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Annabel Piccolo's POV

I forget myself in his kiss. All the thoughts about right and wrong go out the window. I let everything go and give myself to him. It was so magical. It was so... indulging. I don't even know how to kiss. I feel his tongue roaming in my mouth and tighten my hold on his hair. He pulls me closer and holds me tight and we are both out of breath again. We stop again. I am breathing air like I am pulled out of water.

He is breathing air just like me. His one hand is on my waist. I suddenly realize what I was doing. Oh, this not right! What are you doing Annabel? I was to take off my leg that around his waist, but he holds it in place, letting go of my waist. He holds my chin and lifts my head up, so I have to look at him. I meet his sea green eyes. I remember the first time I saw them. We were so small. I am still in the bliss of the kiss.

"Lucas." His name slips out from my lips.

"You are going to go on a date him? You think I would let that happen?" Anger is clear in his voice. I look away. This can't happen. We... can't happen. This is the first conversation we are having. This is not how I imagined it would go at all.

I am speaking to him for the first time, only to tell him to never speak to me again. How ironic?

"I told you to wait and you said you were waiting." He runs a hand through his let as he let me go and removes a button of his shirt. "Something happened right? What happened, Angel? Tell me!" He comes near me again. I get myself together and take a deep breath.

How am I supposed to tell you that we can't happen? I can't come in between you and Gemma. I don't want to be someone who spoils other love story. It won't end good. I can't do it, especially when I know that she likes you.

"Angel." Oh, how I wished to hear him call me that. Now that he does, I want to push all the reasons away and just lay in his arms. "He lifts my chin up, gently this time and asks sweetly. "Tell me, please. I will go mad if you don't. What is it?" I have to be honest with him at the least.

"Papa is thinking about you and Gemma and getting engaged. He likes Marcus and he wants me to give him a chance."

"What? What the fuck?" He sighs. "Who came up with this stupid notion that I like Gemma?"

"I know that you don't. I know that..." Can I say it? Can I say it confidently now? "I know that you like me." His face softens and he looks relaxed for a second.

"So you know. You know how I feel for you and I know what you feel for me. Oh fuck! All this hide and seek. Fuck it! Let's go and tell them that. Let's tell them that we are dating." He holds my hand and is about to pull me along with him to the hall where they all are sitting. My heart fills with... something warm, that he is not afraid to announce it to the world.

"That's not the question here, Lucas." He stops and that's it... reality comes undone. I reach and place my hand on his cheek. "I know that what we have is something more than like." He takes the hand that's caressing his cheek and places a kiss on it. I look at him and his eyes are filled with... Oh my! No! "My mom has been the third person in my father's marriage. Unknowingly. But still, it doesn't change the damage their relationship caused."


"I don't want to be a third person in Gemma's love. I can't do that. I can't make the same mistake again. It's still early and we can-"

"Gemma doesn't love me, Angel." He nearly shouts. What? "She doesn't. In fact, she is the one that's been helping me pursue you."


"That's true."

"Maybe she likes you and she didn't tell you. A woman is sometimes shy about his feelings no matter how strong she might seem outside."

"No Angel." He sighs. "You know what." He pulls out his phone and makes a call. He looks at me for a second and shakes his head. "You know I thought this is going to be a lot easier." He says to himself. "Come to my office room, now." He orders. He looks at me with frustration. He punches the wall angrily and then suddenly comes to me and holds my face between his fingers. "How can all this change in a night?"


"You are mine. Mine! Period." He lets go and helps me adjust my dress and hair that's ruffled from all the kissing. I blush and get down off the table. We hear a knock on the door a in a few seconds. "Come in." He says and Gemma comes in. She comes in and looks at me. She scans me from top to bottom and then looks at us both.

"What did you do to her?" Gemma asks him seriously as she folds her hands near her chest.

"He didn't do anything, Gemma." I speak on his behalf.

"Why did you call me here?" She asks him. He looks at me and then turns to her. She looks at us both in confusion. He suddenly gets down on one knee and takes her hand in his. She looks at him in shock. "What's happening?" Tension is clear in her voice. What is he doing?

"Gemma, all this while, I haven't realized, but the person I truly love is you. She helped me see it." He says looking at me, then turns to her again. "I love you, Gemma." He says with so much sincerity. What? My heart slowly breaks. But, I know that this is supposed to happen. At least Gemma will be happy. She looks stunned. "Go out with me." He asks.

"What the fuck?!" She hits him on the head. "What the actual fuck, Dude?" She nearly screams. Isn't this what she want? "Oh, get the fuck up!"

"I am not getting up until you agree."

"What?" She grabs a book from the desk and goes back to him and starts hitting him with it. "Get. The. Fuck. Up." He gets up and she looks at him before hitting him again.

"Stop it." He takes the book form her and puts it on the table again.

"What the fuck's wrong with you, Dude? Don't pull something like that again. I am not going anywhere with you. In your dreams!" She says and takes a breath. "What the fuck?!"

"So you don't like me?" He asks her.

"I like you as a friend. Friend! Don't get ahead of yourself. Just what the fuck was that?"

"I am sorry. I will explain everything to you later." He opens the door and holds it for her to leave. She looks at us both.

"You both." She points her finger at us. "Don't drag me into your shit. Just talk, Dumbos!" She walks out of the room and he shuts the door.

"Now, do you believe me? She doesn't like me. Trust me, I can tell when a woman is interested in me." He comes to me and holds my hand. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I feel free. So I can like him again? Gemma really doesn't like him then?

"She really doesn't like you, then?"

"Oh God, woman! I just confessed to her and asked her to go out with me. Don't you think if she likes me, she would have said yes? I even got beaten for you." He pulls me close. "Trust me. She doesn't like me. At least not like that." But, why did Papa think that way, then? He makes me look at him. "Don't think anymore, Angel. There is no one between us. Don't let anything come between us."

"Lucas." I caress his cheek again.

"Even if something comes in between, we have to fight. We can't go down that easily."

He is right! I have to fight for him and I have to fight alongside him.

"You know, normally men propose to the woman they love to show his sincerity. But I have to propose to other woman." He shakes his head dramatically.

"I am sorry." Tears fall down on my cheek. That means I can actually like him and have feelings for him.

"You really are?" He asks. Of course I am. I hurt him.


"Then do something for me." I nod my head. "Go and tell Marcus that you hate and that you don't want to see his face ever again." He pauses then says. "Oh and that he is ugly." I look at him in shock and smile. He is petty.

"I am not going to. That's mean. I will just tell him the truth."

"That's boring."

"I will just tell him that I like you." I wrap my arms around him. Oh my! I have always imagined what it would fell like to hold him. He looks surprised that I said that out loud.

"You should tell him that. But only after you said that to me." I blush at his words. I lay my head on his chest. He makes me looks at him though. "Tell me, Angel."

"I like you."There! I said it! I turn red and bit my lip before hugging him tightly.

"I like you too. Now let's tell them the same thing."

My heart drops. Would Papa feel disappointed that I like Lucas? But I have to at least let him know whom I like. "Okay. But, before that, let me talk to Marcus. I have to tell him myself before we tell anyone. It's only fair." I don't want to disrespect him. He is a nice guy. Lucas sighs.

"Fine." He sighs. "Let's go out tomorrow night. I don't want to wait anymore."


"Oh Angel." He leans down and places a kiss on my lips. "You don't know how long I have waited for this." He kisses me again.

"Me too." I have played this image again and again in my mind for years and here we are now.

He kisses me deeply and I let him take control. He holds my waist to keep me close. "We have to stop." He suddenly pulls away. "I want to do this right." He goes away from me for a moment ad looks at me. He comes again and places a kiss on my lips. "God, you are like a drug!"

A smile automatically appears on my lips. Me? His drug? Gladly. "And you are mine." We kiss again.

We can't seem to stop kissing. "Now let's go out before I do something."

I blush. He kisses my forehead. Once we walk out hand in hand, I prepare myself to tell Marcus the truth and then to everyone. I know that we have to face their wrath, but we have to fight. For Lucas, I will. I look at him and find him staring at me. He seems to be thinking something. He takes my hand ad places a kiss on it before holding it.

"Let's go." He says and I nod. We are finally together.

Oh my, it's a dream come true!

We walk out hand in hand and I can't stop the smile on my face. We walk into the living room and see everyone is in panic. I see Papa holding his chest and trying to breath. Papa? Felisa beside him looks scared. Gemma is calling someone. What's happening to him?

"Papa!" I leave Lucas's hand and run to him. "Papa! What's happening?"

"He is having a heart attack." Gemma says. She looks scared too. What? Heart attack? No! Papa!

We should have gone to doctor today itself when he had chest pains yesterday. We should not have delayed it.

Oh God!


Hey my cute dumplings!

How will they tell him now? They just can't seem to catch a break. Lucas and His Angel. Tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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