Displeased much?

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Mitch's P.O.V.

"Are you hitting on me?" I ask him. "If I hit something as cute as you I'd be accused of kicking a puppy." He responds. My face flushes a deep shade of red. He grins and turns back to the table of food he was at. He picks up a knife and starts cutting what looks like pepperoni. My eyes drift down a bit and I see he has a tail. It's short and fluffy looking. It's wagging a little.

'That's adorable...' I think. My eyes widen and I process what I just thought. 'No, Mitch! Notch damnit!' I slap my hand to my face. "Ugh..." I grumble angrily. "Displeased about something?" He asks. I look up, "Displeased? That's your choice of words? Displeased." "Well... Yeah! Displeased Mitch. That's you." He replies.

"Anyway, you're the chef?" I question. "Yup! It's not all bad. Only problem is how much food that's gone over board and how complicated the cakes are." "Oh... well it's only when there's something big going on..." I respond. "Yeah, something big. Like if someone feels like having something sweet." He pauses, "But not as sweet as you." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Sh-shut up!" I stutter out. He chuckles, "Seems like someone's easily flattered!"

"What's with you and shitty pickup lines?" I ask. He shrugs and laughs, "People's reactions are hilarious and no one can tell if they're into you or not." He has a point. "Still though. What the heck?" Jerome shrugs again. I roll my eyes and walk over beside him, "Whatcha doing?" He turns his head to face me. "Take a guess." He says sarcastically.

I look down and see he actually was cutting pepperoni. "Oh... well in my defense I didn't really care." I say in a matter-of-fact tone. He cocks an eyebrow up, "Then why did you care enough to ask?" I pause. He turns back to the pepperoni and goes back to cutting it.

We stay there silently, with the quiet sound of the knife hitting the cutting board. It's a peaceful, comforting silence. I watch him and he does his chef thing. After a while he stops. "Don't you have stuff to do?" He asks me. "Other than running for my life from fangirls, no. Not today." I reply. Jerome nods and goes over to the lightbulb and turns it on. 'I guess it was just off.' I think.

He turns to face me and smiles. I take in his features. He's taller than me by possibly 3 inches and is covered in brown fur. Clothing wise he's got on a messy long sleeve shirt, jeans and a full body apron on. He's got a strong upper body figure and I've gotta admit. He's not that bad looking in the "hot damn" department.

He must notice me staring because he says, "See something you like?" I scrunch up my nose. "Ew no." I lie. Jerome chuckles and rolls his eyes. "So what're you doing down here?" He asks. "I was running away from a horde of fangirls. I jumped off of a bunch of ledges and landed on the ground. Then I decided to come down here to get something to eat and here I am." I explain. He nods. I look around the room, awkwardly.

"What's it like being a walking carpet?" I ask out of the blue. He snorts, "A walking carpet? Well, it's cool I guess. It's warm and fluffy so it's on my good side." "You've got a little tail." "It comes with the whole package." I nod slowly and rub the back of my neck.

Brice please get here faster.



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