Prolouge: The Fight

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Evie POV:

"How can you do this to me!? After all I've done to help you!? Am I not your friend?! I can't believe you didn't tell me Mal?!" I shout.

"I'm sorry Evie! Okay! I just...I just..."
Mal says.

"You don't know why do you? You don't know why you didn't tell your best friend first, but you told everyone else but me until I found out on my own, now do you? So again, why didn't you tell me you hate the outfits I make, but you told everyone else!?" I am fuming.

"Evie-" Mal starts.

"No, I'm done. I'm going home. Back
To. The. Isle. And I am never coming back." I say angry.

"Fine see I care!" Mal shouts and storms away.

"I don't care!" I yell at her back. She middle fingers me, but I don't care.

Carlos and Jay walk into mine and Mal's room and see me packing. "Where are you going Evie?" Carlos asks.

"Back to the Isle. Nobody will stop me. I...I just want to go home." I say crying slightly.

"We'll help you pack. Expecaly if this is our last time seeing you for a long time." Jay says sadly.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate the both of you." I say as soon as we finish packing up my stuff. Jay pulls me into a huge bear hug, Carlos joins I a few seconds later.

"Bye E. We'll miss you." Jay says tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, w...we certainly will." Carlos says choking up.

"I'll miss my boys." I say and hug them one last time.

This will be the last time I step onto Auradon soil for a long time. Maybe forever. Hopefully. I look back once to see Carlos and Jay at the steps of the school. They wave and I wave back. I'll miss them. But this is for the best. I stuff my suitcases into the limo and I'm not turning back.

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