Chapter 10

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(A.N. *Mabel Pines voice* WHAAAAAAAA????? Yes another chapter!!! I've been working out some of the major plot points in this story and I'm VERY VERY VERY happy with how it's looking!!! Thanks for sticking with me!!! 😘)

Sunlight peaked its way though the thin curtains that hung in the room.

Someone was knocking on the door.

Katherine's eyes fluttered open. She examined the room she was in and began to panic.

This wasn't her room?! Where was she?! What was happening?!

She felt something rub against her hand and her eyes flew to the cat in her bed. The events of yesterday flooded her mind. Panic left as relief filled her.

Three knocks came again. She got off the bed and walked over to the door. She opened it and was greeted with a kind smile.

"Morning Katherine! Sleep well?"

"Hi Davey. Yes I did. Yesterday was..." She trailed off. He got the message and simply nodded.

"Is there something you needed?" She asked. He snapped back to reality.

"Oh! Jack said to give you this. So you could wear something clean." He handed her a brown Hollister t-shirt.

Katherine hesitantly accepted it and thanked him. She closed the door and changed into the shirt. It smelled of paint and ink of some sort.

It wasn't so much that it was unbearable, it was just....nice. Not even bothering to tame her mess of hair, she just pulled it into a messy bun.

A soft meow caught her attention. "Hey there Tiger Lily." She picked up the feline and walked out of the room. As she neared the living room, she heard people rushing about the place.

The second her feet touched the living room floor, all activities ceased and all eyes landed on her.

"Hey Katherine! I'se glad to see yous lookin' betta!" A familiar voice called to her. She turned and smiled upon seeing Crutchie sitting on a couch.

She walked over and seated herself next to him. All of the other boys went back to their business.

"Hi Crutchie. How are you feeling? You look better than yesterday." She admitted. Though he was still bruised in some places, he wasn't bloody and broken looking.

"I'se fine. The fellas said they told ya their powers last night." Katherine nodded.

"Then I'll tell ya mine. I have invulnerability, immunity to sicknesses, and I can heal people."

Questions pored into Katherine's mind and then out through her mouth.

"Wait, if you have healing powers, can't you just heal yourself?"

"You'd think that I could, but I can't. I don' know why."

"And if you're invulnerable, how did those thugs hurt you so badly?"

Crutchie's face fell. "T-They made me drink this green, glowing stuff. It made me vulnerable. T-That's how they hurt me."

Katherine put a hand on his shoulder. He smiled at her, returning to his cheerful self.

Footsteps were heard descending the stairs. Katherine and Crutchie turned to see Jack entering the room.

"Hey Crutch. Feel any better?" He said, striding over to the two.

"Hiya Jackie! Yeah I'm okay. I'se just tellin' Katherine about my powers." Crutchie beamed.

Katherine figured that nothing kept him down for long. Jack grinned.

"Jack? Jack are you here?" A voice called to him.

All three turned their heads to see a woman with with dark skin and hair in a bright pink dress that brought out her brown eyes waltzing into the living room.

"Ah there you are! I came as soon as you-" she stopped as her eyes landed on Katherine and Crutchie, the latter of the two still looking battered from his ordeal.

"Oh my goodness.... Crutchie, my dear boy. I'm so sorry." She said, taking his hand into hers and giving it a comforting squeeze.

He smiled up at her. "I'm fine. Really. Just a little bruised."

The woman returned the smile before turning her attention to Katherine. "And is this the girl you talked about?" She asked Jack. He nodded.

"Alright then, I'll need a quiet room. No one is to disturb us at all. Is that understood?" She told Jack and Crutchie. "Yes ma'am. Nobody's gonna interrupt. I'll make sure of that." Jack assured her. "You can use the spare room where Katherine slept last night."

She gave him a nod then turned back to the girl. "Hello my dear. I know this all seems like a lot, but if you'll come with me, I'll answer all your questions."

Katherine stood and followed this strange woman's lead to the room. Katherine sat on the bed and the woman found a chair in the corner and settled herself in it.

"Who are you?" Katherine said quickly.

The woman's expression softened. "My name is Medda Larkin, and I know who you are, Princess Katherine Pulitzer."

Katherine let out a small gasp and blushed.

"Don't worry sweetie. Your secret's safe with me. But now I need you to keep a secret. I'm about to tell you a very long story, so get comfortable honey."

(Medda's here!! And she knows who Katherine is. Sorry to cut y'all off but I needed to. Please comment your thoughts and vote! Panda out!)

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