Dinner Dates

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Jenny was excited about hosting a dinner party in her flat. It was even better in the summer when they could eat on the roof top terrace outside of the kitchen. She loved sharing her home with her friends and she really loved Jonathan cooking for the masses.

Jonathan had spent all day sourcing the food at Borough Market. They had planned the menu weeks in advance. Jennifer would be hostess and Jonathan would be the cook. Later on, he could play the servant in their upstairs downstairs role play game.

"Can you get the phone babe I am just putting my make up on." Jenny called down the hall.

Jonathon ran to the living room. Jenny overheard him consoling someone. Saying it was ok not to come.

"Who can't come?" She shouted from their bedroom.

"Bloody Jude. She fell out of the pub last night. She has just got out of A&E."

"Shit! That's uneven numbers then. Who can we call to even it up?" Jenny sighed and regarded her deflated reflection.

"Sally?" Jonathan was wracking his brains for females to invite. 

"She is in France." Jenny replied sullenly.

"Leah?" Jonathan was nearing the bottom of his list of free and available women in London.

"She is a fucking misery at the moment after being dumped."

The phone began to ring again.

Jenny strode to the phone hoping it was one of the men dropping out.

"Jen? It's Ailsa. Can I ask you a favour?"

"Well..." Jennifer was used to Ailsa's requests. 

"You are a life saver. I just got back from New York and my flat mate has let her mates stay in my room for the month I wasn't here. I have had a massive row with her. Can I stay at yours tonight whilst I work out what to do?" Ailsa pleaded. She was desperate not to stay in the flat tonight.

"Of course. It's just we are having a dinner party with Jonathan's boss and some of my family." Jennifer replied cautiously.

"Oh Jen, don't worry I will crash at Paul and Andy's."

"No stay here. It's just you need to be on your best behaviour and Guy is here too with some new conquest." Jennifer winced as she said it.

"Ok on both accounts. I honestly don't have a problem with Guy. He is a lovely person."

"I think he has one with you. I think he has a little crush." Jennifer laughed.

Ailsa nearly deafened Jenny with her laugh. "Don't be daft he is having you on."

"Is he? We will see." Jennifer laughed.

Jenny waved at Jonathan to come I into the front room.

"It's going to be a good night. Can you set up the spare room Ailsa is staying over."

"Should we tell Guy?" Jonathon's mind was ablaze with all of the permutations of the night. Ailsa was the female replacement for Dave his colleague at work. He had set up Dave with Jude as a blind date. Ailsa would be very different.

Guy's taxi pulled up outside Jenny and Jonathon's flat in Bow. He always liked east London and it was certainly cheaper than his flat in Borough which had become very trendy since he set up home there 10 years ago.

He paid the driver and took Jackie's hand. Jackie was a PA at Jonathan's Law Firm in the city. She was short with dark hair and eyes. Guy liked that she was uncomplicated and undemanding. He liked his women easy on the eye and on the nerves. He could never understand how Jonathan managed with all of these media types that Jenny hung around with. They all seemed wired to the moon.

"Here we are. Number 30. I will give the door a ring. Have you got the bottle of fizz." Guy asked.

"Yes to both of them, stop fussing!" Jackie laughed. She watched Guy shuffle from one foot to the other with either nerves or excitement. It made the butterflies in her stomach start again. She mentally made a note to keep herself calm. Guy was a man for the long game. No fawning, no calling or texting between dates. She had to admit to herself that she was finding it increasingly difficult not to gush at everything he said or did. Tonight would be no exception. Hopefully, if it all went to plan, he would stay over at her flat tonight and recommence the delicious love making they had been practising for the last month.

Jonathan opened the door and beckoned them in, with Dave from the office in tow.

Jackie took in the large Victorian flat conversion. Jonathan explained about the renovations they had undertaken. He led them through the kitchen to a large outdoor area that looked over a small park. They had strung fairy lights outside and set lanterns around the large bench. Jackie turned to Guy to gauge if his reaction was similar to hers when she saw him visibly stiffen.

"Ailsa. I didn't know you were invited." Guy stated.

Jackie saw Ailsa emerge from the shadows. She was instantly jealous of her fantastic outfit. High waisted jeans and a French Breton top. Her dark hair in a bun. Her blue eyes outlined perfectly in black eyeliner. To top it off she had the best shade of red lipstick she had ever seen.

"I wasn't. Someone dropped out. My flat mate is a fanny. I needed somewhere to crash." Ailsa stifled a yawn."Just back from New York so I don't know if I am Arthur or Marthur."

"Not wearing shoes a new thing?" Guy enquired.

Ailsa took him in. The tight green top and well fitting jeans showing off his physique perfectly. She sipped her wine.

"I like a woman bare footed, less to remove later." Dave flirted. Ailsa gVe him a thunderous look and turned to face Guy.

"Nah, long story. My flat mate is an arsehole who I had a fight with. So I am looking for a new flat and staying with jonifer whilst I look for a new place."

"Guy needs a new flat mate." Jackie blurted out. Smiling at them both. "His last one became his male stalker."

"No! Not like that. He just went a bit single white female on me." Guy laughed.

Ailsa giggled. "I am sure the pigeons follow you around."

Dave and Jackie exchanged looks. They could see the chemistry between Guy and Ailsa. 

"So how do you know each other?" Jackie asked. It was clear that something had gone on with them both.

"Oh, I had a one night stand with him at Easter. No need to worry, sorry I didn't catch your name?" Alisa stuck her hand out to Jackie.

"Jackie."  she replied. Totally stunned at Ailsa's honesty.

"He is too much like hard work. Nice guy. No pun intended. I would be exhausted trying to keep him. My hat is off to you Jackie. Fair play!"

"I don't get that I am hard work." Guy took the beer being offered by Jonathan.

"You aren't, it's just other women really like you. I suppose it is difficult for you Guy because you don't notice it." Jennifer interjected placing a large bowl of Nachos on the bench. She placed plates out for everyone to start eating.

"I bet he was always like that." Jackie added. She sipped at the glass of wine Jonathan had offered

"God no!" Jonathan laughed. "When we were at school," he motioned to Jennifer and Guy, "Guy was a little smaller and chubbier than he is now."

"A late bloomer? That's why you are quite a decent person. You had to develop a personality before your looks kicked in."
Ailsa nodded knowingly.

"Remember what they used to call you."
Jennifer teased.

"Guy Porks." Guy sighed as he saw everyone snigger. Everyone apart from Ailsa who looked at him sympathetically.

"Guy Porks!" Dave laughed. He needed to take Guy down a peg or two in front of Ailsa if he stood a chance tonight. He liked that Ailsa had jumped in the sack with Guy, meant that she was easy pray.

"Well that's bloody awful!" Ailsa stated. "I bet they all eat their heads with jealousy when they see you now."

Guy nodded quietly. He looked wounded. Ailsa knew what it was like to be bullied. She understood the nervousness it left you with for he rest of your life.

"And you," Ailsa spun round to Dave, "you can shine it on with Pamela and her five friends tonight. I don't shag smug arseholes."

Dave looked instantly deflated. 

"So you are flatmateless and she needs a place to crash. She has already shagged you so no worries on that front Jackie. Sounds ideal to me." Steve, Jonathan's boss walked on to the balcony with his wife Sue.

Guy and Ailsa looked at each other and shrugged.

"Where is your place?" Ailsa asked.

"Borough High Street and Southwark Bridge Road. Above HSBC." Guy stated. He was taken aback at Ailsa defending him in front of Dave.

"Oh on the wedge in the road! I remember!" Ailsa laughed.

Jackie looked at her quizzically knowing Guy's rules on no one night stands at his place.

Guy knew he would have to explain. "Ailsa promised that she was only after a one night stand so I took her back to mine. True to her word."

"I always am!"Ailsa laughed turning to Steve. "I got you the tickets you asked for."

"Shut up! You got me Paul McCartney tickets?"

"Comp tickets second row. You owe me!" Ailsa chunked her glass off of Steve's.

"I owe you big!" Steve laughed. "I solemnly swear that if you ever get divorced I will represent you."

"Shitting tits Steve. I couldn't afford you." Ailsa laughed. "Besides, I would need to find a willing victim to put up with my shit."

"Indeed," Steve laughed looking at a burned Dave . "I will give you mates rates. What do you think Guy? She is a goodun. She won't be pining after you and she can fence great tickets for whatever you want."

Guy looked uncomfortable. He looked at Jackie and then to Ailsa for reassurance. His mortgage was ok. He could manage. He liked having someone else in the house with him. Growing up as one of five boys he didn't like being alone.

"She is a safe bet." Jackie laughed uncomfortably. She knew that Ailsa was anything but safe.

"Well that's it then. I will move in tomorrow. What time suits?" Ailsa had been to the flat and  it was perfect. She could walk to work. Guy was nice and she could live with him. In her mind, it was a done deal.

"Ehm, Jackie what time will we be finished at brunch?" Guy's heart gave a little leap at the thought of sharing a house with Ailsa.

"Booked for midday so I'd say two." Jackie strained to keep the fury out of her voice. This was like letting the fox into the hen coop. She could see the sparks flying between Ailsa and Guy.

"Smashing I will be there by four. I travel light so don't worry if I turn up with a couple of suit cases and some art." Ailsa smiled and then tucked into dinner.

Jonathan and Jennifer exchanged knowing glances and served the remainder of dinner. Plan get Guy with Ailsa was off to a splendid start.

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