I walked offstage. "I heard that."I whispered with anger to Grace. Grace's face was bright red from holding back laughter.

    "The crowds are dispersing."Levin said coming backstage,"But-Winter wants to talk to Lilly."

    Grace tensed up,"Why?"

    "I'm not sure."

    "Don't worry Lils."Malachi placed his hand on her shoulder,"I'll come with you."

    "Thanks Jace."Those two walked up front.

    "Quick we need to start packing Baker. If we need to make a fast getaway I want us to have the money."

    "Got it Abbie." Levin and I walked up front and starting gathering stuff together. I grabbed the money first. I could hear Grace, Winter, and Malachi from where I was.

    "Thank you for coming your highness. I hope you enjoyed our show."I bet Grace curtsied.

    "It's my pleasure! I loved the show, you're both amazing singers Lily and....."

    "Jason."Malachi responded.

    "Here, for your hard work and good performance."

    I heard Grace and Malachi gasp,"Are you sure?"Grace asked.

   "I'm sure Lilly, I might have you come to the castle at some point. Good day."I heard the click of heels as she walked off.

    Grace and Malachi walked over to me. "Abbie she gave us five hundred dollars."

    I whirled around,"What?!?"

    "Isn't that the last we needed?"Levin asked walking over.

    "It is."Malachi replied.

    "Warn the people tomorrow."I give a sly smirk,"It's time to get ready for one hell of a showdown."


Irene, I'm sorry I put you through the Oreo joke but I've already told almost all my IRL friends. 

Hope you enjoyed!


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