new name, new friend

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   It has been a four weeks since I arrived on Sydane, And its been three weeks I been working on this branchline and what an eventful first day it was, Almost causing an accident with a webb coal tank

Mr. Brook had Talked to me the following day, Telling Me and my crew we weren't to blame, But Rather an Careless Signalmen for switching us on a line with an oncoming train, But My crew Wasn't completely of the hook, Mr. Brook wasn't very fond of the two crew mates leaving their engine behind Unsupervised.

They promised it wouldn't happen again, I also got news from Mr. Brook about No. 185 Four week later that No. 185 had got Steel brakes and A brake pipe, Besides his new Parts, He Also had new paint, Pinebrook railways. Dark Green with Yellow lining, He still had the No. 185 on his cab, He also goes by A new name Matthew, I wonder what made him choose Matthew, Anyways he should be arriving today

These are the stories of Sydane

The present day

I Was shunting In the Yard, Marshaling a Train that needed to go to one of the farms along the branchline, The train mostly Consisted of Vans, I just needed a brakevan, Luckily I saw one near the sheds as I made my way there I had Approched a junction and took the Track to the carriage shed, There in the siding Was an London south western  Brakevan, I had many of these on my old railway, there were so many like todd, Simon, Jenny, and Steve, Steve was my favorite.

The only differnce was that he had the Initials PBR on his side and brown paint, He was Sleeping lightly snoring, I gently tapped into him to wake him up and was coupled up to him, As I moved backwards down the line, he yawned his eyes opened his face went pale as soon as he saw me.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Y-Yes" he responded the color returning back to his face "Your the new engine Arn't you?"

"Yeah" I responded "their should be an other engine arriving today his names No. 185, well its Mathew now"

"And whats your name?" He asked

"Im No. 525 last built of my class" I proudly stated "and were gonna be taking a train of vans to the farms" I said putting him at the back of the train I shunted earlier

I rushed to the head of the train awaiting the whistle, At last the gaurd gave us the ok, As he blew the whistle We were off, We chuffed down the line passing fields of wheat along the way, And two stations, We passed Carly on the way "I hope I don't got the share a shed with that Prat again...." I muttered

"She's not that bad you know" replied the brakevan

I raised an eyebrow "Is that right?, How come?"

"She's Going through a hardship" He replied "I heard what She said to you in the shed that night"

I scoffed in disgust "don't remind me"

"Through Her words were vulgar, shes an good engine, She just needs time to adjust" He Sighed "that's all"

I was still angry, I felt like I was gonna blow my safty valve "still, She doesn't have the rights to say those type of things, she was implying she was gonna bump me off the rails"

"I know, I was there" He said "Im gonna speak to her about this alright?"

"Alright..." I murmured

We reached the farm and stopped on the platform, the farmer greated us, And looked surprised "Blast, Richard is that you?" He exclaimed

"No sir" I replied startled by his sudden out burst "I'm No. 525"

"I must say I am sorry, You look just like the engine That used to take care of the milk runs"

I frowned "Was he a raidal Tank as well?"

"I suppose he was, You look just like him" He replied

"Well what happened to him?" I asked but before he could respond, The last of the milk was loaded and the gaurd blew his whistle and we started to move leaving the barn behind us

As we made our way to the next farm, I Still was curious about this other Raidal tank, Richard was one of the nameplates that hung on the wall in the shed

"Are you alright?" The brakevan called "You've been quiet for the past twenty minutes"

"Yeah" I replied a moment later "Just lost in thought, Anyways I never caught your name?" I tried to change the topic of the conversation

"Well Webby calls me Brakey" he started "but I officially don't have one"

"What about maximus?"

"Excuse me?"

"Maximus, It means strong" I reply

He paused for a moment "I Like the sound of that, Maximus The brakevan, Makes me sound powerfull"

"Well maximus It is" I luaghed "Just don't let it go to your head"

A while later we dropped The milk off amd we were heading back to the sheds before our next train, We had decided to talk about the London South western railway, Maximus was telling me a story about an incident he had

"There I was slamming on my brakes for dear life, The engine that was pulling the train brakes had caught fire and was picking up speed, and it was up to me to stop us, I braked so hard in fact that We had stopped only a few inches from the station buffers!"

"Ace! you truly are Maximus" I joked, He just luaghed

Just then an 02 reversed besides us with yellow striping and green paint, "hey No. 525 I'm B-Back, I got a new name

"I know Matthew" I smiled "Hey, Why did you take so long?, and why did you change your name to Mathew anyways?"

"It's a b-bit of a l-long story" he stammered

"What rubbish, We have plenty of time" Insisted Maximus

I was most curious was well "yeah, c'mon please tell us, My next train isn't due for another two hours"

The 02 smiled shyly "Ve-Very well" and this is the story he told

A/N heads up the next chapter is gonna be in Mathews perpective, and tell me does anyone really need this book still?

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