Chapter 10: Farewell Magikarp!

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As Lianna was walking to the next town, someone really sinister and familiar arrived. "Hello." Corren said and the corrupted Vulpix growled at Lianna. "Oh not you again!" Lianna yelled out loud upset. "I'll be taking your Furret." Corren said. "No you won't! She belongs to me!" Lianna cried, feeling so scared about her beloved Furret, the Pokémon she first caught in the wild. "Oh I will. One on one. Winner takes Furret." Corren said. "Oh dear... but she is mine! Okay... I accept..." Lianna said, frowning. She was extremely nervous about this. Unlike the battles against Lisa, this was an actual battle that would decide the fate of Furret.

"Go Jolteon!" Corren called as he sent out his own Jolteon. "Okay.... no Ground type Pokémon.... Furret, let's do this!" Lianna called and sent out Furret. "Furret!" Furret called happily. Jolteon growled. "Use Fury Swipes!" Lianna called to Furret and Furret used fury swipes on Jolteon. Jolteon used Thunder Wave, paralyzing Furret. "Furret! Try to use Quick Attack!" Lianna called to Furret. Furret managed to successfully use Quick Attack. Jolteon was at 17 HP. "Now! Quickly! Use Fury Swipes!" Lianna commanded Furret and Furret obeyed. Jolteon dodged Furret's attack. "Furret! Be careful!" Lianna called out frowning. Jolteon tackles Furret. "Furret! Use Quick Attack again!" Lianna called to Furret. Furret quickly quick attacks Jolteon. Jolteon fainted.

"Furret! You did it!" Lianna called out happily. "Looks like she's staying with me!" Lianna said with a huge smile on her face. Corren on the other hand, stole Magikarp's Pokéball. "Wait! No! Don't Take Magikarp!" Lianna said nervously. Corren then starts to leave the area. Lianna quickly sent out Pidgeotto. "After him! Get him in the skies! Save Magikarp!" Lianna commanded Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto flew into the skies to try to save Magikarp. Lianna started to run after Corren, but then Corren's Abra teleported them away. "Oh no!!! I need help! Magikarp has been stolen! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" Lianna screamed out loud as she fell to her knees and cried. "Hm? Lianna?" Lisa asked confused, finding Lianna. "Lisa! It's horrible! Corren stole my Magikarp! I don't know if I can save him!" Lianna said in tears, frowning. "He teleported away! I have to save Magikarp!" Lianna cried out in tears. Lisa stood there silently, comforting her. "I gotta save him! He's my friend! I can't just leave him! He needs me!" Lianna cried out. "Too late." Lisa said. Even if Lisa was telling Lianna it was too late, she wouldn't give up without a fight. "No! It can't be too late! He needs me!" Lianna said frowning still. "I'm gonna go after him! I have to save Magikarp!" Lianna explained, going out to get supplies in the nearest town.

As Lianna walked in the forest to the nearest town, Corren happened to be there in the same area as her. Lianna was also in the area closet to him. Lianna sent out Ariados, Furret, Vulpix and Bayleef. Corren sent out his Charizard. Lianna was shocked to see Charizard. "Oh gosh! A Charizard!" Lianna called out. Corren smirked at her. "Be careful! Furret, Fury Swipes! Ariados, Shadow Ball! Vulpix, Fire Spin! Bayleef, Razor Leaf!" Lianna called out to her pals and they attacked Charizard. However, Charizard used Blast Burn on all of them, defeating them. "Oh no!" Lianna cried out, returning her fainted Pokémon and tearing up. "Magikarp! I'm so sorry!" Lianna cried out in tears. Magikarp was there, but he was now a fully evolved Gyarados. Gyarados stood next to Corren. "M-magikarp? D-did you evolve?" Lianna asked as she approached Gyarados. "You monster!" Lianna yelled at Corren. "Hyper Beam." Corren commanded and Gyarados used Hyper Beam at Lianna.

Lianna quickly got out of the way in time. She then ran all the way to the nearest town. She was in tears and she arrived at the Pokémon Center. Lianna busted inside, carrying her Pokéballs. "Please! Heal my Pokémon!" Lianna said frowning, while handing Nurse Joy the Pokéballs of her fainted companions. Nurse Joy got started right away in healing the fainted Pokémon. Lianna looked into the night's sky in tears. "I'm going to miss Magikarp.... and I hope Pidgeotto comes back..." Lianna said in tears. Suddenly, Pidgeotto flies down to Lianna. "Oh good boy. You're okay.... I failed to save Magikarp... I'll miss him." Lianna said, returning Pidgeotto.

Lianna soon got her Pokémon healed and turned in for the night at the Pokémon Center, not knowing she would encounter a very special Pokémon....

To be continued...

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