Inside out

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"I'm so full" I whisper as I lean back on the back of the chair, eyes glaring at the ceiling as if it's the cause of my current misery. Hoseok pats my shoulder with a giggle. "I told you that last plate was probably a bad idea" he coos and I groan as I turn to him with a pout.

"Aren't you supposed to care for me? Not tease me..." I murmur and the bond explodes from cuteness. Awws are heard all around the table and I decide to crawl to the living room, leaving them behind me.

Why must good food always do this to me? Waffle sees my bad states and decides to guard my side as I reach the couch and he makes sure to not step on my stomach, instead setting a paw on my thigh in companionship.

I pat his head and scratch behind the ears, enjoying the delightful face he makes with his tongue sticking out.

Oh how he loves her ear scratches. He gazes at her with loving eyes and see her looking at him the same way. Are they possibly... soulpaws? If that's a thing, he would love this.

Waffle watches as his soulpaw's friend comes to sit next to her, Rocky he thinks he's called. Rocky doesn't look like a rock. But then again, Waffle doesn't look like a waffle either, so who is he to judge?

"Hey" I greet him when I feel his weight settle next to me on the couch. He smiles at me and pats the dog's head a bit before looking behind me with happy eyes. About to turn behind to see who he's looking at, a pair of hands make my head stay still before sliding down to my shoulders where he then proceeds to massage my muscles.

I crisp automatically because it hurts so much. "Relax, you're really tense, you've been living a lot of stress right?" I hear and realize it's JinJin's voice. I hum and try to release the tension in my muscles as he works me like bread dough. Sometimes the pain is really intense but since he knows what he's doing, I let him do his thing, Eunwoo taught him well after all.

The said man comes too, about to sit next to Waffle but his eyes catch my expression and he frowns. He looks at JinJin and looks at how he works his hands. "Ah, JinJin, you're focusing too much on the same spot. Let me see, I'll feel her shoulders" he says before going around the couch to work on my shoulders. I hiss when he pushes his fingers deep and almost scream in pain when he finds what he was looking for.

I hear my soulmates hurry to the living room, they must be feeling my part of the bond, but I don't have the time to reassure them as a scream leaves my throat, eyes wide and I crisp my muscles.

"Relax your shoulders, I need to get this knot, it's pulling too much and it'll just get worse with days. Breathe in-". I do and he tries again. "Freaking shit, Woo! You're trying to kill me right?" I exclaim and get cut off when he starts untangling the knot, my ability to breathe leaving me as I close my eyes shut tight.

Once done with it, he hums and starts patting and pushing around, getting some more smaller knots. I look up to meet Jimin's worried eyes and try a smile, a very terrible smile, but hey, at least I tried. Waffle starts licking my hand, as if to try and ease my pain and I brush his fur with my fingers.

"Is it that bad?" Jin asks softly and my friends all nod at the same time. Sanha gets a strand of my hair and places it behind my ear as he stands behind Rocky. "Her body lives its stress especially in the shoulders and neck, it's even worse when she has to deal with the memories from the M.I., so we all try to give her a massage from time to time, but Eunwoo is by far the best, he is a massage therapist after all" he explains and I see Namjoon come to stand behind the couch.

"Can you teach me the basics?" he asks to Eunwoo who nods and smiles. He steps aside to give his place to Namjoon and his hands hover over my skin tentatively.

I bite the corner of my lips, suddenly feeling a little shy at the thought of his hands going over my skin. I meet Hoseok's eyes and blush when I see a knowing light flashing through. He comes to stand in front of me and gets down on his knees as he takes my hands in his.

"Are you shy, Berry?" he whispers and I feel my ears burn too. "Just a little..." I whisper back and he chuckles. He releases one of my hand to cup my cheek and looks behind my head to nod at Namjoon.

His large hands settle on the skin of my neck and Eunwoo starts guiding him through the steps, teaching him how to find and work the knots the right way to not cause more problems. His touches are soft and light, but still accurate and effective.

"You're a natural, aren't you" Rocky says with surprised eyes as he stares at my soulmate going down my spine carefully, using his palms like paws. I feel as if I'm myself feeling proud and determined, the barrier even stronger since its owner is in contact with me.

He finds a knot and I try to pull away from him from the shock, but Eunwoo and Rocky both keep my still as Namjoon tries to be as soft as possible to get rid of the tension to work the muscle.

Hoseok brushes his fingers on my skin with worried eyes. "You're doing good, Berry, just a little more okay? You'll feel better later" he says sweetly and I nod as I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

Namjoon is becoming more and more anxious and Eunwoo has to help him a little. "It's okay, Namjoon-hyung, it hurts but it's inevitable. Tell yourself you're doing her more good than bad in the long term" he explains and my soulmate nods, hands going back with less hesitation.

"She has so many knots, is that normal?" he asks and it's quiet for a moment, except for my hisses. "I've seen bad cases, a lot worse than hers, but that's when they push back the massage for years. In her situation, it's a lot considering we try to help her a few times a month when necessary. The memories can take a toll on her body and all the stress makes her crisp her muscles over and over, so knots form quite easily, it's just that some of them are truly massive, so those hurt a lot more" Eunwoo explains again and everyone becomes quiet again.

Namjoon eventually steps aside to allow Eunwoo to take one last look and he hums in satisfaction. "That's pretty good, she should be fine for a while. She doesn't really say when she needs a massage so just take a look at her posture from time to time, you'll notice she's a little stiff, like a metal bar is keeping her shoulders still against her will. If you think she looks nervous from behind but the bond feels fine, then it's probably because it's time".

"I guess we'll have one more reason to stare at her then" Yoongi says with a teasing tone and I look down shyly. "Not like we really need a particular reason, she's so beautiful, I could stare at her forever" Taehyung adds and I feel my heart beat faster when Hoseok and Namjoon start grazing their fingers over my skin from the front and the back.

"Okay, okay, that's enough now" Jin steps in to save me and pushes the two of them away from me as they laugh. MJ's eyes widen as he stares at my soulmates and I see some faces blush a little. "Guys? Please not while we're here, keep those thoughts away from me!" he screeches and comes to wrap me into his arms protectively.

"Men will always be men, you lock your door when you go to sleep from now on" he tells me and I stare back confused as Jungkook and Taehyung whine loudly. Yoongi chuckles deeply and Hoseok smirks. Jimin, Jin and Namjoon look down at their feet awkwardly, as if they've been exposed.

"Did I miss something?" I ask them, curiosity at what I'm feeling through the bond, it feels a little weird.

"It's nothing, Hun, nothing at all" Jin says after clearing his throat and the others shake their head to confirm his claims.

"Don't tell me they thought about corrupting my baby sister?!" Sanha suddenly shouts when he starts understanding and Moonbin who's been very quiet from the beginning howls in laughter. But his face becomes serious very quickly and he turns to my soulmate. "Not on my watch".

Jungkook gulps and the mood becomes very awkward.

"It's not like we did anything... it was just a little inoffensive thought" Taehyung mumbles, Jungkook and Jimin nod as they share a look and Namjoon sighs as he scratches the back of his head.

"Can we please focus on something else?" he asks and MJ releases me while glaring at them. "Why don't we watch a movie?" Hoseok adds as a distraction, which works on the youngests, me included.

"That could be fun! What are the choices?" I ask with excitement in my voice, which pleases everyone in the room, the unknown incident now behind.

For now.

Jungkook comes to pull me with Jimin and Taehyung to the wall where stands a library with hundreds of movies. "You have so many" I say in awe as they grin and they start showing me all their favorites while the olders start getting the room ready for everyone.

Once the movie is chosen, one of Hoseok's favorites, I turn back to show him with a smile but it fades when I don't see him anywhere. Jimin stands by me and notices me staring around. "Are you looking for Hoseok?". I nod and he hums before pointing to the middle of the living room, which everyone seems to be avoiding on purpose.

"Just look there and you'll see some magic happen very soon" he murmurs in my ears and I do as told, even though I'm confused. It's not like he's just going to appear sudden-

"I'm back!" the man I was looking for exclaims with two bags in his hands. He then sees me staring at him with wide eyes and chuckles.

"Y-you" I start and he leans in very close to my face with a grin. "One of my ability allows me to teleport myself to somewhere I've already been before, I just don't use it a lot because I prefer walking" he explains and I stay still until the information processes into my brain.

My soulmate can teleport?! "One day I'll let you experiment it with me, for now, let's focus on the movie, which one are we going to watch?" he asks as he leans back with his bright happy eyes and I look at my now empty hand.

Jimin giggles as he shows me the CD box in his hands. "Inside out" he replies for me and Hoseok's eyes widen in happiness. "Great! I really like this one!" he says and runs to the kitchen with the bags with a spring in his steps.

I turn to the two groups of soulmates in the living room to see two separate spots of cushions and blankets on the floor. Most of them are already seated and just as I'm about to sit between Taehyung's legs, his arms open waiting for me, Sanha whines which gets my attention.

"You can cuddle with them anytime from now on, but we can't! Cuddle with us!" he begs and Moonbin's creased eyes show me just how much he would like me to accept. I look back to Taehyung to see his pout, the bond full of him debating between getting what he wants and being a good friend and soulmate. He eventually sighs and smiles at me before motioning for me to sit with them.

I give him a sorry but thankful look and trot over to my best friends' place to sit between them as Moonbin wraps his arms around my waist. Sanha lays his head on my lap and the others come closer, everyone getting comfortable as Hoseok comes back with bowls of chips and popcorn that he sets between the two groups so everyone can reach them.

And we start the movie, enjoying our time as we laugh, cry and gasp, sometimes discussing who would be which emotion in the girl's head or what kind of little guys we would have.

I figure mine would be the kind to be traumatized but still happy little freaks, all looking as if they're high on drugs, but really just dealing with thousands of memories, sometimes losing a cable and deciding to feel a rush on one of them. For entertainment purposes.

But I'm not going to share that. MJ shakes from laughter as he pats my knee and I try to resist my giggle, I don't want to get anyone's attention, but obviously, they're not blind.

I can't resist laughing any longer when his laugh becomes louder and everyone starts staring at us with amused confusion.

"I can just i-imagine- ah damn- little freaks" he screams the end with a laugh, his body falling over mine as he tries to breathe. "Them running around with wide eyes looking for orbs" I add and a weird noise leaves his throat, a mix of cry and laugh as tears come running down his cheeks. "Getting high on memories-". We both crack up as we hold onto each other, our sights blurry from tears.

Moonbin shakes from behind me as he starts laughing too, unable to resist when we're laughing so much. "I have no idea what you're talking about but I just imagined minions sniffing souls like they're drugs and I don't know how to deal with that information" he says and I scream as MJ hits his legs over and over, stomachs hurting and I fall backwards before rolling to my side on Rocky and Eunwoo.

Sanha smiles at us, taking in the sight of his happy family and Waffle comes to sit next to him for the same purpose.

Waffle then looks at his owner's soulmates as they point a camera at the group, wide smiles on their faces and a flash pierce through the darkness for a second. They stare and beam, proud of the memory they captured for her and keep on gazing at them with fond eyes, falling into laughter a bit more with every passing seconds.

The way the bond feels so bright and ticklish from her side makes them unable to focus on anything else and they relish in this feeling. Namjoon is the first to start laughing uncontrollably because of the barrier and soon everyone in the room is howling in laughter, most of them not even knowing what caused it.

This is a great night, Waffle concludes, his tail wagging from side to side in happiness.

I'm currently going through a divorce so I'm going to say sorry now if at some point I can't follow my schedule. This situation is stressing me a little, but I still try to write a chapter every day, please bear with me for a while.

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