Chapter 16

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(A.N. Oh wow it's been almost a month since I last updated this... Sorry! I'm trying to work out one huge plot point and I think I might have it. It'll be happening soon so stay tuned! Anyways, here y'all go!)

Spot had followed Crutchie to the living room where Jack and Davey waited for him.

Once he entered he scanned the room for all of the exits, but realized how pointless that would be.

If he tried to escape, the tall one would just use whatever he had to freeze him again. And he wouldn't just leave Katherine. So he figure it would be best to comply with them until he had a get away plan.

"So, what do you want me for?" Spot asked plainly.

Jack looked at him. A good sized blue and purple bruise had started blossoming on his jaw.

Spot internally applauded himself for his fast hit.

After a few more seconds Jack spoke. "First off, I want to know how yous found our headquarters."

Spot scoffed. "Really? Okay then. While I was on the phone with Kath, I tracked her cell. The signal was coming from what I guess is her temporary room. That's how I got here. Anything else you need from me?"

"Yeah, how do we know you can be trusted?" Davey asked.

"If I had wanted you harm you all, I would have told someone where I was going or brought some backup. But I came alone."

"He does 'ave a point Jackie." Crutchie spoke up. Jack and Davey nodded in agreement, but still held their guard up. Spot took a step forward.

"Look, all I care about is Kath's safety and wellbeing. Which brings me to a question for you, tough guy." He stared at Jack. Spot stepped closer to him and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"What are your feelings and intentions towards my cousin?" He asked bluntly.

The trio's faces dropped.

Davey and Crutchie had to cover their mouths to prevent their laughter from getting out.

Jack just stood their in shock, his face turning bright red.

"Uhh... What are ya talkin' 'bout?" He asked, utterly confused.

Spot didn't budge.

"I saw the way you looked at her and how you reacted when both when she admitted to being the princess and when she hugged you. Don't try to deny it because I know you care for her. What I want to know, is if you're intentions are good. So tell me, Jack, are they?"

Jack was still stunned. But he nodded.

"I would never do anythin' to hurt her. I've only known her for, well, two days, but dere's somethin' about her that I can't get over. She's nothin' like any other girl I know. She's special." Jack replied. He spoke with such sincerity and compassion.

Spot didn't expect that kind of response. Usually when guys would try to get close to Katherine, he could tell when they just wanted her for her money or her looks or they had a different, bad motive. But Jack, he genuinely had feelings, dare he say, love for Katherine.

Spot's expression softened. He extended his hand towards Jack, who looked at it puzzled.

"Don't be scared. I ain't gonna hit ya again." Spot assured.

Jack put his hand in Spot's and gave it a firm shake.

"Just so you know, if you hurt Kath in any way, shape, or form, I will not hesitate to send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my power and position."

Jack gulped at Spot's threat, but nodded. Spot released his hand and retreated back to his original place.

"So is there anything else you need from me?" Jack shook his head and said he could leave. Spot turned on his heel and headed back to Katherine's room.

Crutchie and Davey stood there, gawking at Jack.

"So yous admit to likin' Katherine!" Crutchie exclaimed.

Jack quickly shushed him. "Would yous calm down! I don't want the boys knowin'! They'd never let me hear the end of it." Jack cried.

"Who said WE wouldn't?" Davey poked at him.

Jack groaned. "Alright, I'm turnin' in for the night. See you jokesters tomorrow." He quickly ran up the stairs before they could pick at him further.

When he was out of earshot, Davey and Crutchie bursted into laughter.

"I don't think I'se ever seen Jack's face go from bein' beet red to ghost white that fast!" Crutchie said between laughs.

Davey nodded in agreement. "The best part was how flustered he got when Spot asked about his "intentions.""

Crutchie let out one last laugh before saying goodnight to Davey and headed up the stairs to sleep himself.

Davey usually stayed up late reading or researching. So, he found a book on a nearby shelf and sat down on a couch to read it.

He snickered to himself, replaying the encounter in his head before getting lost in the book he read.

(Okay, I REALLY loved writing this chapter. I laughed so much. Anyways, I've been thinking it over and I still can't decide what powers to give Spot. So I'm putting the list up again and adding one more to it:
• Flight
• Density shift {Walking through walls}
Magnokinesis {Control over metal}
Technopath {Control over technology}
Precognition {Looking into the future}
• Hologram projection
• Retractable Wings {Imagine Angel wings}
So there y'all have it! Please, please, please vote for which power/s he should have. Till we meet again, Panda out!)

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