Queen Madeline

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Name: Madeline Schreave
Age: 40
Status: Queen
Personality: Madeline is a kind and loving ruler, as well as mother. She never yells at her children. She always tries her best to be helpful.
Likes: Food, singing, reading, her children, her husband, her subjects
Dislikes: People who think that royals are snobs, anyone's who seeks to hurt her children, rebels
Backstory: Madeline was born into a family of threes and they always wanted her to be a teacher. At first she accepted this and trained but eventually she realized her passion for singing. When the chance to sign up for the selection arose she never thought she would win, she knew though, that when she got sent home she would have the chance to marry a two and pursue radio singing. She didn't anticipate that she would fall for the prince though, and she never thought that the prince would love her back, but he did and they got married and had eight children.
Face claim: Daniela Ruah
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Dream manipulation, the ability to induce or manipulate dreams of others.
Played by: Dark_Angel_Falls

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