Chapter 11: Gym Battle! Lianna vs. Misty!

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Lianna headed back to the Pokémon Center with Eevee on top of her head. "Vee!" Eevee called out, happily riding on her head. Lianna and her pals soon arrived at the Pokémon Center. "Nurse Joy Slime? How is Spearow?" Lianna asked out loud. "Oh Spearow is fine, but is just resting now." The Nurse Joy explained. "Okay. Can you heal up my pals?" Lianna asked her, holding out her pals Pokéballs. "Sure." Nurse Joy replied, taking the Pokéballs and placing them into the machine. "It will be a few minutes." The Nurse Joy explained. "Wait! Don't forget Eevee!" Lianna cried out. "Vee!" Eevee called out, already on the machine. "Oh! Okay girl!" Lianna called to Eevee. "Eevee." Eevee replied. "They will be ready in a few minutes." Nurse Joy explained.

Lianna gave her a thumbs up and then went to a computer to call her mom from Johto. "Hello?" Lianna's mom asked. "Hello mom! I'm enjoying my time in Kanto!" Lianna called to her. "Oh that's great dear! How many Pokémon have you caught? Made any friends and got any gym badges?" Her mother asked. "I have a few friends/rivals, I caught a bunch of Pokémon that will join up in the open range in the back, I have one gym badge, and I have this special Eevee who is in love with me." Lianna explained. "Aww... That sounds amazing and I'm glad you're having fun. Is the Eevee cute?" Lianna's mom asked. "Of course she's adorable! Wait till you see her, she's getting healed. I have an Ivysaur, Bellsprout, Oddish, Rattata, Squirtle, Horsea and a variety of others. How are my pals back home?" Lianna asked. "They are doing fine, they miss you. Hope they can see you again someday. Let me know how the rest of your journey goes." Her mother replied. "Okay!" Lianna responded happily. "Thank you dear." Lianna's mom replied with a smile. "Hold on, I think Eevee and the others are almost ready..." Lianna replied. The Nurse Joy brought the Pokémon out of the machine. "Yeah. Be right back, mom." Lianna said. "Okay." Her mother replied. Lianna went to get her pals. Eevee was waiting for her. "Hey Eevee! Want to meet my mom?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee called out happily in agreement. Lianna took her Pokéballs. "Thanks Nurse!" Lianna called out and headed back to the computer. "Mom! Meet Eevee!" Lianna introduced Eevee to her mom and her mom to Eevee. "Eve?" Eevee asked curiously. "Oh my! How cute she is!" Her mother explained, smiling at Eevee. "Eevee, this is my mom." Lianna introduced Eevee to her mom. "Eevee! Vee!" Eevee replied happily. "Awe... It likes me!" Her mom gushed. Lianna smiled sweetly. "Are you taking care of her and your other Pokémon?" Her mom asked Lianna. "Yes, Rattata has a broken leg and Blue is helping him out, this wild Spearow has a broken wing." Lianna replied. "Oh dear, that's terrible. I hope they pull through." Lianna's mom replied. "I hope so too." Lianna replied. "Well just keep checking on them and don't force them what you want, okay?" Her mom asked. "Okay." Lianna replied. Mom smiled and Eevee rubbed her paw on the screen. "Eevee!" Eevee replied happily. "See you later, mom!" Lianna bid farewell to her mother. "See you later." Her mom replied. Eevee rubbed her paw against the screen. "Eevee..." She said sadly. "Bye bye. I'll see you again." Lianna's mom replied. "Vee." Eevee replied. "Don't worry, we'll see her later." Lianna replied. "Bye bye." Her mom replied, hanging up.

Lianna smiled at Eevee. "Eevee!" Eevee replied, smiling back. "Ready to go face Misty?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee called out, looking ready for a battle. "Okay! Let's go!" Lianna called out. "Eve!" Eevee called out, climbing onto her her head, jumping about on her head. Lianna soon headed over to the gym, it was open. Lianna sent out Bellsprout, Oddish and Ivysaur. "You three ready?" She asked them. They were all out and ready to fight. "Okay! Let's go!" Lianna called out, entering inside the building and marched forward. Misty was waiting inside. "Hello there, Misty. My name is Lianna the Bunny, a bunny form the Hoenn Region." Lianna said, quickly realizing her mistake. "Hello there. It's nice to meet you." Misty replied. "Oh! I meant Johto, but anyway. I challenge you to a gym battle!" Lianna called out. "Oh you have? Well as a gym leader, I shall accept your challenge." Misty replied. "Okay! Oddish, you're up first." Lianna announced. Oddish jumped into action. "Go Psyduck!" Misty called out. "Duck!" Psyduck called out.

"Use Stun Spore!" Lianna called out. Psyduck got hit and was paralyzed. "Use Scratch!" Misty commanded. Psyduck used Scratch and slashed at Oddish. "Use Absorb!" Lianna commanded. Oddish used it but drained little damage. "Use Confusion!" Misty commanded. Psyduck used Confusion and it hit Oddish, doing a lot of damage. "Oh shoot! Try to use Absorb again!" Lianna cried out. Oddish was confused and hit a wall. "Oddish!" Lianna cried out. "Psyduck, use Confusion!" Misty commanded. Psyduck used it and it landed a hit on Oddish. Oddish had fainted! Lianna returned her and healed her up, while sending out Bellsprout. "Razor Leaf!" Lianna commanded. Bellsprout popped out of the ball and used Razor Leaf, fainting Psyduck. "Great job!" Lianna called out happily. "Sprout!" Bellsprout called out.

Misty returned Psyduck. "Nice job Psyduck. Not bad, but it's Starmie's turn!" Misty called out, sending out a purple starfish Pokémon with a big red jewel in the middle of its belly called Starmie. "Get ready, Bellsprout! Vine Whip!" Lianna commanded. "Bubblebeam." Misty commanded. Starmie used Bubblebeam and it overpowered Vine Whip. Bellsprout took damage. Lianna healed up Bellsprout. "Vine Whip!" Lianna commanded. Bellsprout used it and it hit Starmie. "Use Harden!" Misty instructed. Starmie did so and raised its defense stats. "Use Vine Whip once more!" Lianna commanded. Bellsprout used it but it caused less damage. "Bubblebeam." Misty commanded. Starmie used Bubblebeam and it hit Bellsprout. "Razor Leaf!" Lianna cried out. Bellsprout used Razor Leaf. "Harden!" Misty instructed Starmie and Starmie used Harden, weakening the Razor Leaf. Lianna restored Oddish. "Razor Leaf, once more!" Lianna called out. Bellsprout used Razor Leaf and fainted Starmie.

"Way to go!" Lianna explained, healing up Bellsprout. Bellsprout felt tired. "Well done, you have beaten me. You've raised your Pokémon well." Misty explained, taking out a Cascade Badge. "Here is your new badge." Misty presented Lianna with the Cascade Badge. "Yes! Thank you so much!" Lianna called out happily. "You're welcome." Misty replied. Eevee jumped for joy. Lianna readied her hand to give Eevee a high five. Then Eevee jumped and gave Lianna a high five. "Thank you so much, Misty." Lianna responded. "You're welcome, happy to give a winning trainer a badge." Misty replied.

"Shall we get ready to leave, Eevee?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Eevee!" Eevee replied. "Okay! Bye Misty!" Lianna called to Misty. "Take care." Misty bid Lianna a farewell. Lianna then headed back to the Pokémon Center to get Bellsprout and Oddish healed up.

To be continued...

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