Chapter 15: Lianna and the Excellent Easter Egg Hunt!

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Lianna and her pals headed to the next town and quickly headed to the Pokémon Center. She healed up her pals and sent out her current team, Eevee, Charmander, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Ponyta and her Shiny Azumarill. "Hello Azumarill! I decided to bring you back here. Long time no see!" Lianna called out to Azumarill. She happily jumped for joy. "I heard something in town, I want to check it out. Come on you guys!" Lianna announced, leading her pals into town. Her pals followed after Lianna.

Many people were gathered around a stand. "Easter Contest with a Big Prize!" The sign read. "An Easter contest! This sounds amazing! Eevee! Azumarill! You should check this out!" Lianna called out in joy. Azumarill agreed happily. Lianna approached the stand. "Oh dear... I'm a bunny... How many people would think I'm the Easter bunny?" Lianna thought to herself. The people are too distracted by the sign. Lianna approached the sign up area with her Eevee on her head and Azumarill by her. "Please for those who want to enter, please sign up on the papers over there." Someone instructed.

Lianna went over to registration and signed up. "You excited, Eevee?" Lianna asked her. "Eev! Vee!" Eevee called out, jumping in excitement. Lianna waited for instructions. "Now the rules are for you to find three eggs with a different pattern on each of them. A green one with wavy lines, an egg with swirls and one with triangles on it. You have one hour to find them, but it won't be easy since there are Pokémon that will stop you in any way. Oh, and you have to use only one Pokémon, use more than one and you will be disqualified." The host said out loud. Lianna quickly returned Azumarill. "You ready to do this, Eevee?" Lianna asked her. "Eevee! Eevee!" She said determined, She looked ready.

"I'm so excited!" She said out loud. "Vee!" Eevee replied. Lianna does some quick squats. Eevee looked at her in confusion. The other people looked at her. "Why are you preparing yourself like that? You're just going to get lost in the grass..." Ben said. "Oh! Sorry..." Lianna said, blushing in embarrassment. "Don't worry, I was just asking you to stop everyone from laughing at you." Ben said. "O-okay..." She said embarrassed. Ben went over to the starting line to get ready. "And you're welcome!" He shouted. Lianna went over to the starting line to get ready. Everyone is set unit Ben. "You ready?" He asked Filia. "As I'll ever be, are you sure you don't want to join?" She asked him. "No I'm good. Plus I already know who's going to win." Ben replied. Lianna waits for the single. "And Go!" The announcer shouted.

Lianna sped off into the grass with Eevee. Eevee followed behind her. Lianna searched in the grass and spotted an egg. "Found one!" She shouted. A Meowth was near it. "Oh dear, Eevee, Return!" She ordered. Eevee used it and scared Meowth. Meowth used Growl. "Return again!" Lianna ordered. Eevee used it again and Meowth ran away. Lianna grabbed the egg and inspected it. It was a triangle egg. "I got the triangle egg. We need the wavy and spiral swirl egg left." She said. A harpy then flies down and swooped the egg off of Lianna. "Hey! That's my egg!" She shouted. "Funders keepers, bunnies slow pokes!" Th The harpy shouted.

Lianna growled. "Fine! Keep the egg! I'll try to get another! Come on, Eevee." She said, going off to find another egg. "Vee!" Eevee found an egg and ran up to it. "Good job." She said, inspecting the egg. A Neko then grabbed the egg. "Thank you!" They shouted. "No! Give it back!" She snagged it back from the Neko. "Hey!" The Neko cried out loud. "Finders keepers!" Lianna shouted, incubating the egg and placing it into her bag. Lianna and Eevee ran off. "Ah, it doesn't matter. I already got two." The Neko said. Lianna runs after Lianna. "I know that wasn't probably nice, but if that Harpy did it, I don't see why not." She said, going to find another egg.

An egg happened to be out in the open. Lianna quickly snagged it and bagged it. But a Machoke stood in her way. "Oh shoot... Eevee! Return!" She shouted. Eevee used Return, but Machoke then used a Low Kick. Eevee took a lot of damage. "Run!" She cried, running off with Eevee. Eevee looked badly damaged. Lianna grabbed her and attempted to heal her. Then a Smeargle popped out and used the move Imprison, which stopped the use of healing items. "Hey!" Lianna shouted at it. "Outside items are forbidden, you must use berries which you can find out here." A voice on a loudspeaker called out. Lianna searched for berries until she found an Oran berry. Lianna snagged the berry and gave it to Eevee. Eevee ate the berry and felt better. "Thank goodness you're okay, we got one more egg to find..." Lianna said.

There was a final egg floating on a lily pad, in the middle of a pond. "Ooh! Eevee, can you swim?" Lianna asked her. "Vee!" Eevee jumped into the water and swims over to the pad. Lianna made sure to keep and eye out for other competitors. No one was around fortunately. Lianna gets the egg from Eevee. "Good girl." She said to her and incubated the egg and placed it into her bag.

Various contestants are running to the finish line. "Come on, Eevee!" Lianna called, racing to the finish line. Lianna crossed the finish line. "We did it, Eevee!" Lianna shouted. "Eevee!" Eevee called out, jumping for joy. "Let's have our eggs inspected." Lianna said. "Vee." Eevee replied. Lianna went over to have her eggs inspected. "Thank you. I'll take these eggs and you'll hear back later." The referee said to her. "You're welcome." Lianna said, waiting with Eevee. Eevee sits by Lianna and waits. "I'm excited Eevee!" Lianna said. "Vee! Vee!" Eevee called out, jumping in excitement and then running around. Lianna laughed.

After a while, the contest ended. "Okay, now is the time for the results. Please, all contestants gather around the stand." The referee said. Lianna took her Eevee to the stand. More time passed and the results were in. "Okay. The results are in and in third place is Lily the Demi Frog and for her act of stealing eggs with her Politoed, in second place is Filia Ketchum with her Pichu for their bravery. And the first place winner is..." He announced. Lianna was crossing her fingers. "The winner is Lianna for her quick thinking and Pokémon skills!" The announcer announced. "Yes! We won Eevee! We won! We won!" Lianna called out. "EEVEE! EEVEE!" Eevee shouted in happiness while jumping for joy.

"Great job Filia." Lianna said to Filia. "Thanks, you did great as well." Filia replied. "I think we win prizes." Lianna said. "We do. We do." Filia said. Lianna held her Eevee in her arms. Eevee is happy. "Hey! It's Eevee!" Filia said. Filia's Pichu was on her shoulder. "Yep. Eevee helped me out." Lianna said. "That's great. Pichu helped me." Filia replied. "I heard." Lianna replied. "Yeah." Filia responded and petted her Pichu. Pichu felt happy. "I wonder what the prizes are." Lianna said. "And for our winner, Lianna we present to you the prize of Pokémon eggs!" The referee said, showing Lianna a basket of various kinds of Pokémon eggs. "Ooh! Pokémon eggs!" Lianna said happily. "That's right, and they will hatching into different kinds of Pokémon." Filia said. "How many can I take?" Lianna asked. "All the ones from the egg hunt, but only up to five in your party." Filia said. "Okay. I will take one more egg. The three I won in the contest and this one." Lianna said, picking a random egg from the basket. "Okay but you will only be able to carry one Pokémon." Filia warned. "I would only be able to carry two Pokémon. 6 in the party. 2 actual Pokémon and 4 eggs." Lianna corrected her. "That would make sense. Yeah." Filia replied.

"Okay. Thank you so much for these eggs." Lianna said happily. "It's not a problem. No need to say thanks, you won the eggs." The referee said. "Alright. Ready to go, Eevee?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Eve!" Eevee said, jumping for joy. "Okay! See you later guys!" Lianna said, heading off with Eevee. "See yah!" Filia called out. "Eevee!" Eevee said, climbing onto Lianna's head.

Lianna has become the big winner of the egg hunt. Now she has to prepare her newly obtained eggs for hatching.

To be continued...

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