The new cherished memory of my heart

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When we enter the cafe, we're automatically met with the sweet aroma of pastries and coffee. I can already see Yoongi lean towards the coffee machine, his eyes fixing the cup of dark coffee that's passed from one pair of hands to an other at the counter.

Waffle is trying his hardest to keep his saliva at bay, the smile is overwhelming and all his senses are screaming for cookies. He can see the cookies on the counter with a little paper on which is written - DOG TREATS - . Should he try to ask for some? Or should he stay quiet and act like an adult? He truly doesn't know.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are already staring at the little cakes behind the glass, all wondering which ones they should take, one who prefer which one. At this point, I trust them enough to know that they're going to get me something chocolatey. Always chocolate, it's easy.

Namjoon and Jin bring me with them to find some tables for us, Waffle eventually following behind with almost regret in his step while Yoongi and Hoseok stay with the youngests to make sure they don't cause trouble.

We find a corner where three tables and separated, but empty, so we proceed to move them next to the one by the window so we can all sit together. Once ready, I sit right by the window, Waffle at my feet, Namjoon in front of me and Jin goes to join the others after murmuring about something in the bond making him think that one of the youngests is about to pull a prank.

I chuckle when I see him running over to the group and scold a pouty Taehyung who's been found out too quickly while Jimin and Jungkook giggle like kids, probably then saying that it was just a matter of time before he would be found out, his emotions are a huge giveaway when he's about to do something.

It takes a while, but they eventually come back with their arms full and they start setting everything on the table.


Goes as follows: (l being the windows)



Yoongi slides a cup of hot chocolate in front of me, but my focus is taken away when I quickly spot the double chocolate cake on the tray. But just when I'm about to grab it, Hoseok takes it from my reach and he instead gives me strawberry cake.

I look up at him with betrayed eyes but he entirely ignores me, hovering his fork above the cake many times as I eye the delicious treat with a mouth wide open and sad eyes.

What is this? Why am I being treated that way? Strawberries? Me? AH. The audacity!

I don't know whether I should feel disappointed or just accept that today I'm not eating the chocolate cake. Someone else can enjoy the treat too... I'll act nice and just deal with it... Trying to force my pout out of my face but failing miserably, I take my fork I stare at the strawberry, wondering if I should start with it or keep it for the end.

With one resolved sigh, I can do this, I pick at the strawberry and that's when the laughter explodes. Hoseok, red in the face from his loud laughing, is almost letting his face drop on the cake as his body shakes uncontrollably. Luckily, Jungkook saves it just in time before Hoseok's forehead hits the table and I am Jungshook.

"You did it on purpose!" I shout when I see him look at me with teary eyes, a huge smile on his face and he starts laughing again at my expression. Soon, the others join in on his laugh and I am left gaping like a fish at the prank they just pulled on me.

I decide to drown my anger in hot chocolate and slowly sip at my cup while gazing out of the window.

I don't need such negativity in my life. I'm going to enjoy my drink and then leave them behind, I don't care about cakes, I'm old enough to-

"Here you go, My lady" Yoongi whispers suavely as he slides the dark brown cake in front of me and I feel myself already on the verge of giving up. It looks and smells so good... I give Namjoon a side glance to see him nodding with a smile while pointing at the cake. I look at the table to see the strawberry cake now in front of Hoseok and when my eyes meet his by mistake, he winks. I quickly look away, feeling my now fake scowl slowly giving place to a very unwanted smile.

"Well... if you don't want it, I'll take it" Jin suddenly says and the cry that escapes my throat takes me by surprise as I wrap an arm around my plate to protect it from sneaky hands. I blush and decide to simply start eating the cake as their laughter resumes even more. "It's mine" I mumble before taking the first bite and I let my eyes close at the taste.

Such a deep and velvety taste that melts in my mouth. This is what paradise must taste like. I ignore the cooing I'm receiving from all of my soulmates, the taste of chocolate the only thing my heart seeks at the moment.

It sadly disappears too quickly and it's a disappointing feeling to not have anything left in my plate, but my heart feels warm and fuzzy. Chocolate is happiness in form of food. No one can tell me otherwise, it's the only food that makes a smile appear on my face so quickly only at the mention of it.

It's also the only food that can start a war. There's no in between.

I look down at my feet to see Waffle pouting. He sniffles and his ears shake a little before he looks up to me with curiosity, but I can see in his eyes that he's disappointed. I can't even imagine having to smell all of this food with the knowledge that you can't have a taste.

Once done, we raise from the table and start taking the dishes to a section where they collect them while others bring the tables back to their original space and I walk to the counter, only now noticing the dog treats. A smile appears on my face and I automatically reach for the cover to get two cookies.

I pay for them and walk outside after hiding them behind me to surprise Waffle.

But Waffle isn't dumb. He has a sensitive nose and anyway, his eyes were on her from the moment she stepped away from her soulmates. He tries to hide his joy, his tail swiping left and right a bit too quickly to his liking, but he can't help it. She bought him cookies, how can he stay sad?

I walk out of the building, leaving my soulmates behind and when Waffle joins me before the door closes, I turn to him with a grin.

"Waffle, my good boy, I've a surprise for you!" I chirp before showing him my hand and he jumps from one paw to the other, his cute body not able to handle the excitement he's experimenting. I show him my hand so he can eat them and he happily does so, careful to not dirty my hand with his saliva as his teeth carefully grab the first cookie.

Oh goodness, Waffle thinks to himself. They taste like the best treats he's ever had. The crunchiness, the chicken and little hint of turkey flavor that overrides his tastebuds make him feel like he's in heaven. He eagerly takes the second cookie and eats it as slowly as he can to enjoy the moment. He hopes this isn't the only time he'll get them, because he's in love.

I scratch his head and ears, awing at his cuteness. My little boy really is the best boy.

The others soon join us outside and we look around for something to do since we still have time to spare. I look around and spot a nice looking park with trees and flowers around, benches spread around for people to sit and relax.

"We could go there?" I offer and they all turn to the park at the same time. Hoseok is the first to react with a wide heart shaped smile and he grabs my hand before pulling me with him to the other side of the street. I laugh as I run behind him, a smile of my own while I gaze at the back of his face, enjoying the moments when he turns back to look at me with blinding joy.

Waffle is running by my side, his tongue darting out of his mouth, it's been a while since the last time he ran for fun, it feels good.

Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon follow close behind while Yoongi and Jin walk side by side, shoulders brushing from time to time as they simply enjoy the feelings they get from the bond and the sight of their smiling soulmates happy.

It's so great to know that no matter what we go through, no matter how tough days can be, moments like these are possible. They are so important, because they are what allows us to keep moving forward.

Hoseok makes us stop near a tree where we can see kids playing with balls and as I try to catch my breath, the others surround us with grins and smiles. "It's such a nice looking park!" the sun exclaims and I nod, letting go of his hand to step a little away from them. They stare at me with confused eyes, until I get my camera. Realization hits their faces and a giddy look take place on their faces.

Taehyung looks the most excited as he jumps on place while clinging to Namjoon's arms. "She's going to take a picture! A new picture!" he repeats as he clings from one soulmate to the other with a wide boxy smile.

Loving the sight of his pure joy, I quickly take a picture without them knowing, getting a glimpse of their natural expressions as they grin from Taehyung's reactions with the most loving eyes. I can't see it well because of the cracked screen, but it doesn't matter. The picture is taken and it'll look beautiful, no matter what.

"Okay, in place everyone!" I shout to get their attention and they all listen quickly, the taller ones going behind while the smaller ones stay at the front. I giggle and stabilize my arms before taking an other picture, inwardly cooing at the cute and shy smile Jimin and Yoongi shoot my way while the others show teeth white as pearls.

Once done, I walk their way as I gaze at the last picture and I nod in satisfaction. They'll look wonderful with the others.

What I don't expect next is for Namjoon to call one of the people walking by for a picture. I tilt my head, wondering why he would need more pictures when I already took two beautiful ones, but when he motions for my camera, which I hand to him only to see him then hand it to the stranger, I understand what he wants. 

Jimin slowly intertwines our hands before pulling me with him to stand in the middle of our group. Yoongi stands at my other side while Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon stand right behind us. Jungkook and Taehyung are both clinging onto Yoongi and Jimin respectively.

I'm not usually in pictures and it didn't even cross my mind to become a part of one, but it feels nice to see them taking action so it can happen. "Isn't it our first picture all together?" I ask softly.

They all transform into smiling machines, eyes disappearing as cheeks raise, jaws almost hurting from how wide they're being stretched, euphoria taking place in the bond and taking me over like a mortal wave.

Except, it's a wave that makes me feel the happiest I've ever been in my life. It beats everything. Our first picture as a complete and final soulmate group.

To be part of that... Once the picture is taken, the camera handed back to me with care, I put it around my neck again and open the gallery to stare at it. I suddenly feel so emotional as tears trickle the corners of my eyes.

"Awwww, baby" Jin murmurs before taking me into his arms, his chest against my back as I start sobbing, an arm hiding my face as I let the feelings wash over me. Hoseok joins the hug, his own tears joining mine as he moves my arm away from my face to rub our cheeks together while Jimin does the same with my other cheek, his own face already stained with tears.

Even Yoongi and Namjoon can't keep in a few tears as they come and join the group hug slowly forming around me. Jungkook and Taehyung and crying just as much as I am and grab one hand each, their only way to reach me at the moment since I'm hidden behind too many bodies.

I sniffle loudly as I try to calm my tears, shy at the burst of emotions I suddenly am experiencing.

"I'm really so very happy to have you all by my side. I love you, my dear soulmates".

Eyes open wide to stare at my blushing face one realization hits me. I love you. I just said that out loud. But it really is how I feel, there's no need to hide it. Liking them is not enough anymore, loving them feels so much better, more appropriate. It's a word a little bit closer to the immense amount of love I have for them.

"Y/N... we love you too" Jimin cries and his arms snake their way around my neck, his body clinging onto me more than he's ever done as he makes me feel all of his feelings, both through the bond and with his ability.

It's so intense I can see Namjoon waver a little, but he holds on, hands gripping onto the two bodies by his sides and a sheepish yet exhilarated smile adorns his face. The barrier is making him experience everything I am just as strongly, so his heart is almost bursting with emotions at the moment, forcing him to give more to the others to not become overwhelmed.

If we could see the emotions, which I know some abilities allow, our group would be so bright they'd probably grow blind.

Jin's arms around me tighten even more while Hoseok stamps a long and soft kiss on my cheek, the only way he's found to deal with the surge rushing through him at the moment.

Yoongi has a beautiful gummy smile that doesn't seem to be willing to fade away, cheeks damp with tears and I see him staring at me with such warm eyes, all of his love being spoken through them.

Jungkook and Taehyung push their way into the group and although there's not much space left, they manage to crouch and wrap themselves around my waist, their heads on my stomach so they can be just as close to me as the others.

We probably look like a crazy group right now, but this moment, although not a picture, I will cherish in my heart for the rest of my life.

Nothing can ever take it away from me, it will be carved into my soul until the day I die.

Because I love them so, so much.

Here's a fluff chapter for you all dear readers! I hope you like it!

Also, if you guys are interested in a Seokjin x Reader story, I invite you to take a look at mine! It's a soulmate story and I very much enjoy writing it, so I hope to see some of you there!

Stay safe, love you all!

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