Chapter 12: Spearow gets set free and the Alolan Vulpix

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The Nurse Joy Slime healed Lianna's Pokémon that were used in combat. "Here you are, your Pokémon are healthy and are in fighting fit." Nurse Joy told Lianna. "Thank you. Can I see Spearow again?"Lianna asked the Nurse. "Sure." The Nurse Joy replied, bringing out Spearow. "H-hey Spearow..." Lianna said a bit nervous. "Spearow." Spearow chirped out loud. "How are you doing?" Lianna asked Spearow. Spearow felt all better. "Spearow is feeling a lot better, and I think it is ready to fly back home." Nurse Joy explained. "Okay Spearow. You ready to fly back into the wild?" Lianna asked Spearow, handing it a berry.

Spearow ate the berry and looked ready to take off. Lianna lead Spearow outside. "I hope our memories of each other last forever." Lianna said to Spearow. Spearow rubbed its cheek against Lianna's face, then flies away. It looked at Lianna for a brief moment before taking off. "Goodbye! Farewell!" Lianna called out, as a tear of happiness escaped her eye. Eevee teared up a bit, waving at Spearow. "As hard as it is to let go of someone or something Eevee, it is sometimes the right thing to do." Lianna explained, as she sniffled and hugged her Eevee. Eevee felt sad but happy that Spearow was happy and she rubbed her head on Lianna. Lianna couldn't help but laugh. "Ready to head to the next town?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Vee!" Eevee replied in agreement. "Let's go!" Lianna announced as she head to another nearby route.

Eevee road on top of her hat. Lianna then sent out her Ivysaur, Oddish, Bellsprout, Squirtle and Horsea. They all popped out of their balls. "Ready to find some new Pokémon?" Lianna asked the group. They all happily agreed with Lianna. "We need some Fire and Ground Types..." Lianna explained, leading them into the tall grass. Rustling could be heard in one part of the grass and Lianna peaked into the tall grass.

A wild Vulpix appeared, which stunk for Lianna, since she already had a Ninetails. "I already have a Ninetails. Unless this is an Alolan Vulpix, I am not catching it." Lianna said to herself. The Vulpix wandered off, before Lianna quickly gave it a Pokédoll before trying again. Vulpix looked at the Pokédoll and its white tails wagged. "Huh? White tails? And more than just one.." Lianna said, scanning it. "Alolan Vulpix, it is known to have many tails." The Pokédex read.

Lianna approached the Alolan Vulpix. "Hey there, I didn't mean to drive you off... would you like to come with me?" Lianna asked the Alolan Vulpix. Alolan Vulpix was confused to what was going on. Lianna tossed a Luxury Ball at Alolan Vulpix. It went into the ball and it clicked. "I got myself an Alolan Vulpix! Now I need a nickname... I'll nickname you later..." Lianna said, sending out Alolan Vulpix and scanned it. However, Alolan Vulpix wandered off. "Wait! Come back!" Lianna chased after it. Alolan Vulpix found the Pokédoll and played with the doll. "Right there." Lianna said, scanning it as it played. "Alolan Vulpix is female and knows Icy Wind, Tail Whip, Quick Attack and Baby Doll Eyes." The Pokédex read.

"Wait until you meet my Ninetails back home. When regional variants collide." Lianna said to herself. "Vulpix!" Alolan Vulpix said, smiling while playing. Eevee jumped off of Lianna's head and joined in with Alolan Vulpix. Both Alolan Vulpix and Eevee are playing together with the doll. "Eevee likes Vulpix." Lianna said to herself. The two Pokémon are seen playing with each other. "Horsea, want to find more Pokémon?" Lianna asked Horsea. Horsea agreed happily.

Lianna and Horsea went into the tall grass to soon come across an amazing discovery, and if Lianna was a magnet to her Eevee, she hasn't seen nothing yet.

To be continued...

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