Chapter 15

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(A.N. Hi guys! Okay, so I'm just going to let y'all know that over the next two weeks, don't expect to hear from me a whole lot because next week I'll be EXTREMELY busy prepping for a camp I'm working at and then the week after I'll be gone without access to my phone {meaning I won't have it at all}. So, I'm trying to write y'all at least one chapter of my stories I'm currently working on. So hopefully I can give y'all an update soon on Love Will Do What It Does. Also, I wanted to give a shout out to Katherine___Plumber and Dare2Dream4eva for taking part in that little guessing game in my last Author's Note. That is all, enjoy!)


Katherine got up and looked around the room before her eyes landed on an old, dust covered window. She walked over to it and pulled back the curtains with great caution. She jump upon being greeted with a familiar face.

"Spot! How on earth did you find me?!"


Katherine pushed the window up.

"Katherine! Oh I'm so glad I did!"

Spot slipped inside and pulled her into a tight bear hug. He let her go and looked at her in relief.

"Believe me, it wasn't easy. I nearly got caught."

"By the police?"

"No, by Aunt Meridith."

"Oh... If she had caught you-"

"-I would have been on 'Lock Down' for a month. She would have seen me if I didn't use that secret passage we found when we were kids. Kath, what happened? Are you okay? Who was in here with you when you called? Because when I get my hands on him I'll-"

"Spot calm down! I'm fine! Really. That was just Jack. He was just protecting me and my family, which includes you."

"Protecting us? From who? And why would the Roy-"

*ACHOO!* A sneeze broke them from their conversation.

They turned to Les still sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for Katherine to get back to reading the story.

"Oh Les. I forgot you were there. This is my cousin Spot. Spot, this is Les. He lives here with his brother and their friends. They were the ones who rescued me."

Spot didn't let his guard down. He simply walked over to the boy and extended his hand.

Les looked at it for a second before putting his own hand forward and giving Spot's a shake.

"I guess I should say thank you for saving Kath. How old are you?"

"I'm almost 10, but my brother still treats me like I'm 5." Les pouted, earning a giggle from Katherine and a laugh from Spot.

As if on cue, Davey knocked on Katherine's room door. "Les? Are you in here?" He called from the other side.

Katherine looked at Les and put a single finger to her lips, hoping he'd get the message. Sadly, he didn't.

"Yes I'm here. I'm with Katherine and her cousin." Spot and Katherine gave him an exasperated look.

"What?! Kath, I'm coming in!" Davey warned before entering.

He stopped short when he saw Spot next to Katherine with a backpack over his shoulder.

"What's going on?! Jack! Crutchie! Get over here!"

"Davey please let me-" Katherine started but was cut off by Jack and Crutchie came rushing in, looking slightly worried.

"What is it Dave?" Jack asked upon entering, but quickly realized that something was wrong.

"Hey, who are yous and what are ya doin' here?!" He pointed at Spot and took a few steps towards him.

But Spot wasn't the least bit intimidated.

"I'm here because Katherine has been missing for two days. I'm her cousin. And I assume you're this Jack I've been hearing about." Spot replied.

Jack nodded. "Yeah. What's it to yous?"

Jack didn't see Spot's fist until it made contact with his jaw and sent him reeling.

Davey's hand flew up and froze Spot where he stood. Crutchie and Katherine ran to Jack, who was clutching his jaw.

"What was dat for?!" He yelled.

"I'm so sorry Jack! He was mad that you hung up my phone when I was talking to him. He's always been very protective when it came to me." She began explaining.

She turned to scold Spot but saw he wasn't in motion at all.

"Umm... Why isn't he moving?" She asked.

"Oh. Sorry." Davey said and unfroze him.

Spot was stunned to say the least. "Wh-What just happened?! How d-did you do that?!" He sputtered, pointed at Davey.

"Don't you try to change the subject Spot." Katherine chided. "Why did you punch Jack?!" She shouted.

"Because he wouldn't let you talk to your family! Don't you think the Royal Family deserves to know that the crowned Princess is alive and safe?!" He shouted back at her.

There was a collective gasp from Jack, Davey, Crutchie, and Les and Katherine mentally slapped Spot. They turned their attention to Katherine.

"You're the Princess?" Jack asked in a quiet tone.

She took half a step back from him before answering.

"Y-Yes. I'm Princess Katherine Pulitzer, heir to the Pulitzer throne." She confessed.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Crutchie spoke up from behind Jack.

"Because when I first met all of you, I wasn't sure I could trust you. And even after I realized I could, I didn't want you to treat me differently. I can't stand being the Princess. I just want to be me. And that's all I was here." She continued explaining. Tears started building up in her eyes.

"Please don't tell the other boys." She pleaded.

Jack, Davey, and Crutchie exchanged a quick glance.

"We won't say a word." Jack answered.

Katherine smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a hug.

"Oh thank you!" She all but squealed.

When she released him, she saw his flushed face before he hurried out of the room. Crutchie followed him and Davey had to practically drag Les out of there, leaving just Katherine and Spot.

"Well then, I see something's changed over the past two days." He grinned at her.

She looked at him innocently. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on Kathy! It's obvious you like Jack."

"What?! I don't- That's crazy- You don't really think that I-" She fumbled over her words.

"Kath, I know you better than you know yourself. You really don't think I'd be able to tell when you like someone?"

Katherine blushed heavily then buried her head I'm her hands and she sank into her bed.

"I wasn't sure if I did or didn't have feelings for him. But now..." She pondered.

Spot just chuckled. "Well, I think it's safe to say that the feelings are mutual." She looked up at him.

"How do you know?"

"Oh come on! Did you see the way he blushed when you hugged him?! And his friends were smiling at the two of you."

Katherine could help but smile at the thought of Jack liking her the same way.

She was about to reply when Crutchie appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Jack wants to see yous." He motioned for Spot to follow him.

He just shrugged in response and did as he was told.

"I'll be back." He turned one last time to Katherine before disappearing down the hallway.

Katherine was left alone with her thoughts. And her thoughts led her to thinking about Jack.

Did she really have a crush on him?


That's impossible.

She had just met him.

She didn't like him.


(I wonder what Jack and Spot will talk about.... Well, I KNOW what they'll talk about. Y'all don't... Yet. Okay, so I've been thinking over the different possible powers to give to Spot and here are the options:
• Flight
• Density shift {Walk through wall}
Magnokinesis {Control over metal}
Technopath {Control over technology}
Precognition {Looking into the future}
• Hologram projection
Comment on the one/s you think he should have. Also comment your thoughts on this chapter and please vote! Tell next time, Panda out!)

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