Chapter One (Clay)

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A horrified shriek echoed through the tunnels of Jade Mountain Academy.

"HELP! HELP! THE PRINCESS GOT THE PLAGUE!" Pike the SeaWing yowled to Clay's right.

Starflight, who had witnessed this as well, calmly padded over with a nonchalant expression in his blind eyes. "Are you sure it's more than just a little coughing and sneezing?"

"Yes!" Pike screamed, causing nearby dragonets to shoot him disgusted looks. "Her Majesty is-"

He got cut off by Anemone's sudden cries of pain. The little animus's wings were suddenly turning green, her breath quickening unevenly. 

"Someone's got to do something!" Pike yelped. "Don't just stand there!"

"Kay, I'll get some ... uh ... " Clay frowned. What were those flappy things called again? Oh right. "I'll grab some mint leaves and ointment from the medical room, and I can tell Tsunami to alert a RainWing healer as well."

"Tell me to what?" He whipped around to see the SeaWing princess frowning at him, but before he could say anything, Tsunami yelled, "Anemone, WHAT HAPPENED?!"

As Pike started to anxiously retell whatever happened, another cry escaped. "Hey someone help! Winter! He-" Qibli-or at least that's who Clay thought it was-didn't get to finish because his clawmate hollered, "SHUT UPP! I'M OKAY, IT'S-AGH!"

"Hang in there Winter!" Sunny raced over with medical supplies. 

As Winter and Anemone screamed, more and more wails coming from the whole academy filled the air faster than a swarm of SkyWings could fly.

Marsh screeched, "MY FACE!" while across him, Garnet sobbed in pain, which were covered over by howls of suffering from ... Qibli? Wait, this disease was contagious?

Just when matters couldn't get any worse, a loud, thundering rumble filled the air. 

The next thing Clay saw was a huge swarm of NightWings landing-well,  more like thundering-onto the front ledge of Jade Mountain. He could even hear bits of stone snapping off with jagged little cracks. The black and purple dragons let out intimidating shrieks to announce their arrival.

But the most frightening part wasn't the Nightwings. It was their massive leader, flying above his tribe.

Darkstalker had descended upon them.

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