Cuddles and tears

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"Guys, we have to stop by the gallery so I can organize my stuff, do a few tasks and print something" I say once we start walking and when they all nod, Sanha wraps himself around my arm, which causes him to slightly hover over me since he's so tall.

"Let's go now and hurry up, I want us to cuddle" he chirps, happiness beaming on his face. We all chuckle at the sight and nod, making our way towards my workplace.

It doesn't take long before we find ourselves in my office. The guys all lounge around while making sure to not get in my way while I call some artists to tell them that their work was approved. I love hearing their screams of joy, so I make sure to tell them myself and not with some emails.

"Hey, JB" I say with a smile, which raises some heads my way at the name. "Y/N! How's my good friend? Haven't heard from you in a while" he says happily after hearing my voice. "I know, sorry about that. I just called to tell you that your work was approved. As expected, you always send me amazing pictures". His clear laugh reaches my side and I smile.

JinJin rushes to me and taps my shoulder to get my attention. "Put him on speaker!". Seeing his eager face has me quietly chuckling as I do as told and put JB on speaker. "Watch what you say, four men are now listening to you" I warn him and he stays quiet for a moment. "Your soulmates?". "How dare you not recognize us even though we haven't spoken yet!" JinJin screeches and Eunwoo starts laughing as he steps closer along with MJ and Sanha. "Hey bud, JinJin's been whining about you for almost two weeks now because you never called him like promised" MJ says and JB gasps.

"I'm such a bad friend! Jinnie my man I'm so sorry!". JinJin fakes being mad but we all can see the smile slowly spreading on his face. "As long as you feel bad". Sanha clings onto his older soulmate with a giggle. "He's not really mad, JB-hyung, he's been busy too so he understands". JinJin turns to glare at him. "Way to put me on the spot, what sort of betrayal is this?!"

"I'd say a good one?" I answer and he pouts at me. MJ snakes an arm around me and leans forward toward his soulmate. "A very good one. Don't try to make him feel pity so he comes see you out of guilt, just say that you want him and the others to come over so you can make that meal you've been practicing".

I bring my lips into a tight line when I see JinJin's eyes glare even more. He's just being exposed without any care by his soulmates. "Awwwww, so that's why you're so impatient! How about we come over next week? I'll even help you cook" the man on the other side of the phone says and we watch as a wide smile appears on JinJin's face. He clears his throat. "Yes, you may come next week, but no helping". 

I hand the phone over to them so they can keep talking while I finish organizing the pictures I've reviewed and those I have yet to do. I then grab my camera and head to the studio where my bigger print is. I connect it and select Jin's picture with a smile. I scroll through the pictures, not minding the cracked screen that much since I recognize them all easily to see if I missed any of them and find the fire man from last time.

I did print the picture, but never took the time to read it. I don't even know if I want to anymore. I'm reluctant to find out what he did to my family, the reason why. It would only put a strain on my soul and I should avoid that for now. As long as we're careful, nothing bad should happen. Only once things get better and my soul starts recovering will I allow myself to look into the case. Anyone claiming to have a hand in what happened to my family will regret it.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the beeping of the printer reaches my ears. "Aw snap, no more ink" I mumble when I see the icon warning. I look through my drawers and get my last set. I'll have to make sure I buy some with Hoseok while we wait for my camera to be repaired. I set it inside after getting out the empty cans and start the printing process over again. I won't allow a half picture of Jin.

That would mean Namjoon's last, I think to myself as I watch the ink work its magic. I should pay more attention to what he does when he's alone. I want to take the perfect picture of him too. Once Jin's is ready and as beautiful as I thought, I decide that it's enough for the day and walk back into my office to see them still talking with JB. Eunwoo sees me enter and follows me to my desk.

"Did you do everything you wanted to?" he asks when he sees me start cleaning my desk and getting my bag. I hum and turn to him with a smile. "I have, we can leave and go home now, Yoongi will be there but I don't think he'll mind". His eyes crease. "He won't mind, he already told you and us as well that we're welcome anytime. Just not in the middle of the night". I laugh at the last part, Yoongi has sleep on a pedestal and will murder anyone taking it away from him. Unless we're his soulmates, then he's nice. He just asks for some cuddles for compensation. Or maybe that's just with me. I don't really know.

The call with JB ends and I'm handed back my phone. I write a quick message to Yoongi to tell him that I'm bringing some people over, but as I thought, he responds with a thumb up and a kissing emoji. I send one back and smile before putting my phone away.

"Alright, let's go".


"And then, Eunwoo tripped, dropped his ice cream cone of the floor and managed to fall face first right in it" Sanha says with a loud laugh as he bends backwards while holding his stomach, his side pressed into mine as he did not let go of me yet. I laugh out loud and look at a red faced man who tries to act indifferent.

"In his defense, Moonbin shocked him quite literally as a prank, so as a result, our Binnie ate prank food for a whole week after that" MJ adds with a smirk, while JinJin giggles at the memory.

I tilt my head. "Prank food?". It's now Eunwoo's time to smirk. "Taking something raw and disguising it as something else. Like... an egg as chocolate, onion as caramelized apple, brussel sprouts as chicken nuggets-" I scream. "Not the brussel sprouts, Woo, you tried to kill my Binnie?!" I exclaim with a shocked gasp but he just starts shaking of laughter in response.

It feels good to hear what happened between them while I wasn't present. I also went through a few things that happened to make them laugh, which they did, MJ even howled at the shower incident, crying as I told them how they fought over each other while the bacon was slowly burning away into ashes. It truly was a sad moment when we stumbled upon the black food in the oven. I think Jin even shed a few tears.

I scratch Waffle's ears, he who has been sleeping on me for an hour now, causing my legs to go numb and I giggle to myself. "I really love my soulmates. They're so good to me and I'd do literally anything for them. I've been truly blessed to have them in my life" I say with a soft smile as Waffle stares at me with his cute round eyes.

I wish we could keep living the way we do for a long time. No more problems, no more worries, no more nightmares, just us and our love to keep us going through each days. Feeling a rush of emotions wash over me, tears start spilling out of my eyes and I wipe them away, but they just keep on coming.

MJ's first to react from having followed my chain of thoughts and hugs me strongly. Sanha moves away to give his space to Eunwoo who takes my other side and they hum gently when I start sobbing. Sanha and JinJin tear up at the sight and hug each other for comfort.

"Peach, what's got you crying so suddenly" Eunwoo whispers softly, his own eyes tearing up at the broken sounds leaving me. "I'm scared, Woo... everything's moving so fast and I don't know where to look at anymore. If I look left, I feel like something will hit me from my right side, I'm scared that something will happen to them because of me" I whisper as I cling onto his shirt as if he'd disappear if I don't.

His arms tighten around me and MJ moves away to comfort his other two soulmates, knowing that Eunwoo can take care of me. Confusion and worry seep into the bond from everyone's side and I know they must feel my sudden sadness. I can hear feet pad their way down the stairs and into the living room where we're seated on the floor.

I look up to see Yoongi staring at me with sad eyes. He looks like he wants to cry too and the shine to his eyes breaks my heart. I whimper a sob and he makes his way to me to coop me up into his arms when Eunwoo releases me and takes Waffle off my lap.

Yoongi sits down on the couch and makes me straddle him before pulling me close to him. As his arms slide around my back to hold me tightly, I start crying even more and hide my face in his neck. "I don't wanna die, Yoonie" I cry out in the open and his side of the bond just breaks at my words. "Oh... Snowflakes...". He breathes in shakily and snuggles into my neck where he silently cries.

"I don't want to leave you all behind to suffer, I want to live a long time and be old with all of you, not die to this stupid ability" I keep crying, forgetting about the others who are both shocked at my words and crying from hearing me break down. "It won't happen, we'll do anything in our power so it doesn't happen" he murmurs as reassuringly as he can manage.

We stay like that for a long time and it takes a while before my sobs come to a slow end, only sniffles remaining from time to time. I stay snuggled in his arms, unmoving, and ready to hate anyone forcing me away from my soulmate. His strong arms feel like the safest place where I can be at the moment and I need that feeling, to feel in security, away from danger.

"You're going to have to explain to us what's going on, please" Eunwoo asks, soft despair in his voice as I feel his gaze on the back of my head. Yoongi shifts a little but stops when I whine, fear that he's going to release me taking over and making me cling onto him tighter. He kisses the top of my head. "I'm not letting go of you, I'm just going to sit a little more comfortably, okay?". I nod into his neck and he keeps his promise, only moving a little so he can lean back into the cushions to support his back. His hand comes under my butt to push me up a little and he wraps his arms around me again.

"So, we met a lawyer recently and after talking, he asked us to send him physical and mental proofs that she's indeed getting broken because of the government. It seems they're not allowed to hurt souls and that can be taken against them to free her, so we did. Namjoon is a doctor while Taehyung works for a renowned soul doctor, we managed to do both in a single day. It... she's..." his voice catches in his throat at the end, but MJ doesn't need to hear more.

"She's dying..?" he whispers, disbelief in his voice. "Yes...". Silence takes over the room before JinJin breaks it with his slow inhale. "How long does she have left?". MJ breaks into sobs. "No, no, that can't be true, tell me we can stop this before it's too late" he pleads and Yoongi's resolve is strong to take over the bond. "We can and we will. There's no way we're letting her go without a war. We're not going to waste this year".

It breaks my heart to hear them feel so hurt because of me. Nothing ever goes well when I meet my brothers and I wish I could give them quality time without being the mess I seem to be. Yoongi cradles me even stronger into his chest in reaction to my emotions and kisses my temple and down my jaw softly.

"It's not your fault, peach, not your fault. We'll have a good time as a family very soon and we'll enjoy ever seconds of it, okay? We've already been here for many hours and the others will start getting home soon. They must be confused by the bond and I think they should know of your situation too, so we'll get going, alright? We'll see you very soon, peach. Take care of her, Yoongi, please" MJ says and I feel Yoongi nod his head. "I will. We all will".

I feel a kiss on my head from all of them and when two hands massage my shoulders a little before leaving, my state a lot more relaxed and sleepy, I know Eunwoo used his ability on me. I feel like a powerless doll in Yoongi's arms as he stands up from the couch, his hand going under my butt to keep me in place as he walks towards the stairs.

"Let's go take a little nap, okay? The others will come and wake us up when they'll get here and we can snuggle in front of a movie while eating some comfort food, that sounds good?" he murmurs and I nod my head. "Sounds good".

He opens the door to his room and without turning on the light, makes his way to his bed. He climbs on it on his knees, then gently and slowly lie us both down on our side where he proceeds to cover us with his heavy blanket.

Everything here smells like him and it appeases the remnant worries I had, causing my mind to become heavier with each passing seconds. My head now cuddled in his neck, his hand goes to my hair where he massages my scalp like a professional while his other arm makes sure I stay as close to him as possible. It doesn't take too long before I fall asleep.

Poor little baby... definitely not me crying over here like 🤧🤧

Also here to say that I have two new books... yeah.

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