The game and the name

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"Why don't we play Twister?" Jimin suddenly yells, taking all of us by surprise. Taehyung and Hoseok recover quite quickly when they start chirping along with him and Sanha eventually joins them, making all of us sigh and nod.

Because how could we refuse something to our loved ones?

"I swear, if I end up with someone's ass in my face again..." Yoongi mumbles loud enough for me to hear and I chuckle, much to his dismay. "You wouldn't laugh if one of them were to fart right into your nose. I almost threw up once because of that" he says as he points at someone with his nose.

My eyes widen, smile all gone and I turn to see Jimin's shy glance, cheeks a little pink. "It was the food, hyung...". Yoongi fakes a disgusted look and hides his grin with a hand in front of his mouth. "Worst day of my life. Damn chili, those beans will kill someone one day using your butt".

I feel Namjoon shake behind me and I look behind me to see him laughing hard but quietly. His eyes then fall on me and slightly crease into a smile as we stare at each other. His hand slides on my cheek softly before settling at the base of my jaw, his thumb grazing the surface of my lips.

I can't seem to look away, nor do I want to. "Such a beautiful woman you are" he whispers for my ears only and I feel my cheeks become warm, but I don't care. I give him my most sincere smile and lean my head into his hand while closing my eyes.

"I'm the luckiest in the whole world" I tell him and the bond between us explodes in fireworks, each one a sparkle of love that reaches every single one of our soulmates to share our feelings.

Pup tart stares at the two of us and takes in the feelings that surround him. Only love and protection, from both soulmate groups, all for his owner and master. Maybe he can trust them with her life too. He could be a little nicer with the white head. A possibility he would think about. In the meantime, he lays down on the couch and closes his eyes, his body is growing and he's tired often.

"Come on, Bun, let's participate too" Namjoon suggests and I nod before getting up from his arms and walking close to Jungkook who wraps an arm around my waist, the older following close behind.

Jin appears with the game. Rocky and Moonbin help him to get everything ready, laying the game carpet on the floor after Eunwoo pushes the coffee table away to make more space.

"So, who never played this game before?" Namjoon asks from behind me and we look around, noticing a few hands up. "Alright, so it's quite easy. We usually have up to four people play at the same time. We have this little clock here that points to which body part and which color. Depending on which one is shown and whose turn it is, you have to make yourself reach the right color which the right body part without falling or pushing the others away from their current positions. If you fall, you're out".

We decide that Yoongi, Taehyung, JinJin and Sanha will be the firsts to break the ice and they get ready, one at a time starting to enter the game with either their hands or feet.

I can't stop laughing, because Yoongi becomes very quickly in a very compromising position, Taehyung's butt becoming closer with each moves and I can see it in his eyes, I don't even need the bond to know that he fears a replay of last time.

"Taehyung, you better keep it in" he says and I look at Taehyung's red face to see that he's struggling trying to not laugh his ass off. "Left foot, red" Namjoon says and Taehyung very poorly muffles a laugh when he moves his left foot right next to Yoongi's left hand, indeed ending with his butt in his face.

JinJin and Sanha have it a little easier, Sanha's head under his soulmate's stomach, both of them laughing at the scene in front of them, relishing in the fact that it's not them in this very hilarious situation for us outsiders.

"Taehyung, tell me dear, what did you eat for lunch today?" Hoseok asks sweetly, voice very excited to reveal an information that can ruin Yoongi's mood even more. "Brussel sprouts, they were disgusting by the way".

Yoongi's blood just leaves his face, deciding that he would suit a winter theme more at this moment, for he is terrified. "Not the brussel sprouts. Who the fuck brought brussel sprouts inside?!" he shouts and Jin hisses aggressively. "Don't fucking swear in front of the younger ones! I did, why?! They're very healthy and delicious when cooked well!" he explains, moving his fists around to prove his point.

"Hyung... they really weren't good" Taehyung mumbles and Jin looks shocked. He glances around to see Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok looking away, faking a whistle. I can see Namjoon slowly walk away from the room, intent on not being caught but Jin stops him with a hand on his arm, eyes begging for support. Namjoon looks at me with panicked eyes before bringing them back to Jin's. "Hum. Well. It's not your cooking skills hyung, that's for sure. Brussel sprouts are... well, how should I say that. They're just gross, Jin-hyung".

I quickly look away when Jin turns to look at me and I hear him sigh. "Okay... no more of them in the house from now on".

A collective sigh of relief is heard in the room and I turn back to Yoongi to see him scrunching his nose in fear when we hear a groan coming from Taehyung. His eyes show fear, but also the need to keep going, there's no way he's losing. He might die soon, but not without trying to win this stupid game. "Tae" the white haired man warns him, murderous tone, head tilted to the side, body ready to spring away.

But it's too late.

A ninja fart. That's what Taehyung uses as a weapon to rid the game of one participant.

Yoongi gags multiple times as he scrambles up on his feet with desperation, turning away from a very red faced Taehyung who's struggling to stay serious. I can see him clench his jaw with force and I have to bite my tongue to not laugh. Let's not make things worse. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Hoseok explodes in laughter, giving up already and soon Sanha, Eunwoo, Moonbin, MJ, JinJin and Rocky follow. Like a wave, my soulmates minus one all start crying of laughter too. Taehyung falls on his stomach, body shaking with screams, not able to keep it in anymore.

Yoongi's face is now green, looking at the floor, taking in slow breaths as he sits on the coffee table, completely destroyed.

And he gags again. I snort and regret it instantly. He looks up at me and motions with one finger for me to come closer. I look around, all eyes avoiding me except for my brothers who look just as scared as I am.

I take slow steps at first but decide to hurry when I see his eyes darken. I stop in front of him and wait for anything to happen. He then pats his lap with his serious gaze, not open to any refusal.

When he senses my hesitation and confusion, he turns me around, picks me up and settles me on his lap from the side, my back facing the kitchen and he snakes an arm around my waist to keep me there while the other serves as support behind him on the table.

He stares at our soulmates and points at the carpet with one raised eyebrow.

"You may continue".

So they do. Longing glances towards us from time to time, amused eyes from my best friends, they keep twisting around, laughing and making us chuckle when it becomes a disaster. But no more farts happen.

Yoongi repositions himself and wraps his second arm around me, snuggling his chin on top of my right shoulder, his nose tickling the skin of my neck. "You smell good. It makes me forget the awful smell that almost made me die earlier".

I giggle and slap a hand on my mouth. "Sorry. It's not funny, I swear" I tell him but he just smiles.

"If my suffering can make you laugh, then I guess it's not all for nothing. Although my hate for brussel sprouts has now increased".

We laugh together and Namjoon comes to join us by sitting next to Yoongi on the table. I'm luckily facing him now so we smile at each other before turning to the game still going on when we hear Jimin giggle loudly. He's trying to reach his color by going through the small hole between Eunwoo and MJ who are glued together.

I beam at the sight of my two families having fun together, I couldn't ask for more.

"Are you happy with this night so far?" Namjoon asks me and I nod quickly, meeting his eyes once again to see him proud.

"Should we order some food soon? We wouldn't want to forget and end up eating cardboard boxes because there's literally nothing good we can make right now, if I can judge from what Jin made this morning before leaving" Yoongi asks and they both nod before looking at me at the same time.

"What?" I ask, confused from their serious staring. "You choose what we eat" Yoongi decides and after a nod from Namjoon, I agree.

"Okay, then we can eat my pup's food with him".


"Okay that wasn't funny, no need to be so rude" I mumble and Namjoon starts faking a laugh, a very fake laugh to try and make me feel better. Emphasis on the 'try'. Yoongi gives him a 'what the fuck' look, disappointed by his younger soulmate and Namjoon seems to realize when he stops to clear his throat.

"There, I laughed. It was very funny, now what should we eat?". I sigh. "Chinese food".

"GUYS! CHINESE, YOU OWE ME FIVE DOLLARS EACH" Namjoon suddenly shouts and Jin's mouth drops open, his eyes briefly showing me how I seem to have betrayed him while Yoongi groans loudly and throws his head backwards. Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok look down at the same time and they all pout at me.

Eunwoo, MJ and JinJin all burst out laughing as they seem to remember what led to this while the others concentrate on the game, not really caring about why five dollars are owed.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I ask confused, to which Namjoon just grins widely. "Not wrong. At least not for me".

"Y/N! You said you wanted to eat pizza this morning!" Jin exclaims and I shrug. "Yeah, but that was this morning. Now I want chinese". Namjoon giggles like a proud kid and takes his phone out to call the closest restaurant.

He just orders everything on the menu and tells the person on the other side of the line how many we are, all grown adults to make sure they make enough and then ends the call with bright happy eyes.

"Is this a habit you all have of ordering everything?" I ask and he looks at me as if the answer is obvious. "We do, but in my defense, have you seen how many we are tonight? I can't just order a few meals and expect us to be full".

I open my mouth to say something, but realize that I have absolutely nothing to say to that. I decide to simply nod and watch as Jungkook walks to me with the intention of taking me out of Yoongi's arms.

"I want to cuddle her, hyung" he says softly with a pout, puppy eyes triggering the real puppy in the room. Yoongi sighs and allows me to leave him so I can spend some time with the others. Jungkook grins at me and pulls me by the hand to sit on the couch where he proceeds to hide me in his coat, keeping me warm against his chest.

"How have you been feeling lately?" he asks me quietly, not wanting to worry the others. I tilt my head at his words, he doesn't feel worried, but his words just sound like it. "I've been really good, Jungkook. Nothing bad has happened, it's been pretty good". I feel his hum on the skin of neck.

"That's great then". He leaves things at that and changes the subject to funnier things, like how Jin always seems like he's going to win only to fail at the very last seconds, making him throw a tantrum like a kid from time to time. It's kinda cute to be honest. That's Jin's charm, I guess. He could do anything and we'd still find him so damn perfect.

Snoop doggy boy comes to jump on my lap and stares at me intently. Curious, I stare back, wondering why he's looking at me.

Then it comes to my mind.

"We still haven't named you, have we?". That gets everyone's attention and soon everyone's sitting in circle around us on the floor, my soulmates at the front while my other family sits at the back, curious eyes gazing at us.

"I say we call him Shadow, because he's going to be our soulmate's little ninja and protector" Jungkook says from behind me, but Jin shakes his head vigorously. "No, it should be Autumn, because just look at him, he looks so soft". "What about Blue?" Taehyung chimes in and Yoongi scuffs. "Does he look blue to you?". Taehyung pouts but still shakes his head cutely.

Jimin gasps loudly and his eyes stare intently at the puppy. He points at the creature. "Chickie". Namjoon snorts. "Y'all so bad at naming dogs. He should obviously be called Dionysus, because that sounds kinda smart". Yoongi frowns and scoffs again. "Do you know the meaning of Dionysus? You're gonna call this dog something that has to do with parties and sex?". Namjoon frowns and hurries to find the definition of the word. "Oh" is all he says.

"Huh guys..?" I try to get their attention but no one's listening. They all keep throwing in random names in the hopes of being the winner.

Eunwoo smiles at me from behind the group and gives me a thumbs up to cheer me up. I smile back and nod to thank him.

In the meantime, Chewbacca stares at everyone with disappointment. He doesn't really care what name he gets in the end. What he does care about is the fact that they're ignoring his owner and making her feel bad. So he barks in the hopes of bringing them back to what really matters - their soulmate.

I stare at the puppy in my arms. "That oddly sounded like the word Waffle. Is that what you want to be named?" I ask him and he looks up with big round eyes. He barks again, the same kind. "Waffle... this sounds great to be honest" Hoseok says with happy eyes.

Waffle said he doesn't care, but Waffle sounds great for a brave puppy like him. So he nods. Waffle may now be named Waffle.

"Well... I guess the dog named himself" Yoongi mumbles and I giggle, enjoying the kiss I get on the cheek from Jungkook followed by the puppy.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Namjoon hurries up on his feet to the door. JinJin and MJ get up to follow him since there will probably be many bags to carry.

"Come eat!" they scream when they come back with ten bags. TEN.

Y'all thought I was gonna use the propositions for the real name right? Well you would be right to think so, but life had other plans for me. So Waffle it is. Don't kill me please.

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