Chapter 14: Eret, Bread, And Escape Plans

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I did humanity a favor and changed the last chapter's name.

Over the following days, you notably became happier and happier. Ranboo was your first friend who hadn't tried to kill you or kidnap you. He had a strange sense of humor, but it was one that could actually make you laugh.

Stop talking about bread.

Why? It's all there is to eat in this place.

You literally told me yesterday that you ate carrots and chicken.

...The only quality food. They don't even have potatoes!

My condolences. What flowers do you want on your gravestone?


...Flowers, Y/N. Flowers.

It was also pretty cool that he was half-Enderman. At first, he'd been surprised that you didn't think it was weird, but once you explained the fact that Wilbur, fully human, and a salmon had a half-fox child, he admitted that there were stranger things that half-Enderman.

The weirdest fact of all, however, was the fact that you implicitly trusted him. He was the first person in around a year you'd actually told your name to. Even beyond that, you told him stories that only Technoblade had ever heard. Speaking of Techno, you'd even admitted that he was your father.

Why is your sword named Orphan Slayer? ...Actually, I don't want to know.

Parental heritage for the win :D

You do realize that almost everyone here is an orphan.


Why are you so happy about that fact?

You grinned, but slammed the book closed as footsteps approached. Capping the inkwell, you wrapped it and the quill up and shoved all three things between the slats of the bed. You'd just laid back down on your bed when Sapnap's head appeared, and with it, a plate containing a carrot and two loaves of bread.

"Hey Shadow!" He chirped. "George and I are going swimming, want to come with?" From the moment he said the word "swimming", you started violently shaking your head. "Uh, you okay?" Sapnap asked hesitantly.

You took a shuttering breath. "I'm NOT going swimming, under ANY circumstance."

Sapnap looked confused. "Why? You love the rain."

"NO." You snarled, clenching your fists.

"Ooooooh," Sapnap said, looking like he understood. "You can't swim."

"SHUT UP!" You cried, throwing your pillow at him. "IT'S NOT JUST THAT." You closed your eyes, shivering. "My father and I, we never had any need to swim. We always just took boats." You sighed. "One time, however, I fell out of the boat. I... well, I sunk. And nearly drowned." You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. "And now, whenever I'm in water, I feel like I'm going to drown. I have panic attacks." Opening your eyes, you found Sapnap staring sympathetically at you. "What?" you snapped at him. "Stop LOOKING at me like that!"

Sapnap raised an eyebrow. "Like... What exactly?"

"Like I'm some poor, helpless panda with no future," you barked at him. "Go drown yourself." You waved him away, grabbing the carrot off of the plate. Sapnap shrugged, grinned, and left.

After he left, you gnawed on the carrot, mulling over what to do. Finally, you picked up the book, scrawling a message to Ranboo.

Hey, Ranboo, how would you feel about me escaping?

Mildly interesting, when?

Few days, I have a plan.

Sure, great, don't die. My potatoes haven't flowered yet.

Duly noted, will do.

Closing the book, you watched out your window until three blobs, one green, one blue, and one white, left towards the river. Standing up, you pushed open the cell door and started walking around the castle. You poked your head into a couple rooms, glancing around for a certain Netherite blade, but saw no one and no sword.

Finally, you stuck your head into a room simply chalk full of armor, weapons, and potions. Hanging on one of the walls was Orphan Slayer, and next to it, on the floor, was your bag. The only problem was Eret, who was sitting in the middle of the room, staring at you.

"Uh, hello?" he said awkwardly. You glared at him.

"Oh, it's you," you hissed. Eret looked you up and down.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, half curiously, half demanding.

You hesitated, making up a lie as fast as possible. "Looking for Patches. The cat," you clarified when he looked confused. "Tabby cat. Have you seen her?" you asked.

Eret shook his head. "Nope. I didn't know a cat was a part of my kingdom," he joked.

"...Kingdom?" you said, wondering if you'd heard him right. Eret nodded, and your brow furrowed as you tried to take in this new information. "Well, great. If you see the cat, I'll be down in the cellar, like usual," you deadpanned, turning around to walk back down the hall.

"Oh, Eret," you said, pausing. "Eret, I just wanted you to know that I think you are the worst b**** to ever walk the earth, and I hope you choak on your own crown," you spat at him before turning around and stomping away.



"You really think we can keep it a secret for that long?" Tommy whispered to Wilbur as he looked at the tiny sign announcing (more like stating in exceedingly small font as quietly as possible) the L'manburg 2020 election.

Wilbur hesitated for a moment before grinning at his friend. "Yes Tommy, I think we can. So long as nothing terrible happens, we can."

Below them, the newest member of L'manburg, Quackity, was attempting to get Tubbo to sell him some kind of drug, which mostly looked like a pufferfish to Wilbur. He sighed, watching the sunset, when a flash of movement outside of L'manburg caught his eye.

"Tommy, what was that?" Wilbur asked, peering closer. From what he could see, it was a tall man wearing a suit running towards the Dream SMP lands. Wilbur watched him for a long moment before the man disappeared into the forest.

"Eh, probably another traveler, no one important." Tommy said flippantly. "They're in the SMP's territory anyway, so it's their responsibility."

Wilbur snorted. "And what do you know about responsibility, Tommy?" The blond immediately socked his friend in the arm. "Come on," Wilbur said, grinning at him. "Let's prepare for the election."

Your PoV

You sat on the couch, Patches on your lap, sipping a cup of water and totally not eavesdropping on Dream. It was incredibly hard, actually, to hear through the stone walls, but you did pick out three repeating words: 'Election', 'Votes', and something ending in 'latt' that you didn't quite understand. You'd also managed to figure out that Eret had mentioned your stumbling into the weapons room, which was probably going to be a problem.

You took another sip, stroking Patches' head. Across the room, Sapnap was rustling around in a chest, looking for some sort of book. A clock on the wall dinged and his head shot up, eyes so wide it was almost comical. He sprang to his feet, as agile as a cat, and rushed out of the room. He returned a few minutes later carrying three baguettes, which he set onto a table. Slowly, you stuck your head around, eyes darting between the bread and him questioningly.

After a moment, you crept your hand closer to the bread. It was about an inch away when Sapnap smacked it. "No!" he yelped at you, but you could tell he was pleased that you liked the bread that much. You shot him an annoyed look but settled back down onto the couch, scooping up Patches again.

Eventually, when the sky grew darker, you grabbed the cat and headed off to bed. Once Patches was settled on the bed, you leaned down and slid out the book and ink.

Hey, Ranboo, question.


Why do you even have this book anyways?

Bad memory.

So, hypothetically, you might forget all about me?

Uh, yeah, actually, I might.

That's nice. Goodnight, Ranboo.

Goodnight... What's your name again?

Veeeeery funny.


Word count: 1377


I love writing the notebook parts. They're fun to play around with.

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