The soul

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Proceed with caution at the end of the chapter. It might contain something triggering for some of you, I'm not sure, but one never knows. Anyway, good reading!

After our cute moment, even though all we want right now is to cuddle and nap, we know we have more urgent things to do, so we head to Taehyung's workplace.

The psychologist, Bang Si-Hyuk is already waiting for us at the entrance and he doesn't waste time in bringing us to his office. I take a seat on the couch, Taehyung and Yoongi by my sides while the others stand behind us, Jungkook right behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

I feel him a little anxious, the soul is so complex after all and our presence here is to know just how broken mine is. It must be in a pitiful state. Not knowing what to expect is putting a toll on all of us.

"I'm glad to see that you're all taking action. It mustn't have been an easy choice to make" he says as his eyes fall on me and I give him a small smile. I can't say I'm not scared that something will turn against us, but we have this opportunity, we need to try and make the best of it.

He turns to his desk and seems to hesitate. "Do you remember the last time you came here?" he asks and eventually grabs a paper that he hands to Taehyung. The latter's eyes narrow as they read the words. Namjoon leans over his shoulder, face growing somber as he too reads whatever information is on there.

"What is it?" I ask them when I feel the bond shake a little. Jungkook's hands tighten on my shoulders and I put a hand on one of his to comfort him while Jimin does the same on his other hand, soothing the both of us at the same time.

Yoongi leans closer to me and takes the paper out of Taehyung's hands once he knows they're done reading. I scoot closer to him to take a look too and he moves the paper so we both can see well, along with the others behind us.

"A... tracking virus?" I mumble and mister Bang takes that moment to speak up. "Indeed. It was my first time seeing one like this, but someone implanted it into your soul to follow you around. I can't stress enough how great your timing for coming to me was, this could have ended terribly otherwise".

It's now Jin's turn to grab the paper to real the smaller notes and Yoongi side hugs me, making me lean against his chest. His breath is heavy and I can't tell if the hug is more for me of for him.

"We can't pinpoint exactly who did that, but it would mostly have something to do with their ability. Someone might be trying to find a way to get her when she's alone" the older man says and the whole mood shifts in the room. His eyes seem tired as he too feels it in the air and Jin proceeds to give us calming waves to the best of his abilities. It's not always easy keeping six men and himself under control.

"That's an other problem which we'll need to take care of eventually. For now, what we need to focus on is getting her out of the government's hands. Which is why we're here, we need proof that her soul is in danger, which I have absolutely no doubts about" Namjoon then says to bring us back to the matter at hand and the man nods.

He opens a curtain to reveal a hidden part of the room which consists of a few machines surrounding a bed.

My body tenses quickly and my heart skips a beat before doubling its speed. Yoongi reacts right away by hugging me tighter and forces my head softly in his neck, an attempt to hide me from an unknown danger.

"What's wrong, Snowflakes?" he whispers in my ears and I take a moment to breathe in his smell first, his natural scent bringing relief to my soul.

"It looks like the room" I whisper. I don't have good memories of the M.I.'s room in which they attach me and seeing something alike outside of the official building feels wrong.

I hear steps start moving around the place while Yoongi continues to hold me, a small hum of a song just for me to hear while things move around, heavy sounds sliding on the floor closer to us. The sound of curtains are heard again and after a while, out of curiosity when the silence comes back, I peek out from behind Yoongi's hand.

They brought a few machines in a corner by the couch, a pillow at the side for me to lie down and the other part of the room is now hidden again. I stare at everyone with wide eyes while they shoot me silly grins, simply happy to feel my part of the bond warm up.

"Is this better, Bun?" Namjoon whispers after crouching next to Yoongi and I. I smile and nod, then pull away from my cuddly soulmate with a kiss to his cheeks to lie down on my back, head on the pillow.

I raise my head just a little to see Yoongi's red cheeks that he tries to hide with his hands, wide eyes staring at Namjoon with disbelief. But the huge grin that spreads on his face before turning to me with shining eyes is a pleasing feeling to all of us.

If Yoongi's happy, everyone's happy. It just works like that.

Mister Bang approaches me softly, a smile on his lips and he starts getting the machines ready while explaining what he's doing. "Alright, so I'm going to stick a few sensors to your head and neck, then add some to myself. These will take care of noting on the computer everything that I'll come across, your soul's reaction to my touches and actions. I'll tell you now, the same doesn't happen twice with souls so I don't know how yours is going to react to this, but trust me, I'm going to be as gentle as I can and this should be painless" he says, finishing installing the sensors to me.

He steps away to a second machine and asks Taehyung for some help, something he usually does anyway when he works so he's used to it. His hands quickly and gracefully stick the cushions at all the right places and when the old man turns to me, I snort. He grins and dangles his head a little.

"It looks weird, right?" he jokes a little before activating the machines and I nod, the noises surrounding us now making me a little nervous. Jimin's about to come closer but mister Bang stops him with a sad look on his face.

"It's going to be hard for you, but I'm going to ask you to not help her. I need to get her soul in the raw and you trying to help her will alter the results". Jimin's face falls and he steps back and snuggles into Jungkook's arms. I bite my lips and look up to see them all staring at me with soft, but worried eyes from behind the couch.

"Please try to control your nervosity too. If she focuses on how you all feel, it's going to make this harder" the man adds and my soulmates nod, all trying to focus on Jin's waves that he sends them.

Mister Bang takes a stool and puts it by my head, next to the couch's arm so he can be face to face with the top of my head. "Alright, I'm going to start now. Take deep breaths and try to keep your eyes closed, this is very important. Focus on me while I'm in your soul, open the paths and don't block anything, this will make things smoother for you". I nod and feel his fingers settle around my head and forehead.

And it begins.

At first, a soft knocking on the door of my soul, asking for permission. I invite him inside and I can feel him scan everything he comes across. Bits of early and forgettable memories, my recent feelings. But as he goes deeper, and he takes his sweet time, it also becomes a little bit more private. My feelings for my soulmates, those linking to more important memories, less forgettable, but not quite irreplaceable. A little deeper, where my soul is connected to my soulmates. He scans briefly that part, not daring play in that sensitive and private part of the bond, it's not his place, but I keep the doors open like he asked.

What becomes less funny is when he goes even deeper. My insecurities, who I am, the important memories, those I will never forget. The deep love for my soulmate that is now anchored into me.

But something alerts me. For such important things about myself, they're strangely too high up, too... accessible. And it's all explained when he goes even deeper, this time hitting a wall.

And behind it, all the nightmares. They're all gathered at the same place, even deeper than what makes me who I am.

"Y/N, the wall please. Do you think you can open it?" I hear, but I keep my eyes closed, myself focused to not lose him. I try to open the wall, to make it disappear, but it's heavy, thick and very resistant.

A sigh. "I feared this would happen. It seems the wall only opens when something triggers it, which would explain why when the memories slip up and overwhelm you, they don't just come back to the surface briefly, they engulf you. Your soul is trying to protect you from yourself".

I shiver. It's abnormal for a soul to build such a strong wall from the inside. It gathered all of the nightmares and threw them into the deepest corners and under lock to avoid them making me sink deeper into myself.

"Okay, Y/N, what I'm going to ask you will be very hard, but I know you can do it. You're going to take the wall and make an entrance for me. Not a hole, but a door. I will open it and enter quickly, but you don't have to follow me, it wouldn't do you any good, quite the opposite. I will be out soon and you will then remove the door, okay?" he says and I nod, anxiety starting to eat me from the inside.

How the heck do I make a door appear in this wall? I concentrate on it, try to just make a way to enter. Controlling my own soul is not easy to do. Can I even do this?

"Imagine yourself opening a door. Visualize and make it happen".

I frown. Like this is helping. I still do like he says, visualize myself getting access inside. And just like that, the wall becomes thinner at one place, thinner but still resistant. "Wonderful, Y/N, good job. Now step back, I'll try to be quick".

He indeed enters and disappears behind the wall.

And it's a deep panic that washes over me.

Danger, this is wrong. Danger. Get out, I need to get out. Now. Please.

"I'm done, Y/N, I'm done" he says but as he leaves the nightmares' cage, a memory slips its way outside and comes straight to me. "Oh shi-"

I open my eyes to find myself hanging upside down from my feet. But bellow me, nothing. Nothing but miles and miles of trees and rocks. I look around me to see someone seated on the cliff right by me. He's close, he could get me out of this dangerous position so easily, but he's the one who brought me here. My husband.

He boringly stares at me while panic starts overwhelming me, I don't want to die. I don't want to fall down. "You know, I saw you flirt with that guy. You looked at him with a smile, sweet eyes. Was he your style? Do you like that kind of guy?". I meet his eyes. I want to tell him that it's not true, I don't know what he's talking about, but I can't.

My lips feel glued together. I can't open my mouth. I start crying, but it sounds muffled, ineffective "Don't bother trying to talk, I stitched them together so I don't have to hear your pathetic excuses".

He takes a knife and start to playfully slide the flat part against the rope. The only thing holding me from falling down. He switches to the sharp side and makes a dent in the rope.

And that's when I know that it's over. When the rope starts to undo , every strands snapping free from the weight that becomes too heavy for them. I scream, try to tell him to stop, to get me out of here, but it's useless. My jaw hurts from clenching so much, the only way I can cope from not being able to cry.

With a loud snap, the rope gives up and I fall. I try to scream, my lips pulling at the stitches, begging for them to snap so I can freely scream because right now, the fear is making my heart ache so much. It feels like I'm imploding, the pressure making my whole body scream in pain. It's pure terror as I reach closer to the ground, but then, relief from finally getting the peace that will save me.

My eyes snap open and I try to gasp for air, but I can't. Wide eyes as I look around me, I can't focus on anything, on anyone. My body still feels like it's falling, even if I know I'm on stable ground, I mentally am still falling.

Arms try to hug me, to calm me down but it's only suffocating me. I push them away, not registering the gasp that rings in the room as a body falls to the ground.

I need to get out. I need to get out of here. I manage to get up on my feet and when I spot the door, I run away, body hitting against it when I don't notice in time that I'm there already. I fumble with the doorknob, about to open the damn door when a pair of arms grab me again from behind.

"L-let me go, let me go" I repeat over and over again as my legs give up under me, when my body falls to the ground and the arms don't let go of me. A few seconds pass during which I try to fight the body, to free myself, I need fresh air, I need to breath but I still can't.

"I... I c-can't breathe" I manage to whisper, voice faint and week.

And suddenly, I'm in a beautiful meadow, the sun high in the sky, flowers all around me. It looks beautiful, but it feels... like a bed. I become calmer, a soothing feeling that I only get when I'm in the nest.

My breathing becomes mine again, cheeks flushed from the panic, heart still beating incredibly fast, but inclined to go slower. The pressure in my head, in my body fades and I feel myself become too weak to hold myself. Arms grab me tighter as my body snuggles against an other.

"You're okay. You're okay". The voice sounds anxious, hurt, but warm and soft.

I look up to find Hoseok staring at me with his achingly beautiful eyes. "You're okay, baby Berry, I'm here with you, you're safe".

I close my eyes and lean my head on his chest, let his heartbeat play like a melody to my ears. I'm fine, I repeat to myself. Hobi's here, I'm fine.

A kiss on my head. "I love you, Berry, you did wonderful there. I'm proud of you. You can rest now, I'll take care of you, I promise".

I believe him. So I let myself drift off to sleep.

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