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A word so hard to obtain
A feeling so hard to maintain
Confidence can be shaken
Confidence can be beaten
Confidence is in all of us somewhere
This feeling is like a spark that starts a fire
That feeling that makes your heart fly higher
Without it, it feels like your soul is ready to crumble
Without it, anyone can feel like they just stumble
Every moment without this feels like your heart's ripping out of your chest
You don't feel at all like your best
Instead you feel like a failure
Doubling over in pain as you grow paler
No one seeing your struggles as you hide it with a smile
But in reality you can feel every mile
Inside you feel like there is no hope
As you feel like your dreams go up in smoke
All it comes down to is how much confidence you have
If you don't have it, you will break in half

As I lay here with these thoughts of failures in my head
Wishing I could just stay in bed
I know there are people out there in my corner
Those who have not lost hope on me while I become a mourner
Mourning my feeling and my dying soul
Hoping somehow I can repair myself and get out of this hole
But there are people who do actually care about this broken person
Even though I see that there is no reason
There are people out there that hope for the best for me
And those who think of me so sweetly
I hope to gain my confidence once again
I have to keep reminding myself as I stand here in pain

That these are just the growing pains I need to carry
I will never be perfect and that is scary
But I need to remind myself that I am who I am
That is enough
My worth is not measured by others, no
It is measured by me so here I go
There is no one else like me
This, everyone can plainly see
I am my own person, flaws and all
I try to walk upright, standing proud and tall
But some days it is hard to maintain that when others tear you down
Feeling like you are going to drown
But I am me, with my own thoughts and feelings
I need to gain the confidence and have new beginnings
To rise from the flames like a Phoenix, flaming so bright
No one shall ever snuff out my light

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro