Princess Embry

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Name:// Embry Celestina Dubois

Age:// 23

Status:// Crown Princess of France

Personality:// Ender can be sarcastic at times. Ender is kind person and not the person to beat around the bush. And she very self-reliant and his very Passionate has well has very Patient and Ender is Open-Mind to new judge a book by their cover has well has Wise from time to time is Adventurous and he is very witty.

Likes:// Written, Braking, Chocolate, Drawing, The Ocean, Horseback Riding, Music, Milkshakes and Cookies.

Dislikes:// Violence, Golf, Bulies, Sexist people, Greedy people

Background/History:// Embry grow up in a Castle and Her parents. Her a parents taught Celestina to Appreciate everything she have in her life with along with doing the Favorite Hobbies to Relax.

Face Claim:// Saoirse Ronan

Sexuality:// Straight

Powers:// Kinetic Energy Manipulation

Other: Know have to Play Piano and Violin taking years to Learn.

Played by JessJad135

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