Movie night

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I'm feeling generous. This is a second update so make sure to read the previous one first!

"Y/N, Kitten, wake up" I hear a deep voice call out to my consciousness. I feel so warm and snugly, waking up is the last thing I want to do right now. "Leave us alone, Tae" Yoongi mumbles, still half asleep and I snuggle deeper into his arms that hide me from sight.

A sigh. "I guess you guys leave me no choice". Feet leaving the room. As much as I want to keep sleeping, his words alert me a little. "What is he going to do?" I ask quietly, unsure of what to expect. Yoongi grumbles and wraps a leg around my waist. "Steal you from me, that's what" he mumbles before dozing off again.

How? I want to ask, but I know he won't reply when his soft snores vibrate against my head. I smile to myself, this man is like a teddy bear. He won't let go of you once you're caught. That's when I hear feet... and hushes voices near the room from the corridor. I try to act indifferent and breathe in Yoongi's scent. It's so pronounced, something like blueberries... and pine cones.

Is there a tint of tangerines too? Now that's one special smell.

"Are they still sleeping? Why are they sleeping, Tae, you were supposed to wake them up". That sounds like Jungkook... "I know, but they wouldn't budge. You're going to carry Yoongi, I'll carry Y/N" Taehyung responds in a whisper, not aware that I'm currently hearing everything.

I try to muffle my amusement as much as possible. This is starting to sound like a scene from a comedy. "Are you for real? You want me to carry him? He'll have my head" Jungkook complains as quietly as possible and I hear a gentle slap. "Don't be a chicken now". A groan.

The feet come closer to the bed and I act dead, muscles soft so there would be no resistance to show that I'm even slightly conscious. This is too adorable to pass on. Yoongi's arms slowly start to release me, but the man groans and brings them back around me stronger. His leg moving from over me to try and kick whoever tried to commit the crime of taking me away.

I try to swallow my giggle, luckily for me, my face is hidden completely. "Darn his cuddly side is strong when he's sleeping" Jungkook says a little too loudly, because Taehyung shushes him just as loud. 

A new pair of feet enter the room quickly but quietly. "What's taking you so long!" a hushed voice says. That sounded like Jimin. "Yoongi won't let her go!" Jungkook whines, which causes the new arrival to sigh. "Beginners" Jimin mumbles before crouching on the bed.

The mattress dips where he stands and the arms start to release me again. "Now, Tae, hurry". Arms quickly but gently grab me away from Yoongi's warmth and the whine that leaves my lips is very real. It's freaking cold out of bed!

"Tae, wrap her up in this small blanket, you know Yoongi's warm like a fireplace when he sleeps using his heavy blanket" Jimin says and I feel something soft surround me. I sigh, thankful for Jimin's consideration.

The arms cradle me close and make me jump a little so my right arm goes over his shoulder while my head rests against it. "Jiminie, help me a little please" Jungkook groans and I'm wondering what could possibly be going wrong now. "He's not letting go of the damn pillow" the man says again and Taehyung giggles cutely. "Who cares about the pillow, Kook, just let him bring it and hurry" Jimin says as he obviously gets impatient. Just what in the heckaroony is going on right now?

Jungkook sighs and grumbles some more as he gets Yoongi off the bed and on his shoulder. I can hear the three of them giggle quietly as they make us exit the room and downstairs.  At this point, I have to work really hard to avoid smiling because their excitement is doing wonders to my heart.

Some sweet smell reaches my nose as we get closer to the living room and it's a buzzing feeling that spreads through the bond when the others' eyes fall on us.

"Look how adorable she is in Tae's arms! Don't move, bun, I need to take a picture" Jin says with a chirpy voice and Taehyung complies, proud to do so if it means he can see the result himself afterwards.

In the meantime, Jungkook groans one last time before the sound of something falls down on the floor. "What the fu- why am I not in bed?" Yoongi asks, clearly confused before he gets his bearings back. "Did you just drop me on the floor?!" he then screams at probably Jungkook but many voices shushing him resonate around us. "Be quiet!". Yoongi grumbles some more but eventually ceases any noises.

Jin comes back and makes haste of taking a few pictures before it's too late. Man this is getting hard now. I bite my tongue and wait for something to happen, maybe dropping me to the ground too so I can finally wake up, but it's just silence.

And then the gushing starts. "We're so printing these pictures, look how cute she is!" - "Hyung, I want ten copies" - "Make that fifty more, I'm making a whole wall with it" - "Should I make a large painting of it? We could put it in the living room" - "Kookie, that's the best idea you've had in forever!" - "Thanks- wait a minute, what do you mean in forever?" - "I want this into a pillow so I can snuggle her when she's not with me" - "Oh dear, make a blanket too" - "Make that two" - "Three" - "I think we might be overdoi-" - "Don't even think about finishing that sentence" - "Damn okay okay".

By this point, my lungs feel like exploding before I burst into laughter, grabbing onto Taehyung's shoulders when I feel him jump and his arms almost drop me, I don't want to fall. "Y-you... how long were you awake?!" he asks as I open my eyes to look at all the faces surrounding me.

Wiping a stray tear from my eye, I meet his gaze and grin. "Since the beginning. I didn't have the heart to put an end to this by waking up too soon, it was too lovely". His boxy smile comes alive and he kisses my cheek over and over again from his heart overflowing with love. I giggle and try to flee his lips but he holds me tighter so I don't have anywhere else to go.

The sound of photos being taken again resonates in the air and the cooing resumes. Taehyung eventually stops and drops himself down on the floor. The others take the cue and settle around us and that's when I notice the room.

Dim lighting to allow hundreds of candles to give off their warm light as their smell propagate around us to bring this lovely atmosphere, which I have no doubt Jin contributes to as well, conscious or not. My eyes widen and I look at all of them to see their beaming smiles and proud looks. Yoongi doesn't seem surprised in the least and tucks a strand of hair out of my eyes and behind my ear.

"Guys- This is-" I start and feel myself tear up again. Jimin can't resist crawling over to me and steals me from Taehyung's arm to bring me on his lap where he holds me tight. "Yoongi told us how you felt earlier and said that we'd do a movie night to comfort our baby, so we worked hard while you were sleeping to make this as perfect as possible" he explains as he wipes my cheeks with softness. With each of his touches comes love and safety, promises and sweetness.

I close my eyes and lean into his touch when he cups my face. "Thank you" I whisper before taking a look at them all to see how happy they seem. I make sure to send them all the love I can through the bond and watch as their eyes flicker with satisfaction.

Namjoon responds with waves of his own love and I turn to see him with glassy eyes, wide smile on his face as he takes in the view of his loving soulmates. "Tonight, nothing else but what we have right now exists. No problems from the outside world, no people to bother us. Just plenty of love, snuggles, good food and snacks" he says before coming to sit closer to allow Hoseok and Jin to lean against him.

I smile and nod, my cheeks dampening again. "That sounds wonderful". Jimin's happiness reaches me through his fingers and I can't help but reciprocate his smile when he looks down at me.

We place ourselves comfortably on the bed they made on the floor. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok stay at the back and I crawl between Jin's legs before leaning my back against his chest. Having Hoseok to my left and Namjoon to my right, this feels perfect. Jimin is quick to lay his head on one of my thigh, sighing is satisfaction when my hand finds his hair to play with it. At the sight, Jungkook and Taehyung fight for my other one, but when Taehyung wins, pouty Jungkook turns to me with disappointment. Yoongi is waiting to see how everything unfolds before deciding as his amused eyes look over our group.

Thinking about what to do, I make the two others move away a little so I can open my legs just like Jin and pat the space between them. His bunny smile sparkles as he comes to drop down and leans into me as I wrap my arms around him. Grinning, Taehyung and Jimin take their previous positions. Yoongi then decides to lay down behind Jimin and puts his head on Jungkook's lap, his neck being supported by my own thigh.

Jungkook resumes the playing with their hair for me, so once everyone satisfied, Namjoon grabs the controller to allow us to choose our first movie. We go for something soft and after a while, when bellies start to grumbles from hunger, Hoseok and Namjoon go get the food still in the kitchen.

"Nooooo, you guys got my favorite!" I exclaim when they come back and their grins are worth the whole world. "We thought it would make you happy, I'm glad to see we saw right" Hoseok says proudly and Namjoon hums before setting my plate on his leg so I can still eat even with the boys on me. Hoseok does the same for Jin and we continue watching the movie as we eat.

It's a soft soft night as we watch a second movie of my choice only, all of them insisting that I choose one I've been wanting to see for a long time. In that sense, we actually start watching a k-drama and Jin is quick to wriggle happily when he says he's been wanting to watch it too.

After maybe the third or fourth episode, Jungkook falls asleep, his head resting right on my shoulder, face towards my neck where his warm breath hits my skin regularly. Jimin also falls asleep from Yoongi running a hand in his hair and Taehyung struggles to stay awake from my hand massaging his scalp.

The three men behind us still seem wide awake as they react to the scenes with as much energy as when we started the first episode while I feel my eyes start to burn, movements of my fingers becoming sluggish when my view goes dark for a moment.

Inhaling slowly, the now intense smell of the candles makes me relax even more. "Tonight was really, really, really sweet. I loved it a lot" I whisper with a small happy smile on my face.

Yoongi turns on his back to look at me and creases his eyes at what he sees. My eyes half closed as my head rests on Jin's wide shoulder, two hands massaging my shoulders while two others hold both of my hands, fingers intertwined.

"I'm glad you liked it, Sugar plum" Jin whispers before leaving a kiss on the nape of my neck. "We'll have a lot more nights like this one, Berry" Hoseok says while stroking the skin of my hand with his thumb. I hum, my eyes starting to close slowly. "And we'll be there with you, all the time" Namjoon adds, his voice lulling me to sleep. "You can sleep now, we're not moving anywhere" I hear Yoongi's voice and I fall asleep, soothed and loved like never before.

I'm currently amazed that I managed to write two chapters so quickly. I hope they were enjoyable!

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