Chapter 15: WhElP That Totally Worked

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What's this? Another chapter?

So my brother got his wisdom teeth out. 

But he's not saying stupid stuff.

So I'm booooooooooooored

So we write chapters!

Yes, great idea!

Only problem is I suck at writing scenes like this.

A few days later, your opportunity for escape was presented to you. Dream and Sapnap had left (something about meeting someone) and George was (of course) sleeping. Eret was still awake and probably camping the weapons room, but you could take him. You watched the two men leave the castle, and the moment they went out of earshot, you grabbed the book and hastily scrawled a message to Ranboo.

Get ready Enderchild, I'm on my way out.

You're escaping NOW?

Yep. I'm going to burn these pages now, and if I'm caught I'll destroy the rest.

I think you mean 'when' you get caught.

Your faith in me is heartwarming. See you soon, Enderchild.

Don't die, Y/N.

Taking a deep breath, you tore out the pages and tossed them onto the nearby torches, watching as they shriveled into ash. Flinging open the door, you raced down the hallways, skidding around a corner and rushing into the weapon room. Eret was, as predicted, sitting in the middle of the room, but he jumped to his feet as you rushed in.

"Shadow? What are you doing in such a-" He started, but you slammed your fist into his face, knocking off his helmet.

"Don't mind me, looking for Patches," you muttered, knocking him out. "My, that felt good," you sighed happily as you swung your bag onto your shoulder. Picking up Orphan Slayer, you unsheathed the sword. "But this," you laughed, swinging the sword around, "feels even better." Re-sheathing the sword, you turned to Eret's unconscious body. "Bye bye, traitor."

You ran out of the room, racing towards the forest as fast as you could. You felt a smile slipping out onto your lips as your neared it. "Yes!" you laughed as you stepped into the trees. A lime green flash whirled out from behind a tree and you were suddenly on the ground, a sword at your throat.

"Hey, Shadow," Dream growled. "Here we are again." Behind him, Sapnap stepped out from the trees, his eyes hooded and sad.

"Oh, joy," you hissed, glowering at him. "You're here too."

Sapnap sighed. "George warned us. He was watching from outside the weapons room." You wondered if you were imagining the slight smile on his lips as he said, "Nice hit on Eret, by the way."

"You weren't kidding," a new voice broke in. From your limited viewpoint, you could vaguely see George's goggled head appear. "I thought you were joking when you bet she'd try to escape."

"Oh look!" you chirped dryly. "All my favorite people are here to see me! Where's Tommy? I feel like he should be here too, at this point." While you talked, you wriggled your arm around and pulled out the book and a flint and steel.

Una for tuna, the sun was not on your side (I'm telling y'all, rain and clouds are better). It caught the edge of the steel, flashing right into Sapnap's face. "What's this?" he said, poking your hand with the tip of his sword. You hissed, swelling up. Flicking the flint and steel, you lit the edge of the book on fire.

"Ah ah ah!" Dream purred, prying the book out of your fingers. He batted the fire out like he was shooing away a moth. He flipped through the book, raising an eyebrow at the writing before tucking into his pack. "Take her back to the prison cell. She's to be treated no better that a rat."

George sighed, taking out a sickeningly familiar dark red bottle. He tossed it up into the air and stepped away as it landed on top of you. Once more, the droplets burned into your skin, shredding through your sleeves like paper. For the second time, darkness crowded around you like feathers to a pigeon. Above you, George stared sadly down at you.

"You promised, Shadow. You promised that you wouldn't try to escape. You promised. You were our friend, why did you throw it away?"

You barked a sharp laugh, surprising George. "Friend. Suuuure. A friend who imprisons you, who keeps you from leaving, from going home. A friend. How deluded you are, Gogy. How idiotic. Here's a tip: next time you want a friend, go to someone who enjoys being imprisoned." Then, grinning, you lay your head back and closed your eyes.


725 words



Now the plot can actually start.

*A Wild JSchlatt has appeared!*

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