Chapter 3

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Katherine regained consciousness thanks to her head pounding constantly.

She slowly opened her eyes, but was met by a dark room. She was sitting on a cold floor with her hands bound above her head. She pulled against the ropes with all her might, but they just wouldn't give.

"Don't bother." A voice said. She looked up to see a thin boy bound by the same rope in the opposite corner. Although it was dark, she could see his bruised eyes, bloody wrists. "I've already tried." He looked like he'd been through hell.

"H-Hello? W-Who are you?" Katherine asked in a shy and shaky voice. The boy's head popped up from where it rested against his chest. "I can't tell yous my real name. They'll be listenin'. But I can give you my nickname. It's Crutchie." He replied in a low and kind tone.

By now Katherine's eyes had adjusted to the darkness. She was able to better see him and she noticed he had a crippled foot. She swallowed the gasp that was creeping its way up her throat.

"Nice to meet you Crutchie. I'm Katherine...Plumber." She spat out the first name she thought of. He gave her a confused look. "Just like you, it's better you not know my real name." Crutchie nodded in understanding.

Loud footsteps were heard on the floor above them. "We're underground?" She asked aloud. "Yeah. It's the only place my friends can't track us." He replied.

Before Katherine could respond, a door opened and two broadly built guys walked inside. "Well well well, look who finally woke up Morris?" Oscar said strutting over to Katherine. He placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up to look at her face.

She jerked her head away. "Keep your hands off me you ape." She spat at him. Oscar in return backhanded her across the face. Katherine yelped in pain. "Aye leave her alone!" Crutchie shouted, tugging on his restraints.

Morris walked up to him. "And what are you gonna do if we don't? You're nothin' but a lousy crip!" Morris yelled as he kicked Crutchie's bad leg. He cried out in pain. Morris went back to his brother and they laughed at their prisoner's suffering.

All of a sudden, a huge gust of wind blew through the room, knocking Morris and Oscar against the wall at the far end of the room.

Katherine searched around the room for the cause of the wind, but was met by a group of boys running into the underground room.

"Crutchie, you in here?!" One of them shouted. "Yeah I'se here! An' boy am I glad to see you fellas!" Another boy with glasses strode to their friend. He lifted his glasses up and something shot from his eyes onto the rope holding Crutchie's hands up. The ropes gave way and a few others rushed forward to help their comrade stand. He winced as his bad leg landed on the hard ground.

"Crutch, did they hurt yous?" The one who seemed to be the leader inquired. "I'm fine. But we can't leave Katherine." Crutchie quickly added. All of their heads turned to where their friend was pointing.

A collective gasp was heard throughout the room. One of them quickly ran over to her and tore the ropes off. Katherine rubbed her now raw wrists. The leader who had freed her helped her up.

When she stood the world got dizzy. She started to sway and fall when two strong arms caught her and picked her up. She went limp. Their leader felt for her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when he found one. "We'se gettin' out o' here now!" He commanded as he lead the way out.

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