Happy but sad

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"Thanks for coming tonight, guys, and thank you for the bedroom, I really love it" I thank my brothers with one big hug for every one of them. I get a kiss on the head from them all and we stare at each other for a while.

Eunwoo turns to my soulmate with serious eyes. "You all take care of her, don't hesitate to call us if there's anything, even if it's only questions, don't overwhelm her, protect her and-" he starts ranting but I stop him with a hand on the shoulder, warm smile on my face. He sighs and takes me in his arms one last time. "You too, stay in contact. I know adjusting to living with your soulmates will be different and a little hard at times, I know you, but take it one day at a time". I nod against his chest and he releases me, instead clutching onto Moonbin for comfort.

I see their eyes and can't help but chuckle. "You're all acting as if you're sending me off to somewhere far for years. We'll still see each other!" I tell them but MJ and JinJin surprise me by wiping tears from their eyes. Sanha is looking down, holding Rocky's hand and I almost feel bad, like I'm the one making them sad like that. MJ is quick to shake his head and takes my hands in his.

"It's not your fault, don't worry. It does feel weird because we can't just show up at your apartment whenever we want to, and even if your soulmates allow us to do so here, we won't because this is your personal space now, a safe place for you and your soulmates, we don't want to intrude. We'll call and organize some dates from time to time, don't worry, things won't be that different, not with us" he explains and I nod, relief making my shoulders relax.

He steps back and Jungkook comes closer to me to wrap his arms around me, feeling my growing distress at seeing them about to leave. They look one last time at us and leave the house. We all stay in the entry in silence, giving me the time to process what my reality will look like now.

My brothers were indeed a source of comfort in this new place, so to have them leave now leaves me a little anxious, but I know I have no reason to be, my soulmates are there with me. Jimin grabs my hand as a feeling of peace and calm pushes my stress away and he pulls me along with him to the closed door next to my bedroom.

The others follow close behind, Jungkook still around me and with a gentle smile, the mochi man opens the door to present an absolutely huge bed in the middle of the room. There's something about this room that just screams love and comfort. With wide eyes, I follow him inside and he helps me get on the bed until I sit in the middle. My soulmates then get on as well around me and they all smile at me with warm eyes.

Feeling my confusion, Jin chuckles and looks around the room. I follow his eyes to see all of their pictures on the walls, there's still a lot of space left, but one wall is filled to the brim with simple pictures and moving pictures alike.

My mouth drops open in amazement. I turn to Namjoon and he grins. "This is the soul room. It's infused with a part of us to make it a place where you can go when you're stressed, sad, angry, anything. We had a room like that at our previous home where we used to sleep together at night from time to time, so this is a possibility too, although it's not a race so don't force yourself too much. This room is meant to feel secure, not bring insecurity" he explains and I nod, feeling amazed that such a thing is possible.

It does help me feel better already, as if I belong here. "We can feel when one of our soulmates enter in here, so it's easier for us to send loving waves through the bond until we make sure they're fine. If you ever want to stay alone in here, there's a board you can put on the doorknob and we'll know to not bother you" Taehyung adds and I look to him to see his boxy smile.

"We really hope you can feel at home and safe with us, so don't hesitate to tell us if there's anything bothering you, anything at all" Hoseok chimes in and I nod, grateful for the care they have to how I feel.

"Thank you, guys, this is really nice" I whisper and I unconsciously send through the bond all my love, which makes them beam with happiness.

"Anything for you, snowflakes" Yoongi murmurs with soft eyes and I grin back.

"Well, we should think about going to sleep now, it's very late and I don't know about you all but I'm exhausted after today" Namjoon then exclaims and they all nod, tired eyes gazing at each other before falling on me.

I can feel there's a silent question being asked right now about what I want. Sleeping in here with them in this room, to rest surrounded by the best feeling in the world or going to my room alone to feel lonely without them.

I think the answer is pretty easy to answer. I get up from the bed to head to my room and don't miss the slight disappointment showing on their faces for a moment. I hide my smile and stare at them.

"What are you doing? Go change into your pyjama, I'll be waiting here once I'm done" I let out and trot out of the room as surprised gasps are shared through them. "YES!" the three youngests shout out of happiness and Hoseok giggles cutely. 

I smile to myself when I feel Yoongi try to contact me in my head. "Yes Yoongi?" I ask as a greeting and he hums. "Just wanted to make sure that you don't feel forced to do this. You can refuse and sleep alone, it's fine". I smile to myself as I enter my room and close the door behind me. "You think I felt forced to agree? Then you would be underestimating how much I love being near you all. I don't think I'd be able to sleep alone anyway tonight, I'll need huge teddy bears with me" I reply and feel his bond fill with tenderness. "You're adorable, you know that? Hurry up then before I come get you, no matter how I find you". He ends the connection and I feel myself blush a little.

I better hurry up, because I'm not letting him pull me out of the room half naked.

Not that he would dare, right?

I mean, we're talking about Yoongi here. Of course he would dare.

I search my drawers until I find one with pyjamas and I feel the blood drain from my face a little. "What are those?" I ask myself as I find something light and almost see through. This is Moonbin, isn't it? I can imagine him laughing his ass off while filling my drawers with these.

I sigh and decide to get basic and comfortable clothes. There's no way I'm wearing lingerie near those men, I do remember MJ's warning after all. But alone, they would indeed be comfortable. With a door locked. Triple locked. And Waffle to protect me. That doggy boy would actually be the only reason that would allow me to wear these clothes.

Just as I'm done cleaning my face, I hear a knock on the door and I go open it to see Yoongi waiting for me, his oversize clothes making him look tiny and adorable. The smell that reaches my nose make my senses tingle.

How I would love to wear one of his hoodies one day...

"Ready?" he asks and when I nod, he pulls me with him to the bathroom where we proceed to brush out teeth, soon joined by Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon. We all step aside to give space for whoever needs the sink, but even thought the bathroom is huge, I realize that we still snuggle close to each other, as if leaving space between us is an impossibility.

The thought makes me giggle and their smiling eyes fall on me, feeling content with how homey everything is right now. When I'm given space to reach the sink, I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth before looking around for Waffle.

"He's sleeping, if that's what you're wondering about. Completely passed out and snoring like a bear" Namjoon laughs after rinsing his mouth too and I laugh. "And no, that dog isn't allowed in the nest. The soul room is ours and I'm not very fond of the idea of that ball of fluff chocking us to death with its weight" Yoongi adds after spitting too. Jin and I sigh at the same time but I eventually nod. That's fair. I guess? I'm sure Waffle will understand.

He is supposed to be a smart dog after all.

A tired Jimin peeks into the bathroom with curiosity because we're taking our time and when his eyes fall on me, he trots over before carefully taking my hand and smiles at me when I start following him, the four oldest men sticking close and we enter the nest, as Yoongi called it, where Jungkook and Taehyung are already waiting for us.

The sight is quite endearing as Taehyung is snuggling on Jungkook's arm, eyes droopy but fighting to stay awake. When he sees me, it's a deep whine that calls me over to his arms where he proceeds to lay us down in the middle of the bed, Jungkook laying in front of me, his forehead against mine.

As everyone settles on the bed, it's a sense of completeness that fills all of my senses and after one goodnight kiss from a few of them on the head, we all fall into a deep sleep, legs entwined and hands hovering close, seeking warmth from one another.

When I open my eyes, it's to see my parents' faces looking down at me with warm smiles. They gave me a present just a moment ago and as much as I can't wait to open it to see what it contains, I want my brother to be present. Mark arrives with a laugh when he sees my impatient eyes and hides something behind his back, but I don't focus for long as dad hurries to ask me again to open the box.

With a giggle, I tear the paper apart to find a box, nothing written on it. I frown and try to open it with my hands, but I guess they had fun adding a lot of tape because it's nearly impossible. But mom is very intent on her idea of me having to do this by myself. So with grunts and groans, I finally manage to tear one side off the cardboard box, allowing me to open it.

And then I find an other box inside. Mark can't resist a giggle and I glare at him, but dad makes me open it again with a grin. I sigh and keep trying to open it only to find a box inside again. I whine and look up to see mom hiding her mouth, but her eyes tell me she's laughing.

"Go on, one last time, I promise the next time's the real deal" Mark tells me and I hesitate to believe him, but I love him very much, so I listen to him. But the box is empty.

I try very hard to stay calm, but the tears of disappointment start burning the corner of my eyes. Don't cry, Y/N, you're stronger than that, I tell myself. It's just a prank, the most important thing is to have your family near you, you don't need presents. So I sniff and look up to them, trying to force a smile on my face when I see Mark handing me an other box. Probably the one he hid behind him earlier?

With hesitation, I take it in my hands, thinking it might be empty too, but it's so heavy I almost drop it. Dad's face becomes scared and his hands stay under the box just in case. It must be something expensive if he reacts like that. With renewed curiosity, I open the box again to find...

"A camera?!" I scream, the beautiful object in my hands already begging me to snap pictures of my family. "Do you like it?" Mark asks me and I nod quickly, a huge smile plastered on my face and he grins, a smile just like mine looking back at me. I jump in my parents' arms to thank them, giving them two big kisses on each cheeks and do the same to my brother. His arms are so warm, my brother is really the best in the world. I can't wait to grow up with him and see what awaits us, the pictures I'll be able to take of my perfect family.

"Why don't you try taking a picture now? See if you like it" dad offers and I nod, excited at the idea of my first picture being of them. Mark helps me understand the bases of the camera and once ready, he goes to stand next to our parents. "Say... cheese!" I chirp and when they all smile, I press on the button. I look at the picture and feel so proud, I took it by myself after all, that's enough reason to be proud.

Mom then suddenly gives me a second gift and I stare at her with confusion. She insists and I take it before opening it and when I remove the lid on the small box, I don't really know what I'm looking at. I look up and dad proceeds to explain to me that this is a printer for my pictures. To make me understand better, he connects the camera to it and prints the picture that I just took. He puts the paper in my hand and I stare at it with wide eyes.

"So fast!" I mumble and they all laugh around me. As I look at it, I wonder what it would be like if I could see it move. If it could require just a tiny little part of me and then I could see it move as if it's happening right now. Curious at my idea, my soul extends to the picture in my hand and I can feel the smiles, hear the laughs as it happened right now in front of me.

I hear mom and dad gasp behind me and at first I don't understand why. But when Mark softly takes it from my hands and mumbles about how they're moving, I startle. Did I do that? Mom stares at me with wide amazed eyes. "Did you do that, my little baby?" she asks me and I shrug before taking it back. "I just wanted to see you move, so I tried something and it worked" I reply simply and they all stay silent.

I look up again to see dad staring at me with worried eyes. He then looks at mom and I see them whisper something, but I can hear a little. "Should we make her hide her ability? If they find her, they'll try to take her away from us" dad says and I look in confusion. Mom sighs and pulls at her hair. "She wouldn't understand. Let's teach her how to be careful instead, to not use it outside, then she can protect herself better. I don't want her to grow up lonely and alone because of us" she says and worry starts taking place in my heart. What are they saying? Why would I be alone?

Is my ability bad? Dangerous? Mark pulls me out of my thoughts when he takes my hand and brings me with him away from the parents. "Don't worry, sis, I'll take care of you, okay? I'll protect you from any bad guys" he tells me and I giggle, happy to have such a strong brother. I nod and he grins at me as we reach the garden where he watches over me as I take pictures. I show them the ones I find prettiest and he hums with creased eyes every time, always telling me that I have a lot of talent, that I could open my own gallery with them one day, he would be so proud of me.

I stare at him before letting that sink into my heart. A gallery? I could take pictures and invite him over to see them and make him the proudest brother ever? That seems like a wonderful idea. "I'll make this happen just for you, Markoo!" I tell him and we smile at each other.

I open my eyes to feel my face damp with tears. That was when I took my first picture, when my small family was happy and alive. I had forgotten that day.

I feel a hand on my cheek which makes me turn to the side and I see Namjoon staring at me with small, tired but warm eyes. "So that's why you opened your own gallery" he says softly and I nod, feeling him wipe the tears from my cheeks. "I miss him, I miss my family" I whisper in a sob and watch as he bends oven the bodies of our soulmate to pull me on his body.

He wraps his arms around me and I let my head fall in the nook of his neck as he strokes my back softly. I keep sobbing as quietly as possible because I don't want to wake them up, but Mark's face keeps reminding me of what I lost, my closest family, my second half, my twin brother.

"I'm sure you do, Bun, you can cry, I'm here, we're all here for you, you're not alone" he hums in my ears, his hold on me not weakening, comforting.

I might not have my twin anymore, but I do have seven wonderful soulmates, seven parts that share my soul with me, that love me more than anyone ever could.

That thought eases the pain I feel in my heart and soon, sleep takes over again, Namjoon's heartbeat in my ear a soothing sound.

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