Chapter 13: Gym Battle! Lianna vs. Tengloom!

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Lianna quickly traded in Caterpie and Nidoran for Furret and Ariados at the Pokémon Center, just before going to fight the third Gym Leader. "Okay. Who's this Gym Leader?" Lianna asked herself. "Me..." A very gloomy Yo-Kai named Tengloom said in a monotone voice. "Hi Tengloom, what's your type specialty?" Lianna asked Tengloom. "Dark." Tengloom said in a gloomy voice. "Okay. Is there any special battle method?" Lianna asked. "Why?" Tengloom asked curiously. "The last gym battle I had was when I had to use only two Pokémon. It doesn't matter if you have a special battle method or not." Lianna said. "Too complicated." Tengloom said. Lianna took that as a no.

"Okay." Lianna said, sending out Ariados. "Murkrow." Tengloom said as a black crow Pokémon called Murkrow appeared. "Krow!" Murkrow called. Lianna quickly scans Ariados with the Pokédex to see if she has any bug type moves. Ariados knew the move, Bug Bite. "Use Bug Bite!" Lianna commanded and Ariados used Bug Bite. "Aerial Ace." Tengloom commanded. Murkrow used Aerial Ace on Ariados, who took a lot of damage. Murkrow was at 45 HP left. "Use Poison Sting!" Lianna commanded Ariados. Ariados used Poison Sting on Murkrow, poisoning it. Lianna quickly returned Ariados and sent out Shiny Marill. "Use Play Rough!" Lianna commanded Shiny Marill and Shiny Marill used Play Rough on Murkrow. "Sky Drop." Tengloom said and Murkrow picked up Marill in its talons. Marill was shocked about being this high up. "Drop." Tengloom explained and Shiny Marill was dropped from high above. Shiny Marill gets hurt.

"This is boring." Tengloom complained. "Wait until my pals get stronger! Now use Play Rough!" Lianna commanded Shiny Marill. Shiny Marill used Play Rough on Murkrow. "Hypnosis." Tengloom explained and Murkrow put Shiny Marill to sleep. Lianna swapped out Shiny Marill back for Ariados. "Use Bug Bite!" Lianna commanded and Ariados used Bug Bite. Murkrow fainted and Tengloom sent out his final Pokémon. "Go Umbreon." He commanded. "Umbre!" Umbreon called out loud. "Use Poison Sting!" Lianna commanded Ariados and Ariados attempted to use a Poison Sting. "Dodge and use Hypnosis." Tengloom commanded and Umbreon used Hypnosis and dodged the attack. Ariados fell asleep and Lianna swapped her out with Vulpix.

"Use Will-o-Wisp!" Lianna commanded Vulpix and Vulpix obeyed. "Psychic." Tengloom commanded and Umbreon got ahold of the Will-o-Wisps. "Move out of the way!" Lianna cried and Vulpix got out of the way. "Hypnosis." Tengloom commanded and Umbreon obeyed again. Vulpix jumped and used Will-o-Wisp again. "How many more Pokémon do you have left?" Lianna asked. "2." Tengloom said, not actually meaning he has two more, but rather these were the only two Pokémon he owned. Umbreon used Psychic on the Will-o-Wisps and sends them back to Vulpix. Vulpix wasn't effected due to her being a fire type Pokémon and she used Will-o-Wisp again. Umbreon used Shadow Ball and Vulpix gets hit.
"Confuse ray." Tengloom said and Umbreon used Confuse Ray, confusing Vulpix. "Try to use Ember! And don't hurt yourself!" Lianna called, frowning. "Shadow Ball." Tengloom said and Umbreon used Shadow Ball. Vulpix fainted because of the Shadow Ball. Lianna returned Vulpix and sent out Pidgeotto.

"So boring." Tengloom complained again. "Pidgeotto! Use Gust!" Lianna commanded and Pidgeotto used Gust. Umbreon used Shadow Ball but Pidgeotto wasn't effected due to him being a Normal Type Pokémon. "Use Gust!" Lianna commanded and Pidgeotto used Gust. Umbreon fainted. "Okay! Any other Pokémon?" Lianna asked Tengloom. "No." Tengloom said. "Yay! I won! Good job Pidgeotto!" Lianna called to Pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto called. Tengloom gave Lianna the third Gym Badge, the Shady Badge.

Lianna smiled at Tengloom. "Thank you Tengloom. I'll see you later!" Lianna explained as she headed off on another adventure involving a corrupted Yo-Kai...

To be continued...

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