Chapter 1: Three Years Later

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Evie POV

"Morning love." My husband as of a two years says kissing my cheek. 

"Morning." I say kissing him. He helps me out of bed.  Why I need help is I'm eight and a half months pregnant. I'm scared. I don't want to be like my mom, obsessed with beauty and perfection.

"You okay love?" Harry asks. 

"Harry, I'm scared. I want to be a good mom. I just don't know how to be a mom." I say tears in my eyes.

"It'll be alright. I promise you. It'll be hard, but we've got it. I promise you this love, you'll be an amazing mother." Harry tells me.

"Thank you my pirate king." I say giggling at the nickname I gave him when we where dating.

"Come on, let's get up." He says.

"Harry, am I fat?" I ask looking at my huge stomach. It's extra big because I am gonna have twins.  Uma told me that, she has got her mom's magic. And the thing is, she can only use it only on special occasions.

"No love, your beautiful. And certainly not fat." He assures me.

"Now, how about breakfast?" He says. 

"Where?" I ask.

"Ursula's Fish and Chips? We can see Uma and Gil." He says.

"Sure, I've been wanting to see them for a while now." I agree. 

"We are gonna have at least one kickboxer." I say laughing when Harry sets his hand on my stomach, gets down and kisses it twice.  'One for each' Harry always tells me. I run  my hands through his hair.

"I love you, Harry Hook. Always and forever." I say.

"I love you to Evie Hook. Always and forever." He says and kneels down to my stomach again.  "And I love you both my little ones." He says and kisses my stomach twice more.  I hear him talk to my stomach every night when in bed. I ask him sometimes why he talks to my stomach.  'Because the babies are in there and I think they like hearing me talk.' is his logic.

He helps me get dressed and I giggle. "You are so protective aren't you." I say as he scoops me up bridal style.
"Anyways am I heavy because of all this extra weight?" I ask.

"Nah, love. Your not heavy. And also, of course I'm protective, I love you and our children and I don't want you or them hurt." He says kissing me softly.

"Your so sweet." I say making him laugh. I just want this moment to last forever. That is, until I feel a kick, harder than ever. And another. And I feel wetness on my leg.  I wince.

"Harry, I think I'm going into labor." I say and cry out in pain. He pulls out his cell and calls Ursula.

"Ursula, Evie is going into labor! What to I do?" He says freaking out.

"Come to my place, I'll help." She says.


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