Happy Hour Again

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Ailsa groaned as she walked under Hammersmith Bridge. As much as she loved the Anchor she hated all the leery men that congregated outside next to the Thames.She ignored the whistles and jeers as she made her way to the bar and ordered herself a bottle of Peroni.

She took her first glug when she spotted her friend and squeezed her way through the crowd enjoying the rare London sunshine.

"There she is! You late at work again?" Jenny shouted over the throng as she spotted Ailsa's dark curls. She nudged Paul and Andy who were Ailsa' colleagues. Andy the photographer and Paul the stylist. Both together for years, both rowers and both spending 90% of their time batting off advances from drunk straight girls.

"Stupid bloody publishing bloody deadlines! My editor wanted a piece on broaches rewritten by 7." Ailsa rolled her eyes and kissed Jenny, Paul and Andy.

"Broaches? Really? You are a quandary. The only tomboy I know who works at a fashion magazine." Andy laughed.

"True! I raided the freebie cupboard at beauty so here is your Friday treat. " Ailsa dropped a gift bag into Jenny's outstretched arms.

"Ooooh you are the bestest of besties!" Jenny hugged Ailsa tightly.

"Where is Jonathan?" Ailsa knew that Jenny and Jonathan were joined at the hip. Been together since high school.

"At the bar. I am surprised you didn't see him there. It's only fair to warn you that Guy is here too." Jenny had an expectant look on her face.

"Who?" Ailsa stretched her five foot six to as far as she could. No sign of Jonathan or this mysterious Guy.

"Guy, my cousin." Jenny looked at Ailsa with a 'you know who I mean look'.

Ailsa drew a blank. Nothing, Nadda, Zilch. A look passed between Paul and Andy.

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Hockey?" she knew that would jolt her memory.

"Oh! Him!" Ailsa grinned and giggled. "I might not stay long then."

"You taking him back to yours so quickly?" Jenny was astonished at Ailsa's brazenness and if not a tad jealous.

"Oi, matchmaker, not so quick. Nope. Your cousin is female quicksand. I got out. Not going in again. I won't escape." Ailsa laughed, she recalled the fabulous night spent with Guy.

"You are the only person I know who has shagged Guy who isn't madly in love with him." Jenny nudged Ailsa.

"Oh don't get me wrong Jenny he is perfect. When I say perfect I mean perfect. I checked every part of him that night. Not an imperfection. The sex.."

Jenny pulled a face that signalled Ailsa to stop.

"I know Jen. I am not going to go into details. Let's just say. Wow."

"So why are you not crying yourself to sleep?" Paul asked.

"Well, let's think. I would lose my mind to him. I would think of nothing else and quite frankly I am not up for that." Ailsa stated, draining her beer.

"Hold on to your knickers cos here he comes!" Andy took in the sight of Guy approaching them with Jonathan. He was magnificent in a straight man way. Very not trying to hard good looking.

Jonathan had told Guy at the bar to expect Ailsa to turn up. Guy laughed. He wasn't sure he could remember what she looked like after three months. He hoped she wouldn't spend the whole night mooning at him.

Guy had an excuse ready that he was on call and he would be called out to a sick horse or something and make ready his retreat.

Then he saw her. Stood there next to Jenny and two rowers who were very good looking.

Something weird happened. He felt a strange stirring as though his body was a magnet being drawn to her.

His heart started beating faster.

He wanted to be near her quicker than humanly possible.

He wanted to kiss her.

He wanted her. Now.

He saw the two tall men talking to her. Her dark curls hanging down her back. Her midriff poking out of her t shirt. The way her cargo trousers clung to her curves.

He wanted her now. He wanted the other two men out of the way. Now.

"Guy!" Jenny waved them over.

"Guy, you remember Ailsa?" Jonathan smirked as he reintroduced them.

"Of course." He didn't know how he managed to form words. He stared at her.

Ailsa looked at Guy quizzically. "You ok?"

"Me, yes fine." Guy recovered himself. "You are?" Guy turned to the rower types stood next to Ailsa.

"My colleagues from work Paul and Andy. They are together." Ailsa pointed to them both.

"Oh nice to meet you both." Guy let out a sigh that was almost palpable.

Ailsa gave Jenny a quizzical look. Then back at Guy. Yes he was impossibly handsome and fit as a butchers dog.

"Is that for me?"Ailsa nodded in the direction of the bottle of beer in Guy's hand.

"Yes here, take it." Guy was dumbstruck for the first time since school.

Ailsa smiled and leaned over to Jenny, "I remember him being a lot more...fun. I must have been pissed when I shagged him." She whispered.

"He's not normally stuck for words. He might have been on call last night. That normally shuts him up." Jenny whispered in return. She straightened up and spoke louder to Guy.

"I was saying to Ailsa you are not normally this quiet. You on call last night?" Jenny asked Guy. He looked very strange like he was ill.

"Yes I was. Only a call at 3 am about a cat with a hair ball. Nothing too dramatic." Guy answered. He tried to compose himself. 

"On call how awful. I am a nightmare if I don't Get my sleep." Ailsa added.

"That was not my experience." Guy grinned at her. He remembered something completely different.

Paul and Andy exchanged glances. A look of recognition passed between them.

"Excuse me, are you Guy?" Andy asked politely.

"Guy that she boffed all night?" Paul interrupted

Guy looked at Ailsa and grinned. She had clearly enjoyed herself enough to have shared some information with her friends.

"Guy with the perfect pen...." Andy responded sharply to the kick in the shins given by Ailsa.

"Leave it!" Ailsa warned them both.

"I wouldn't know about that. I am Guy and I know Ailsa from a hockey match we attended at Easter."

"You were the one who fucked her into the mattress and gave her the best orgasms she ever had?" Paul asked standing as far back as he could to avoid a kick in the shins.

Guy turned around to Ailsa who was covering her face in embarrassment. "Am I?" He laughed.

"I am never ever telling you two queens anything ever again. In my defence, I had to go to a photo shoot with those two the morning after. So they witnessed the after effects of this, us." Ailsa shook her head and looked at her feet. She wanted to die of embarrassment.

"Well. For the record I had a brilliant time too." He did, he really did.

"Thanks, I think." Ailsa looked up at his warm brown eyes and began to melt.

Guy took her by the shoulder and nodded for her to follow him.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you." Ailsa began.

"No, I know you didn't. Look I know this is a bit presumptuous but would you like to come back to mine?" Guy had some moves that he hadn't unleashed on Ailsa that night. He was sure if he was the best shah she had ever had on night one, he would spoil her on night two.

"No." she replied flatly.

"Really?" Guy laughed. He was so sure that she would be warming his bed in twenty minutes.

"No thank you Guy. It was brilliant and all that. I can't go back with you because...." Ailsa took a large sip from her bottle. She needed time to think.

"Because......" Guy looked at her smiling.

"Because. If I do I will be madly in love with you for ever. You would hate it. I would hate myself. No. you are out of my league." she confessed. She saw no point in beating around this particular bush.

"In what way am I out of your league?" Guy was intregued.

"Ok just so you know I am NOT trying to get into your knickers." she replied honestly.

"I want you to get into my knickers that was the point of inviting you to my flat for round two which in my opinion is always better than Round one."

"You are a nine and a half. Hung over with lack of sleep you are an eight. In a well fitted suit no doubt you are a ten. Me? I am a seven. Hungover I am a five. In my best underwear and dressed by Gucci I am a seven and a half. You are Premiere League. I am Division 2. We had a cup match and I came off on a 3 -3 draw."

"You are not a seven." Guy had met sevens. He had slept with fours who made him laugh. She was a nine in looks at a twelve in the sack.

"Yes I am. I work in fashion. I meet tens every day. I am a seven. I am happy being a seven. I have brains and a personality that you do not develop when you are a ten."

"Or a nine and a half?" he teased.

"Ah, you see that is what makes you catnip. Looks, top shag and brains and a personality. I can't cope with that." Ailsa gestured to Guy's body.

"Cope how?" she just labelled him a top shag and a sex God. He liked this girl.

"I would be crushed. Devastated. Consumed by trying to keep you. I would lose all sight of myself, my goals and my dignity." Ailsa had been there before and was unwilling to return.

"I am not that bad!" He joked. Her rejection of him was intoxicating.

"No but keeping up with a nine and a half for me would be a full time job and I already have one of them. So if it's alright with you I would prefer not to shag you again." Ailsa meant it. Too much trouble.

"Well it does take two consenting adults I believe. I have never been turned down by a woman for being too much." Guy never had to beg. He was enjoying the chase for once.

"First for everything Guy. Anyway you will have no problem getting another willing victim for tonight." On that statement she could stake her month's wages. The girls around her were all giving him the gladeye.

Guy moved closer to her. He could feel the electricity between them. He leant over and whispered.

"I don't want anyone else. I want you. Only you. I want a woman who will clamp her legs around my waist and scream my name when I make her come for the third time in a row." he growled.

Ailsa necked the remainder of her beer and scanned the crowd in front of them.
"That one. Blonde, vacant, small tits. Use her as target practice until you get less hot or I get more able to handle you."

Ailsa said her goodbyes with all watching her leave alone deep in wonder. Guy most of all.


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