Chapter 14

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(A.N. Hey y'all! Sorry for being MIA. I was at a camp all last week with no WiFi access and no time do do anything really on my phone. But it was so amazing! I had a wonderful time! Anyways, I wrote this quick chapter just to give y'all something. I'm working on the next chapter of Love Will Do What It Does so y'all except an update soon! Here y'all go!)

"Ouch! Why'd yous touch it? Now my head hurts worse!" Romeo griped, holding the back of his head.

"Well, I have to touch it if I'm gonna heal yous." Crutchie retorted.

The younger boy let out a sigh before nodding. Crutchie extended his hand and gently touched the injury. Romeo winced at the contact, but sighed in relief when it began healing.

Once it was healed completely, Romeo stood and turned to Crutchie.

"I'se sorry for snappin' at ya. Thanks for healin' me." He said gratefully.

"Aww it's nothin'. Just don't get hurt again for at least two days." Crutchie joked, ruffling the younger boy's hair.

Romeo laughed and walked away, heading upstairs. All of the other boys were upstairs too, getting rest from fighting and being healed.

Crutchie turned around just in time to see Jack walking back into the room.

"Hey Jackie. How'd the apology go?" He asked eagerly. Davey walked in and was also anxious for his response. Jack's face flushed red again.

"Umm... I-It went good...I guess. She- uh, she kissed me."

"WHAT?!" Crutchie and Davey shouted in unison.

"Would both o' yous calm down! That came out wrong. She kissed me on my cheek."

Davey and Crutchie still stared at him in shock.

"Jackie, I think she loves you." Crutchie beamed with a wide grin.

"What? No. She don't love me. Girls like her who are beautiful, smart, independent, kind, and caring don't end up with guys like me." Jack said softly.

Crutchie and Davey exchanged looks. "Well, from my point of view, it seems like the feelings are mutual." Davey replied, smirking.

"Dave, are you feelin' well? Did they bust up your brains or somethin'? Cause yous talkin'  nonsense. I don't like Katherine like that." He scoffed.

His friends saw right through his charade, but decided to play along.

"Okay. If you say so." Davey commented and walked away. Crutchie just shrugged and planted himself on the couch. Jack followed his lead and sat next to him.

Before Jack knew it, Crutchie was grilling him for information about his Crush on Katherine. But, there was nothing to tell.

He didn't have a crush on her....


Meanwhile in Katherine's room...

Katherine was completely focused on the book in her hand.

It had been about two hours since her conversation with Jack. Thankfully, the book kept her mind off of it...for the most part.

She was reading one of her favorite parts when there was a thud against her door.

She jump upon hearing the sound and stood to investigate. She made her way to the door and opened it.

"Hello?" She said. But there was no one there. She looked around for a second more before she started to close the door. Right before it closed she heard someone speak.

"Wow, you're really pretty." She was startled again. She searched for the source of the voice, but found none.

"Wh-Who's there?" She asked. The young boy from last night appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Les." Katherine quickly got over her shock and smiled at him.

She cleared her throat before she spoke. "Hi Les. I'm Katherine. Aren't you Davey's brother?"

Les nodded. "Yep! I'm ten... almost."

Katherine giggled. He was so cute.

"Well then, might I ask what exactly are your powers?" Katherine crouched down to match the boy's height.

"I can turn invisible and I can teleport."

"Wow. Those are some interesting powers. What about your brother? What are his? No one's told me yet." Katherine inquired.

"He has this power that lets him move things with his mind, I don't remember the name, telek-something. He can read minds too. And he can control people sometimes, like what they do and how they act. It's cool until he uses it to find me if I'm hiding."

She giggled again. "Well, I feel a lot safer now that I have you boys protecting me." She said.

Les grinned and puffed his chest out, attempting to look intimidating.

"Say Les, how'd you like me to read one of my favorite books to you?" He nodded excitedly.

"C'mon, it'll be an adventure!" He followed her and she read him the story.

He was enjoying it. The action, adventure, excitement, and magic kept him engrossed by the tale. After maybe 30 minutes, a knock was heard, but it didn't come from the door.

Katherine got up and looked around the room before her eyes landed on an old, dust covered window. She walked over to it and pulled back the curtains with great caution. She jump upon being greeted with a familiar face.

"Spot! How on earth did you find me?!"

(That was a very short and quick chapter. I hope y'all enjoyed it! I have a little sneak peek for a future chapter and I need y'alls opinion. Do y'all want Spot to get powers? If so, comment what power/s he should have. Comment and vote y'alls thoughts on this chapter. Till we meet again, love Panda.)

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