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Annabel Piccolo's POV

"How is he now?" My heart is not at peace since Papa got heart attack. It's Monday evening now. A whole day went by and we are all in the hospital. Felisa, Gemma and me. The news is already out that Papa got heart attack. There is media outside the hospital. The doctor just did a check up on him. Felisa and Gemma beside me are waiting for the doctor's response for the question I asked.

"He is stable now." That brings a little relief to us. "But he should stay in the hospital for another two days for observation. "Here's the list of medicines that he needs to take once he goes home." I take the list from him

"Thank you." He nods his head and gives us a sympathetic smile before leaving. Felisa holds Gemma who is near to tears. I nearly tear up seeing her. I look at Papa lying on the bed and tears stir in my eyes. I feel alone without him. "I will get the medicines." I inform them and go to buy medicines from the pharmacy in the hospital.

Reaching pharmacy, I stand in the line. There are two other people in front of me. I hear familiar voices and turn to find Lucas and his parents. They are talking and Lucas sees me. Our eyes meet for a brief second before he turns to his father and says something. Mr. Alberto looks at me and gives me a nod. His parents go to the ward where father is and Lucas comes towards me.

The line in front of me moves and I move forward. He takes long strides to me and hugs me tightly.

"Angel." I feel warm. I hug him back and a few tears fall down.

"Lucas." I want to let it all out and cry, but I hold it in. This whole time being in the hospital has put a huge stress on me. This is so unexpected. Papa was always so healthy. I don't know what I will do if something happens to him. He is my only lifeline. He is my only support. But having Lucas here, just makes everything different. Having someone on my side when all is going south is refreshing.

"I am here now. I will not leave, okay?" He says as he gently pushes me to hold my face and wipe my tears. "Gemma just called, she said that he is stable." I nod my head.


"You are buying medicines?" He takes the prescription from my hand and holds my other hand. The person in front of me moves and we are next. Lucas hands in the prescription and takes the medicines. As we are slowly walking back to the ward, he speaks. "You weren't lifting your phone." I search my pockets for the phone and pull it out. "It's switched off. I tried calling you." It really is switched off.

My mind is not taking in anything that he speaks. It's just all fuzzy. I have taken a day off. "Thank you for coming." His presence here made me realise how alone I felt before he came. He helps me breath. He pulls me in and hugs me again. I hug him back.

"You don't have to thank me, Angel. We are family friends. I want to be here for you." His words have me tearing up again. I hold him tightly. We are near ICU and patients and families are passing by. I couldn't care less though. All the sadness and emotions that I have stopped and controlled from yesterday burst out and I let them out. He is soothing me and letting me be.

"I was so scared." I sob out. I don't know if he can understand me since I am crying heavily.

"I am sorry for not coming soon." He pats my head. I finally stop sobbing and he gives me a kerchief to clean my nose.

"You left here at 11 AM, Lucas. You were here for me today morning. That's enough for me." He kisses the crown of my head. "This way no one would suspect anything."

"Suspect what?" He asks still holding me.

"That we are going out." This is not the right time. He pushes me and looks at me.

"What do you mean?" Seriousness is clear in his face. I take a deep breath.

"Let's not tell anyone about us yet. The situation is not so good and I want to let Papa recover completely before giving him this news."

Lucas takes a step back and turns aside. I bit my lip. This made him angry. He runs a hand through his hair and looks at me. "You are right. We should wait."

"Oh, thank you, Lucas."

"I am not happy about it, but, you are right." He comes to be and places a kiss on my forehead. "But, I am only going to do it if you tell me something." I look at him with confusion.


"Your new house address." Just like that, he puts a smile on my face. It is faint, but still.

"I will message you the address." He smiles.

"Come. Let's see your father." He holds my hand and we go to the unit that Papa is in. Everyone is inside the room and form outside the door, I can't see Papa clearly. I look at Lucas and try to smile. He gives me a reassuring nod that he is here for me. We let go of our hands and Lucas pushes open the door. Everyone turns to look at us. Mr. Alberto is near Papa and Mrs. Alberto is consoling Felisa.

Once Gemma sees Lucas, she comes and hugs him. He hugs her back. She lets out a few tears. She looks so tough outside, but she is a child still. I hope I can comfort her, but I know that I can't. Right now, even I am not able to console myself.

"Oh Gemma. Don't cry. I am completely fine now." Papa says. She lets Lucas go and wipes her tears.

"I am not crying." She says before turning to him. I go to Papa and hold his hand.

"You had us all worried. We should have gone that day itself when you were having chest pains." We should have gone to see doctor immediately. We shouldn't have delayed.

"Sweet Bell." He pats my hand with his other hand. "I am completely fine." He looks around the room and then finally at me. He gives me a smile.

"Is something bothering you?" Mr. Alberto asks.

"No." He says and shakes his head. "Maybe I was too happy." He laughs. "Everything was going so well and that happiness was too much for me. Maybe that's why I got heart attack."

"That's ridiculous." Gemma says.

"I really am happy. We have decided on opening a new company together. My Bell agreed to go on a date with Marcus. Although there is one last thing left that we planned to do that night." Papa says looking at Mr. Alberto.

"You are right." He agrees and looks at Lucas and Gemma. Oh, they are going to ask Lucas and Gemma to go out. Papa said that night that he will be asking them. I bite my lip. This is going to be hard. "Do you both like each other?" He asks them. They just look at each other. Lucas looks at me and understands what he means to say. He stays silent.

"Of course, we were friends since kids. We like-Oh, wait." Gemma finally understands what they mean. "You don't mean like like like. Do you?" She asks and looks at Lucas. He gives her a nod. "Whoa!" Everyone is waiting for them to answer.

"We don't-" Lucas was about to say something when he was cut off by Felisa.

"Of course, they do. Look at them. They are shocked that we know that they like each other." She says and I look at Lucas who clenches his jaw looking at her. Gemma looks at me.

"Actually Lucas likes-" Gemma is also cut off by Felisa.

"They like each other since a long time I guess." She looks back at Gemma. "This news really makes your Dad happy." Gemma looks at Papa and smiles. Papa is important right now. We don't want to upset him.

"Dad, let's talk about this later." She says.

"That's a better idea." Lucas agrees.

"Well, we would be more than ecstatic to see you both together." Papa says happily. Mr. Alberto agrees with him. "But, we don't want to force you into anything that you don't want to do. Think it through. Take your time." He says.

"Papa, I need to go. I will come back." I let go of his hand and he gives me a smile with a nod. Suddenly I feel all the eyes in the room on me. Going out, I go to the water stand beside the room and fill a cup with water. My mind in all over the place, my thoughts are going here and there and my head is spinning.

I don't want Papa to know anything yet. Once he is feeling better, I can tell him all about it. Felisa wants to get Gemma and Lucas together. I had a feeling about it always. I sigh and drink the water.

Papa was completely fine. Why did he suddenly have chest pains? From what I know, he wasn't under any stress from work. In fact he was happy with the way things are going. What happened? There must be some reason that must have led to this. I think of what happened in the past few days and nothing. He was fine till I was in the palace. Maybe I should move back into the palace to take care of him.

I try to calm myself down from all that's happening. There is tension building in my heart by every second and I am trying to cool it. I turn around to go back to the room and find Felisa coming out of the room. She comes towards me and meets my eyes. My heart start beating fast in tension. I try to maintain my calm.

"You think I don't know what's happening between you and Lucas?" She asks. "I know everything. I see the looks you give each other. I see how you steal glances and smiles."

I stand and listen silently. I am not going to give up on Lucas that easily, not when I know that he likes me and not when I know that Gemma doesn't like him in that way.

"It's not going to go that far. Before you know it, they will be together. But if you go forward and say something to your father, it's only going to put him in even more danger." She pauses before speaking. "Your mother once stood between me and your father. I won't let you stand between them. No matter what."

Tears burn at the edge of my eyes. I stop them from falling.

"Move out of our lives just like you moved out of the palace." With that she turns around and goes back into the room.

The tears that I am holding in come falling down. I am not going to give up on you Lucas. Not now. No matter what.

Mama, give me strength.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Too much is going on. Right. What to do now? Tell me what you think.

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