Chapter 14: Saving Blazion

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As Lianna left the gym onto the next area, she heard someone scream. "Aaahhh!" A Yo-Kai named Flare screamed out loud. "Huh? Who's there? Hello? Who's screaming?" Lianna asked concerned. "Help! My dad got kidnapped!" Flare cried out loud. "Oh no! I have to help you! I'll help your daddy!" Lianna explained. Blazion, a lion Yo-Kai who happened to be Flare's father growled at Lianna. "B-bazion? Why are you acting weird?" Lianna asked nervously. Blazion attacks Lianna. Lianna screams as she gets clawed at by Blazion. "Marill! Come out and use Bubblebeam!" Lianna cried as she sent out Shiny Marill. Shiny Marill used Bubblebeam on Blazion. Blazion growled viciously. Shiny Marill douses Blazion in water. "Why would a normal Yo-Kai act so savage?" Lianna asked. Blazion growled more. "Dad!" Flare cried out loud. Lianna sent out Furret to use Quick Attack. "Don't kill him! But make sure he is tired to fight!" Lianna commanded. Shiny Marill and Furret attack Blazion until he faints. "Daddy!" Flare cried out. "Your daddy is going to be okay." Lianna said nervously, calling 911. "I'm sorry... I don't know why he was like that..." Lianna said nervously. Blazion growls again. Lianna was shocked by the sound of him growling. "Oh gosh! 911! Please hurry!" Lianna cried into the phone. Flare quickly freezes Blazion before he could attack again. "I'm so sorry... but I didn't want your father to hurt you.." Lianna said, hugging Flare. "Bayleef!" Bayleef called out, nuzzling against Flare. "Why.... daddy..." Flare said sadly. "I don't know..."Lianna said, and 911 arrived to take Blazion to the hospital.

"Oh dear." A nurse said a little worried. "What's wrong, Nurse?" Lianna asked the Nurse. "He's been corrupted." The nurse said. Lianna got angry because she felt like the only one who would do this was Corren. "Corren! Why would he corrupt a Yo-Kai! He's even worse than I thought! I gotta stop him!" Lianna cried out loud. "No, more like a poison corruption." The Nurse explained. "Poison Corruption? What's that?" Lianna asked curiously. "A Poison that if you inhale, it would cause corruption." The Nurse explained. "Oh dear... we should deal with it..." Lianna said. "We're trying." The Nurse explained. "Okay. What could I do to help?" Lianna asked. "Comfort the child." The Nurse explained. "Okay. Hey Flare? You wanna play with my Pokémon Pals?" Lianna asked Flare. "No..." Flare responded back. "But don't worry! They are very friendly!" Lianna explained. "Who did this to daddy?..." Flare asked nervously. "They didn't mean to.. I just wanted them to stop your daddy from hurting someone." Lianna explained. "I meant who poisoned him." Flare explained. "Oh. I don't know. I think it's an evil man named Corren who corrupts Pokémon. He corrupted my Magikarp." Lianna explained. "Why does he do that?" Flare asked curiously. "I don't know... he is just an evil person..." Lianna explained to Flare. Flare starts to tear up. "Don't cry..." Lianna said, sending out Bayleef, Vulpix, Pidgeotto, Marill, Furret and Ariados out of their Pokéballs. "Huh?" Flare asked. "Bay?" Bayleef asked. "Aria?" Ariados asked. "Furret!" Furret called out, wrapping her long body around Flare, to snuggle with her. "Soft..." Flare said softly. "I know. There is also my friends Caterpie and Nidoran. Nidoran is kind of a Poison Type Pokémon, but I would never tell her to poison anyone." Lianna said. Flare remembered her father and started to cry again. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to day anything about that!" Lianna explained. Flare cried more and more. Lianna hugged Flare and Furret smuggled with Flare to comfort her. Flare hugged the two of them back. Lianna held out a berry. "I got food." Lianna said. "Not hungry." Flare explained. Soon, Lianna decided to get some rest, as well as Flare.

Later, Blazion started to growl. Blazion was awake and he wasn't happy. Lianna wakes up slowly. "H-huh?" She asked, confused. Blazion roared, he didn't like that he was knocked out. Lianna was shocked. "H-help!" Lianna cried for the nurses to help. "Daddy stop!" Flare cried out loud. Blazion went over and almost attacked. Lianna got Flare out of the room quickly. "I'm sorry! Don't come in here!" Lianna cried. Ariados used Shadow Ball on Blazion. Blazion dodged the Shadow Ball. Lianna found a bunch of tranquilizer darts and used one on Blazion, knocking him out. Lianna pants and then heads out to find the nurse. "Nurse! Blazion was going to attack again... at least Flare is okay. Does Flare have a mother?" Lianna asked. "Frostina was captured as well." The nurse said. "Mommy..." Flare cried. "Oh no! I gotta save her! Do you think I could go out and try to find her mother or a cure?" Lianna asked. "Yes." The nurse responded. "Okay. Please watch Flare for me." Lianna said, going out with her Pokémon Pals. "Okay." The Nurse said.

Lianna was out searching, while someone sinister was spying on Lianna. "Yes. More victims for my poison." The foe said. Lianna's ears raised. She looked around scared. "Huh? Who said that?" Lianna asked. "Hi." Someone named Pamiri said. "Hi there. I'm Lianna..." Lianna said nervously. "Pamiri, a commander of Team Corrupt." Pamiri introduced herself. "Team Corrupt? Oh no! You must be working for Corren!" Lianna cried out loud. "Yup." Pamiri said. "I hate you guys so much! Does this mean I have to battle you?" Lianna asked. "Yes." Pamiri expained. "Okay." Lianna said, sending out her Shiny Marill. "Go! Arcanine!" Pamiri called, sending out a giant fire dog. "Use Bubblebeam!" Lianna called and Shiny Marill used Bubblebeam. "Flamethrower!" Pamiri called and Arcanine used Flamethrower on Shiny Marill. The two attacks collide together. "Hm..." Pamiri said to herself. The Bubblebeam managed to hit Arcanine. Arcanine growled in anger. "Now use Bubblebeam again!" Lianna commanded. Arcanine dodged the Bubblebeam. "Use Aqua Jet!" Lianna commanded and Shiny Maril got into an Aqua Jet and charged at Arcanine. Arcanine fainted as a result. "Good job, Marill." Lianna congratulated Shiny Marill. "Hehe." Pamiri started to laugh sinisterly. Lianna was confused and then Pamiri laughed like a maniac. Lianna was shocked and horrified. "I wonder what your blood would taste like!" Pamiri said wickedly. "You sound psychotic!" Lianna said, taking off. "I still have my hostage and the antidote." Pamiri said. Lianna was shocked when she said that, she had to stop her. She runs back. "Give me back the antidote and the hostage!" Lianna yelled. "Nope." Lisa explained. Lianna starts to punch and kick her and Pamiri bites and slashes back. Lianna tried to tranquilize Pamiri with a spare tranquilizer dart. However, Pamiri was immune to the dart. "How about a deal?" Pamiri suggested. "What kind of deal?" Lianna asked, shaking nervously. "I want a Pokémon, a Sneasel." Pamiri demanded. "I don't have one... I can go out and find a Sneasel for you." Lianna said. "You have two hours." Pamiri demanded. "Okay. What if I fail?" Lianna asked. "Do you want her body back or her bones?" Pamiri asked. "I'll do it!" Lianna cried, hurrying onto Pidgeotto's back. "Let's go!" Lianna called, as they took to the skies to find a Sneasel.

A small Sneasel was walking around on the ground. Lianna flies down and pulls out an Oran Berry. "Hey there. You want this berry?" Lianna asked the Sneasel. "Sne?" The Sneasel asked. Lianna hands the berry to the Sneasel. The Sneasel takes the berry. "You wanna come with me?" Lianna asked the Sneasel. The Sneasel nods. "Okay!" Lianna smiled and tossed a Pokéball at it. Sneasel was then caught inside the Pokéball. Lianna then quickly got onto Pidgeotto's back and headed back to Pamiri. Pamiri was there, with Frostina still as a hostage. "H-here... take the Sneasel." Lianna said, handing her the Pokéball. Pamiri took the Pokéball and handed her Frostina. "And the antidote?" Lianna asked Pamiri. "You already have it." Pamiri said. "Okay." Lianna said, handing back to the hospital with Frostina.

Lianna arrived back and gave Blazion the Antidote. "Huh?" Blazion asked. "You're okay!" Lianna said in relief. "My kisses heal anything." Frostina explained. "Oh thank gosh. You're okay. Your daughter was worried sick." Lianna explained. "Mommy! Daddy!" Flare explianed. "Flare!" Frostina and Blazion explained. "I'm glad you guys are better." Lianna said. "Thank you." Flare said happily. "You're welcome. Take care. I'll see you later!" Lianna explained, heading out into the forest to meet new faces.

To be continued...

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