Chapter 4

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(A.N. Hey everyone! No I have not forgotten about this story, I've been so busy I haven't had the chance to update. I'm sure y'all are confused about everything. Fear not! Everything will be explained. Okay, note over. Enjoy!)

Jack carried the mysterious and unconscious girl named Katherine out of the underground cellar in which she and Crutchie had been kept.

He wondered why the Delancys had wanted her. What's was special about a random girl?

He continue to ponder as they made it back to their headquarters. Or as they called it, the Lodging House.

Jack strode through the front doors of the rundown old building and entered what looked like a living room. The others followed suit.

Hearing the commotion, an older boy ran downstairs with a younger one trailing after him. "Did you guys find-" the young boy stopped at the sight before him.

Jack was carrying an unconscious girl and Race, Romeo, Jojo, Henry, and Specs were aiding a bruised and beaten Crutchie.

"Jack, what happened?" The older boy asked their leader. "I'll explain everythin' Davey, but first we 'ave to make sure she's okay." He replied. Davey nodded.

He hurried upstairs and made the spare bed they had. Jack laid the girl down on it. Davey walked over to her and examined her carefully. "It looks like she's been drugged." He said finally.

Race and Jojo were bringing Crutchie to rest in his bed, but he made them walk over to the unconscious girl first.

"Crutchie, what are ya doin'? You'se supposed to be restin'." Jack said, worried for his brother.

"I'se okay Jack. I can help Katherine. Dat's her name. What's wrong wit her Dave?" He asked. "She was drugged by the looks of it. She also has a pretty nasty lump on the back of her head. I'm guessing she got knocked out by someone hitting her with something, hard." Davey concluded.

Jack fisted his hand and resisted the urge to punch the wall. How could those Delancys hurt an innocent and defenseless girl?! Oscar and Morris were the lowest form of human life. Next time he saw them, they were in for the fight of their lives.

The boys sat Crutchie down on the edge of Katherine's bed. He picked up her hand and touched her wrist. A blue glow flowed through his hands and onto Katherine's rope burns.

Suddenly, they rapidly began healing. Then he proceeded to do the same on her other wrist and on the back of her head.

Once he finished and lump was no more, a moan escaped Katherine's lips. She was beginning to come around.

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