Trouble Arises

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You ran out of your house to go play outside. Upon doing so, you were immediately greeted by Frisk. You both gave each other a big grin.

Frisk: Hi (Y/N)! Do you wanna play together?

You: Sure!

And so, you and Frisk played with each other. You finally the friend that you could finally connect with. The friend that would stick by your side no matter what.

The friend that would eventually become your lover.


Frisk slowly opened her eyes to find herself and you still on the couch. She immediately remembered last night and slowly pulled you out of her. She then got up and quickly pulled your lower garments back up. Making her way outside, Frisk held her head and groaned. She had a splitting headache and she didn't feel too good.

She made her way to Waterfall, as she usually goes there to relax due to the place's peaceful setting. Upon reaching the water's edge, she took off her boots and socks and stuck her feet into the cold water.

She expected her headache to subside but to her surprise, it didn't go away. In fact, it seemed to get worse. Frisk felt like she was going to vomit from the intense pain of headache. The headache seemed to get worse and worse and Frisk was practically writhing in pain.

Eventually, she stopped writhing and removed her hands from her head. She then opened her eyes and her abnormal glowing red eyes were revealed.

Sans was relaxing in his room when he suddenly sat up with his left eye showing a glowing blue pupil. He felt something that he only felt when Chara was around. He couldn't really explain it but what Sans did know is that he was nervous. Scared even. Sweat began to drip off his skull as he grimaced at what he was going to have to do later.

Sans: and so it begins...

He looked out his window.

Sans: she's here...

(A/N: I'm really sorry that this is extremely short but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The next chapter will be longer, I promise)

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro