Chapter 13

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(A.N. Another update?! So soon?! Yes!! I have a camp I'm leaving for today and I won't be back till Friday. I'll have limited access to my phone/WiFi so I'm giving y'all this in advance. Italics are what's being said over the phone. Hope y'all like it!)

"Katherine!!! Thank God! Your father's been tearing the city apart trying to find you! Are you hurt? Where are you? Are you safe?" Spot bombarded her with questions.

"Whoa! Slow down. Everything's okay. I'M okay. And to be honest, I don't know where I am exactly, but I know I'm in a city."

"Kath, what happened?"

"I was kidnapped."


"You didn't know?!"

"No! Your father said you ran away. I didn't believe it at first but when you wouldn't pick up your phone I got worried. Are you still with they people who took you?!" He ask frantically.

"Calm down Spot! I'm not with them anymore. I was rescued by-"

"Hey Katherine, I wanted to apologize for-" Jack barged into the room. He froze when he saw her talking on the phone.

"What are you doing? I told you it was a bad idea to contact your family!" He briskly walked over to Katherine and reached for her phone.

"Hey leave me alone! Don't you dare-"

"Kath what's going on?! Are you still there?! I swear if someone hurts you I'll-" Jack took the phone and hung up.

"Why did you do that?! That was my cousin! I was trying to tell him that I was okay, at the least that I'm alive." Katherine yelled at him, infuriated.

"The reason we told you NOT to tell your family is because you would be putting them in danger. If they knew about us or that you were still with us, Oscar and Morris would use them to get to you. The less your family knows, the safer they are." Jack defended.

'Okay, you have to admit, he's not just a pretty face, he's smart too.' Katherine thought.

She relaxed a bit and heaved a sigh. "Alright. I won't do it again." She spoke.

"Good." Jack replied.

"Now, what did you come in here for?" She added.

He started to fidget nervously. Rubbing the back of his neck, he said "Oh, I uh- I came to apologize for what I said back there." He pointed out the door towards the living room.

"After yous came in 'ere, Crutchie walked in and asked what happened. I told him and he said "The best way to make it up to her, is to say you're sorry." And I am sorry. I was so excited that yous passed the test that I wasn't thinkin' 'bout what you was feelin'." He explained.

Katherine's expression softened. She took a few steps closer to him.

"Apology accepted." She stated before standing on her tip toes and planting a light kiss on his cheek.

Heat started rising in Jacks cheeks and soon he was blushing all over his face. Katherine quickly realized what she did and her face went red.

"Oh my- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to- I don't know what came over me-" She tried to explain, mostly to herself.

Jack was a little stunned. He cleared his throat and tried to speak. "Um, it-it's okay. No harm done." He smiled shyly. Then he quickly made his way out the door, not looking Katherine in the eyes.

After he closed the door, Katherine flopped down onto her bed and groaned. She made a fool of herself in front of a guy she barely knows and might have a small crush on.

She lifted her head up slightly and glanced around the room. What she hadn't noticed before was the bookcase on the opposite wall of the room.

She got up and walked over to it. She scanned the book titles until she found a familiar one.

'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'

One of her favorite books. She grabbed it off the shelf and sat back down on the bed, now engrossed by the book completely.

She let the world of reality slip away while she entered the world of fantasy. Or in this case, Middle Earth.

Meanwhile, in the Brooklyn Castle...

"UGH! No!" Spot shouted when the line went dead.

He was now even more worried about Katherine. She was like the sister he never had. It was his job to protect her, not that she needed it. But he still felt responsible for her.

He buried his head in his hands, trying not to think the worst. His eyes began gathering water. He couldn't lose Katherine. She was his best friend.

A small beeping noise drew him out of his thoughts. He looked up and smiled widely. He ran over to the computer screen and jumped for joy.

The second he realized it was Katherine on the other end of the call, he put a trace on her phone. They were on talking just long enough to get an exact location.

Spot wrote down the address and started preparing for whatever he may face there.

Being the Crowned Prince of Brooklyn had its ups and downs.

One upside, he could come and go as he pleased. Downside, no one really took him seriously, since he was a master prankster.

So he knew he had to go in and save Katherine on his own. He grabbed anything useful, a baseball bat, some twine, a tazer (He's in Brooklyn, he's gotta have a tazer.) and whatever else he needed.

Then he quickly snuck out of the castle and was on his way to rescue his cousin, no matter what.

(I really like this chapter. I hope y'all did too! Comment what y'all thought of it and please vote! I'll see y'all in a week! Panda out! ❤)

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